Chapter 1408

Silent forest.

This is a vast forest deep in the Black Forest.

Underneath the lush forests of the entire dark forest, the densely packed, almost packed with these powerful monsters, which are usually dominated by the kings. On the periphery of them, there are a number of ordinary jungle wild beasts and raptors that are hundreds of times larger than monsters, as well as a wide variety of countless herbivorous beasts and small-type creatures of Insect and spiders…

Their variety and complexity are far beyond the imagination of outsiders.

From the sky, the wind eagle, the gale eagle, the chimera, the Wyvern, the razor wild boar running to the ground, the Armored Rhino, the violent scorpion, the Earth Savage Bear, the bizarre singular Purple Insect, the Vampire spider, the Fermi ant, and The main continent has been extinct raccoons, sharks, lions, lions…

It is responsible to say that the magic creatures described in “Monster” can be found here, and there are even many Variation varieties that have not been included.

Today, even if an Adept Scholar, who is proficient in monster studies, is present, it is difficult to identify their race, origin and category one by one.

Usually, these guys are hidden in the dark and deep forests, with their own fixed area and hunting area, and rarely travel long distances and break into other creature territory. But today, under the constraints of a strange strength, they suppress their own nature, suppress the urge to hunt, and lie in this forest, waiting for the orders of the forest kings.

In the center of the forest surrounded by many monsters, three different forms of forest kings with a violent violent atmosphere are gathering together to discuss the offensive issues.

In the southeast corner of this little camp, a large group of birds, Sorceress, entangled.

The bird body Sorceress is a large-type monster kingdom in the Black Forest. Most of the members of the group are gray bird feathers, which are ugly and ugly, and have far more bird characteristics than human characteristics. Only those individuals after the Variation will fade the feathers on the torso and only retain some blue bird feathers at the joints, underarms and at the ends of some limbs.

These birds, Sorceress, who are present today are obviously well-know figures in the kingdom. The skin they expose is white and delicate, the body is delicate, the chest is full and bulging, and the face is also exquisite and perfect. The only remaining ethnic features are the scarlet-eyed eyelids, the sharp-edged fingers and the blue wings behind them.

As a wake-up of Elemental Power’s Caster, most of the birds’ Sorceress’s body is surrounded by striking Wind Element and Ray elements. When such a large group of Casters gather together, the magical force of the mountain cry out and sea howl can even evoke the magical energy of the Black Forest.

Among them, there is a beautiful woman who is covered with a red robe and reveals an elegant and noble posture.

Her posture is unusually tall and delicate, and her appearance is also very charming. In terms of appearance, putting mortal World can also cause quite a stir. But inside the purple cicada, which depicts a strong black eye shadow, it flashes the wild and cruel eyes of the wild monster.

More importantly, this beautiful woman who combines the feminine feminine and the monster’s savage features wears a small and delicate crystal crown.

She turned out to be a queen of birds with Fourth Grade Intermediate Level strength!

It stands to reason that with the strength of the Fourth Grade Intermediate Level, the Queen of the Birds Floch is not qualified to be the king of the Black Forest. But considering the sheer number of Caster in the bird Witch Queen and the amazing number of fighters in the group, the three kings of the forest have only had a place for her.

On the east side of the camp, there is a lone float like a jellyfish. Its body is about the same size as a rhinoceros, floating in the semi-high altitude of ten meters off the ground, dragging thousands of strange silky long beards underneath.

This jellyfish-like monster body is translucent, filled with light blue viscous liquid, emitting dizzying and strange light waves from time to time in the dark and dark forest.

And this monster is alone with the other two forest kings alone, and does not fall in the momentum. Even when the bird’s lord Filoch’s gaze falls on its weird and sinister body, it reveals a hint of jealousy and vigilance.

As for the third forest king, it is a huge war bear that is covered with white hair.

It is up to five meters, but it sits on a stump like a personal one, forks its legs, and has a huge pipe in its mouth, which is screaming in the face of a smile.

On top of its body, it is covered with a simple and rough metal armor, which only covers the front chest, back and two ribs, and other parts are still exposed. And on its head, it is evenly skewed with a metal helmet. Look at the thick and solid look, it seems to be made of star-shaped iron in the depths of the Black Forest.

The three parties are also well-deserved king-level powerful monsters in the western part of the Black Forest. They can be said to be the jungle overlords who dare not provoke in their respective ruling areas.

Now, they are finally gathered here under the tidal wave of magic force, and they begin to discuss how to launch a formal attack on human gatherings.

The dark forest is already on the edge of the western part of the Black Forest. From here, there is no more than 100 10 li to enter the human territory of the Adept Continent Central area. It is said that in order to prevent their impact, human Adept has built a tall Magic Tower on the edge of the forest and built a dozen war towers.

In the face of this form, the three Western Kings did not worry about the expression of fear. Instead, they discussed more about the spoils of war segmentation after the Adept line.

“Adept … we just want Adept!” The crystal scepter in the hands of the Queen of the Birds Floch, singularly singularly sings: “When fighting, you better light your hands, don’t put those human Adept Killed. We need to live Adept, the stronger the better. If you catch the live Adept, we can exchange them with dark crystal and Garo fruit!”

“Garo is a good thing, and the sweet taste I haven’t forgotten yet.” The white war bear’s face showed a humanized grin, spit out a thick smoke circle, and said: “Do not worry, When I meet those human Adept, I try to use less force. But the human force of the human Adept magic force crystal, I have to dare to grab it with me, hehe, don’t blame my fist does not recognize people…”

“Well, this is also good! Filoch wants human Adept, what you want is magic force crystal, I want the human soul…jié jié jié, so that everyone does not have to fight each other, they are happy!” The jellyfish The monster has no mouth and is completely communicating with the other two in the language of Spirit.

“Since it is settled, then attack it quickly!” The white war bears put away the pipe, and the person stood up and snarled: “The little scorpions have been here for a long time. Once the fierceness comes, I am afraid the whole beast The team is in chaos.”

“Alright, then…” The jellyfish-like monster said half of it, and the squatting abruptly stopped. The flocculent body slightly turned around, and the thousands of filamentous flesh attached to the body had to be raised at the same time, pointing to the northeast sky.

There, a ring of inexplicable thunder came.

This is a kind of singular volatility from the level of World natural law. Ordinary creatures are simply undetectable. Only their own powers that touch their natural law or law level are eligible to embed Spiritual Force in illusory’s World natural law. , read the correct information from the inside.

However, the three Spiritual Force just sneaked into the plane Void, and at the moment of touching the World natural law, a word of ‘rolling’ filled with hot and violent rushed into their hearts.

Under the circumstance, the bird’s empress Filo snorted, and a mouthful of blood spurted out. The flaming robe of her body also ignited a flame, and there was a tendency of incarnation fire sea to violently ignite.

The Sorceresses, the bird that surrounds her side, are screaming, or rushing over to protect the Queen, or ascending to the sky to find the strange sneak attacker. The rest of them condense the power of the wind, quickly suppressing the strange flame of Filoch.

“Don’t touch the flames…send them to me!” A group of people didn’t know how to be good, but Filosh was able to detect the horror of the golden flame with his keen intuition.

She slammed the most cherished flaming robe and turned to flicker out of 100 meters. When the force of the winds of many of them collided with the burning feather robes, it suddenly exploded into a huge flame.

The three unavoidable birds, Sorceress, were affected by the flames, and the body and hair began to burn. However, no matter how they beat and magic force scouring, it did not help, but the magic force that gathered together turned out to be the nourishment of golden flame burning, and the fire group became bigger and more fierce.

The three Second Grade bird snakes, Sorceress, used only a dozen fingers, and were burned to death by the golden fire, turning into a black ash.

The rest of the bird witch knows the terrifying of the golden flame, and no longer dares to add fuel to the fire, fleeing into the distance, away from all the burning fire.

While Firoshi had a devastating loss, the white war bear did not ask for a bargain.

It’s hard skin and strong flesh, and it’s easy to smash the burning will from the natural law. I saw that it stood up, a heavy chest, a red flame flow from the nose, and instantly turned the grass in front of it into an ashes.

However, the Inextinguishable Flame is so easy to dispel!

The white war bear lifted the wide and majestic right paw, looking silly at a tiny fire burning in the palm of his hand. It has tried many times, exhausted all kinds of methods and methods, but it has never been able to make this cockroach seem weak, and the little flame that has been blown out has not disappeared.

Can’t use magic energy!

The use of magical energy, just like the oil in the fire, will only make it stronger. But without magical energy, is it annihilated by hand?

The white bear bears the two palms of the left hand and sticks out two thick claws, precisely annihilating in the center of the flame. After a while, let go, the small flame is still burning quietly.

The center of the flame seems to have been rooted in its soul. As long as its soul fire does not go out, this small flame will never go out!

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