Hearing this, Chen Qian was slightly stunned: "You just ..."

Ladios hurriedly looked away, with a look of "I don't know, don't ask me".

Obviously, this was brought up by Kapu Finfin, which had not been mentioned to Ladios before.

Chen Qian was not angry.

If it weren't for Kapufinfin, he didn't know how to solve the Darkrai affair.

Plus, it's not the first time Kapu has helped him.

It is reasonable to be reasonable, and Chen Qian should also reciprocate.

"It's okay, let's talk about how I can repay you. Chen Qian said.


"It says it needs you and your elves to help it deal with a bunch of bad guys. Ladios acted as translator.

"What kind of bad guy is it, and where is the location?"


"The culprit who caused the Lord Roar and the Toothfish to attack your ship last time, the humans are lurking on a small, uncontrolled island, far from here. Translated by Ladias.

"Okay, I've got you covered. "

Chen Qian agreed.

The reason why he is so decisive is mainly because this group of people almost buried him in the sea at the beginning, 04 should always be counted with this account, and it just so happens that this is the opportunity in front of him.

And the reason why Kapu Fin Fin has to deal with this group of people is obviously because they think they are polluting the ocean.

But then he asked, "However, with your ability, you should be able to deal with humans very easily, why do you need my help?"


"It said it had attacked the group of people, but it failed, because there was a very good trainer in the group, and when it was about to get it, it suddenly jumped out and almost injured it, but fortunately it reacted quickly, and the trainer showed a strong desire to catch it, so it needed a strong helper to avoid falling into the trap. "

"Isn't there a helper in the sea?"

"Phew. "

"It says yes, but there are very few elves in the sea who listen to it, and they are all relatively weak, and at least half of them are unable to get ashore. Latias translated this sentence in a rather frustrated tone.

Although they are legendary elves and have their own titles, they do not mean that they are kings of elves.

The fighting spirit of the wild elves is very strong, and most of them will not listen to it at will because of the Kapu fins.

What's more, Kapu Fin is naturally kind in heart and does not like to use force, and the number of elves in the sea is huge, and the more the number is, the more it is, the more it is, the quality. Fighting in the sea, the water system moves are basically useless, the strength of Kapu's fins has been cut by almost half, and it is unwilling to do anything to the elves in the sea, so wanting most of the elf races to listen to its orders is tantamount to whimsy.

Therefore, there are not many elves that Kapu Fin can send.

If you want to change to a domineering elf like Guraton, Cracked Sky, and Mewtwo, then you can "lead the army"

"I see. "


"It said that since it was going to help, without further ado, at once," Ladios translated the sentence with some excitement, and it seemed interested.

"It's okay to act now, but I have a request. "

"Phew. "

"It asks what to ask. "

"The whole operation is under my command. "

Hearing Chen Qian's words, Ka Pu fin hesitated for a few seconds before nodding in agreement.

Then, just as Chen Qian was about to set off with him, Darkrai, who fell to the ground unconscious, suddenly moved.

Its body twitched twice, and then it opened its eyes, as if in a somewhat delirious manner, looking at everything around it, and there was confusion in its eyes.

All the elves' eyes fell on it, except for Kapu Fin and Ladios, who showed very wary eyes.

Half a minute later, Darkrai's eyes regained clarity.

It wasn't as manic as before, and it didn't show any intent to attack, it first nodded slightly at Kapu's fins, probably to show gratitude, and then its gaze fell on Chen Gan.

Immediately after, a hoarse and gender-indistinguishable voice sounded in Chen Gan's mind: "Human beings." "

Apparently, the voice came from Darkrai's telepathy.

"I'm so sorry for what happened before, it wasn't intentional, I remember everything, but I can't control myself," Darkrai apologized, "Thank you very much for taking the trouble to bring me back to my senses, I was tormented during that time, and I am afraid I would still be in pain without you." "

Hearing this, Chen Qian said quite calmly: "No need to apologize, no need to thank, anyway, I have already captured you, no matter how much you say, I will not let you go, I will help you recover your sanity just to tame you." "


Darkrai didn't expect Chen Qian to be so straightforward and fell into a short silence.

Then, it seemed to figure it out, and there was a look of relief in its eyes: "Anyway, I don't have any pursuits, nor any hobbies, except for sleeping and wandering aimlessly." And following you may also give me some fun. "

As it said this, it glanced at Latias, who was stealing energy cubes, intentionally or unintentionally.

Apparently Ladias is a prime example of this.

"Besides, there's something I have to tell you. Darkrai added.

"You say. "

"Accept me, and you may attract the hostility of Cresalia. "

"I know. "

Chen Qian was not surprised.

Creselia is commonly known as the god of dreams.

According to information learned in previous lives, Creselia and Darkrai are in a hostile relationship.

After all, judging from the words "nightmare" and "sweet dream", it is clear that the fate of the two rivals is doomed.

Like Guraton and Gaioca, the earth and the sea.

"You know Cresalia?" said Darkrai, a little surprised.

"Well, you're a nightmare, it's a sweet dream. "

"Well, since you know, I won't say much about it, just remind you that sooner or later it will find you in 433 days, and perhaps that day will come soon. "

"Huh?" This time it was Chen Qian's turn to be surprised.

"Looks like you don't know this, so I'll tell you by the way. I slept mainly to avoid the pursuit of Cresalia. Although I don't want to be its enemy, it has a deep grudge against me, and all it does every day is to search the world for my traces, and now that I am awake, it will surely detect my presence and find you sooner or later. "

"And what happens if it finds me and makes sure I've subdued you?"

"It's pretty unreasonable, and I think there's a good chance it'll attack you first. "

Hearing this, Chen Qian pondered for a few seconds: "I suddenly feel that it is not a good thing to subdue you." "

Darkrai shrugged, "Human, it's too late for you to let me go now." "

"Although it is a risk to keep you, I will not just let go, the soldiers will block the water and cover the earth, if it really finds me one day, then I will take it in by the way, and be a companion for you. Chen Qian grinned.

"You human—" Darkrai shook his head, helpless.


The Kapu fin next to him urged.

Chen Qian immediately took Darkrai and the other elves back into the Poké Ball, leaving Latias alone, and letting it maintain its Mega Evolved form, riding on its back.

"Alright, let's go. "_

Fei Lu reminds you: three things to read - collection

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