Chapter 1407

Central now has a total of fifteen Fourth Grade Adept, while only ten are present.

This means that there are five Fourth Grade Adept not at all to come here to participate in the war.

A simple look at everyone, Grim solemnly asked: “Milva, Mira, Ariza, Roderick and Ashton, why didn’t they arrive here?”

Although the words are light, there is a bit of blame for the words.

Alfred whispered a step forward and explained: “I told Milwa before I came, but his Annemdo Institute seems to have something wrong and is currently fighting with Underground World. So I can’t get out of here!”

“Underground World…” Grim indulged.

Underground World actually refers to a group of dark creatures that are parasitic in the endless caves under Adept Continent. Although there are scarce resources and scarce food and population, it still maintains a complete and uninterrupted creature system.

For surface humans and Adepts, these underground creatures are a group of Monsters that are simply unreasonable. Every once in a while, Underground World has accumulated a certain amount of strength, and can’t wait to rush out of the darkness and rush to the surface to plunder.

In view of this, the explosion of the magic wave stimulated these underground creatures, letting them think that the Surface Adept had been ignored by the magic tide, so they ran out to fight the autumn wind.

The Annemdo Institute has had a lot of overlap with Underground World in the past, so it’s no surprise that the underground riot will affect them.

Grim nodded, said: “What about the four of them?”

The answer to this time was Melting Fire City Lord Alfred, who shook his head: “Just a few times ago, there was a massive monster gathering in the Black Forest near the Manso Family in Arisa. It is said that the number has reached tens of millions. There are also many monster grades of the Fourth Grade. So Mila and Roderick are rushing to help!”

Tens of millions… That’s probably the size of the big beast!

It’s no wonder that several Adept Family Patriarchs are too busy to deal with, and there is no room for a big gap here.

“So what about Ashton?”

“I seem to know this!” Clara Sorceress stood up with a wry smile: “A secondary plane under Ashton’s hand seems to have been invaded by aliens, where he is fighting for plane control…”

I have to say that the Fourth Grade Adept of Continent Central has a good relationship and a bad relationship. The relationship between them is complicated. If Grim didn’t shake the strength of the witches, I am afraid that it would be a shame to reconcile the contradictions between each other.

This world is really full of war, the smoke is everywhere, almost the entire Continent Central can not find a pure land.

Grim dashing eyebrows gradually cocked, and the black eyelids were filled with dark red light.

Finally, he furiously shouted: “I, Grim, vowed here, during the magic tide, who dared to invade Continent Central, kill without mercy!”


When it comes to the last word, Grim has a spring thunder and anger. This ‘rolling’ word is like a blue sky, swaying between the high clouds and rolling.

The impermanence of the imperfections between the words rippled out like a ripple, instantly smashing all the clouds in the line of sight, letting the whole sky suddenly clear, revealing the blue sky of the blue sky.

This whole paragraph, Grim said, powerful, showing off one’s ability.

In particular, the last sentence is directly embedded in the flame natural law, and spread quickly through every corner of Adept World with the help of the weak and clear rhythm of World natural law.

This is Grim’s first World Wide, and his first anry roar to the whole World. Of course, such information can only be received by powerhouses that reach a certain level and can touch the Plane Principle level.

As for Adept World’s ordinary person, there is no qualification to hear Grim’s anger roar!


Adept World’s sky began to scream like a thunderous roar.

But eyes closed, but often can’t hear anything.

Black Abyss Valley.

A world war is going on near the exit of the valley.

A large number of monsters driven by the Disaster Creature rushed out of the fog, and they were smothering with the defensive posture and the association Adepts stationed here.

The sky is purple black.

The earth was devastated, and there were monsters lying across the vertical.

Guys who can break into Adept World are not good at them. They are either large, hard skin and strong flesh impact; they are petite and have different racial abilities… Either way, for the association Adept It is very deadly.

To date, the Adept Association has lost more than twenty of its high rank Adept and hundreds of low rank Adept lives in order to block the monsters in the Black Abyss Valley.

Even so, there is still no attack on the Disaster lords.

As the battle progressed, the number and ranks of monsters and Disaster Creatures emerging from the depths of Black Abyss Valley were also rapidly increasing. Almost every day, 3, Fourth Grade terrifying Monster ran out and smashed the association’s war Magic Tower, impacting the rear Adept Tower.

The Magic Tower on the edge of the valley, from reversal to reconstruction, from reconstruction to reversal… The death cycle has been dozens of times.

If it is not the strength and resources of the Adept Association, I am afraid that it will be mad by such blood-cutting!

In order to prevent the Disaster lord from impacting the Adept Tower, the Adept Association tried to recall three of the five superpowerhouses and let them take turns to sit on the front line to avoid the collapse of the front line.

However, this is the time when the superpowerhouse Gloria guarded the Black Abyss Valley!

Gloria just smashed the head of a raging violent bear with a smoky, roaring, screaming, and smashing the head of a violent bear. She was standing on the battlefield while she was standing down. Uncertainly examining the dark sky.

There was a thunder, and a screaming roar rang through the sky.

All monsters, Disaster Creatures, and high rank Adept on the battlefield stopped their movements, and they turned to look southwest.

Most of the monsters and the low rank Adept are ignorant, faintly aware of what seems strange change there, but no knowledge of the source and content of the change. Only the Disaster Creature and the high rank Adept embed the mind into the Plane Principle before interpreting the information contained therein.


It’s such a simple word, but it is impregnated with a violent will.

Gloria slowly experienced the taste and vaguely felt a familiar taste.

It is him…the Central Sorcerer!

He… Has he been able to incite World natural law? !

Damn bastard, the last time he played against him, he could only touch the law level. How many years have been ‘breaking up’, he has been able to embed his will into World natural law, so that natural law strength becomes his megaphone…

This… is too incredible!

Gloria thought faintly.

At this time, a violent dragon beast that apparently lost its dangerous intuition rushed over the steps of the earth quaking and mountains shaking.

Gloria, who was disturbed by his thoughts, was instantly furious, and the face of the purg light wrapped flashed a stern color. The shape of the electric shot, turned into a purple light around the raging dragon snake.

In the next second, the violent dragon snake with the Third Grade Advanced Level strength bursts into the blood, and the three large and three small faucets are silently broken, and they slammed into the ground and never moved again.

Soon, the sticky blood that overflowed from it was gathered into a small lake underneath. And its life smell quickly disappeared with the wind.

In the corner of the battlefield, a multi-armed giant with only five meters of high-level feet also hears the strange information from afar.

The sound of ‘rolling’, although somewhat derogated from its skin, but the way of sensing the other party’s message and the method, the face of this multi-armed giant is gradually ugly.

The breath of natural law… How could it be the breath of natural law? Is there a powerhouse in the Adept World that goes beyond Fourth Grade? If this guess is true, then a few of them, Disaster lord, want to invade Adept World and become a bit dangerous.

Their ontology has the strength of Fifth Grade Sixth Grade, but after breaking into the interior of Adept World, it is suppressed to the level of Fourth Grade Peak. Although they rely on the power of the ontology and unparalleled combat killing skills, even if faced with this plane’s super powerhouse can have the advantage of combat power, but once the super-scale creature is encountered, it is life-threatening.

Fortunately, the other party seems to be in Continent Central, and they have 108,000 li in Continent Eastern. As a result, the chances of encountering this ‘guy’ will be much smaller.

It seems that we need to find a ‘five-sided’ to discuss the follow-up offensive issues. The Continent Central has a super-powerhouse guardian, can not provoke or not provoke.

With this in mind, the multi-armed giant waved the Disaster Creatures that followed the side to continue the attack, and it turned back and re-drilled back into the depths of the valley.

The entire battlefield broke out again with a bloody battle!


Silver Union, Diviners Tower.

The Tower Lord, who is in a robes, still stands on a small, dangerous aerial platform.

He silently opened his arms and listened to the sound from the natural law level, whispering in a mad and intoxicating manner.

“natural law controller… I don’t think Adept World has a more natural law controller! From his performance, I am afraid that it will become a new Great Adept in another hundred years… Great Adept, Great Adept, that’s it. Super off the plane restraint, the terrifying powerhouse that can be rampant in the multiverse!”

“Listen, everyone listens, this is the natural law controller’s angry roar to this world… How beautiful, how intoxicating… This is the ultimate that planet creature can achieve… ”

In every corner of the Diviners Tower, all Secret Book Scholar put down the quill, lifted the tired and lost face, and silently listened to the sound from the far side of the plane.

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