Chapter 1369

Within the Witchcraft Chamber, Grim is sitting silently.

A beautifully-skinned leather coat fully reveals his sturdy figure. The Fire Dragon skin, which has been made by a variety of special techniques, has no previous coolness of the flames, and the hidden strength has become more awkward. Introverted.

Looking at it from a blink of an eye, it is difficult for ordinary people to perceive the existence of flame energy from the leather. Even the flame of the overflowing Grim body converges a bit, and the whole person becomes ordinary and simple.

Grim’s had the Filthy Dark Book in front of him, and he didn’t need to turn pages. The thick tenacious pages were windless and automatic, and his heart oh la la flipped. Whenever Grim thinks of a Witchcraft or a sorcerer array, the Filthy Dark Book automatically rolls over to that page, waiting quietly for his reading.

The predecessor of Filthy Dark Book, Wisdom Scripture, is a favorite of Caster!

It stores almost everything from magical, Witchcraft, sorcerer, Divine Spell, Arcane and many other casting magic systems. In short, there is nothing you can’t think of, and there is absolutely nothing that it can’t find.

This is actually the most powerful place in the Filthy Dark Book.

It is not a weapon for combat at all, but a treasure trove of knowledge with powerful auxiliary skills!

But the headache is that Grim is not the previous owner of Wisdom Scripture, but forcibly swallowed up the Wisdom Scripture with his Soul Equipment. Therefore, Grim has not had the freedom to read the contents of the Filmy Dark Book until now.

Every time you open the Filthy Dark Book and look at the same content, the relevant knowledge presented inside is different. Like a broken piece, Grim sees only a small part of a high rank knowledge puzzle every time. In order to get the full content, you can only continually sacrifice your own Spiritual Force to acquire pieces of knowledge piece by piece.

Some knowledge fragments are of high value, while others are purely meaningless nonsense. Therefore, if you want to obtain valuable content, you can only continue to sacrifice, constantly slamming luck, constantly accumulating and splicing…

At some point, when the pieces of knowledge he acquired are sufficiently complete, it is possible to piece together the original appearance of the high rank knowledge!

So, as long as it’s a leisure time and no foreign affairs, one of Grim’s favorite things to do is pick up the Filthy Dark Book and see if luck is good today, and if you can get some valuable content.

Today, he is obviously lucky!

The Filthy Dark Book lay flat in front of it, and a little purple glow was wrapped in a transparent bubble floating quietly above the page. As Grim sacrificed the 1 Point Spiritual Force, the Filthy Dark Book oh la la began to flip quickly and eventually stayed on a certain page.

This is the way Grim has just explored using the Filthy Dark Book.

If you sacrifice Spiritual Force to an item, Filthy Dark Book will automatically identify and display the basic characteristics and related information of the item. The amount of Spiritual Force sacrificed also determines the level of information obtained.

He is now up to the 44 point of Spiritual Force. It is really nothing to sacrifice. It only takes half an hour of meditation to recover.

So, with the input of 1 Point Spiritual Force, Grim felt a tingling sensation in his mind and felt that his Spiritual Force was intercepted by the Filthy Dark Book.

Immediately, a short line of words appeared on the expanded page.

“…Power of Faith…”

Four words… Own sacrifice 1 Point Spiritual Force only got the response of the four words of Filthy Dark Book?

At this moment, Grim couldn’t believe his eyes.

1 Point Spiritual Force does not sound like much, but it is a Fourth Grade Intermediate Level Legendary Fire Sorcerer’s 1 Point Spiritual Force. If converted to flame Witchcraft, it means 8 Fireball Spell (First Grade), 4 Lava Fireball (Second Grade), 2 violent fireball (Third Grade) and 1/2 blazing fireball (Fourth Grade)… …

If you use this 1 Point Spiritual Force on the battlefield, it means you can clean up a quaint army of two or three hundred people armed with anti-magic equipment.

But this powerful 1 point Spiritual Force is used to query the purple glow history, but only got a four-word response from the Filthy Dark Book area… Grim was a little scared.

The only explanation for this is that the origin of the purple glow is not simple, and it is likely to involve the super-order Sorcerer Artifact in the hands of Gloria Sorceress. Therefore, Filthy Dark Book will adjust this part of the information so high that Grim feels secretly surprised.

However, if the other party’s information is worth ‘money’, the help for Grim’s will be bigger!

Therefore, after a slight slowdown, Grim sacrificed the 8 Point Spiritual Force for the second time.

8 Point Spiritual Force is equivalent to Grim’s own 1/5 Spirit energy. Once you extract so much, even he himself needs to feel like a hole in his brain. Oh la la’s outward flow * .

A moment later, the pages of the Fillhy Dark Book flipped, and after a pause, a blank page slowly appeared a few lines of short text.

“This substance belongs to a Variation of Power of Faith. It is a fusion of tempering Witchcraft energy and a powerful spiritual will. The strength attribute is no attribute energy and can be regarded as ‘physical attack ‘…”

After reading this information, Grim scratched his head.

After paying such a big price, I sacrificed 8 Point Spiritual Force, and I got all the information he already knew… This… This time the sacrifice is too embarrassing!

Thinking of this, Grim couldn’t help but bite his teeth, and Spirit once again connected to the Filthy Dark Book, and directly sacrificed 20 points.

20 point… This is equivalent to cutting off nearly half of Grim’s Spiritual Force in a split second.

Then, the order of the sacrifice was just arrived, and Grim screamed, and the hands of the boss had not returned to God for a long time.

After all is a person, not a machine, not a pastry, how much to cut if you want to eat. People are flesh and blood, and Spirit has its own vulnerability.

If it is above the battlefield, the smooth output of Spiritual Force is used to ignite the free magical energy in the space, thus inspiring a powerful Witchcraft. This process is gentle and gradual, so the Grim’s Spirit backlash is within acceptable limits.

Now, in a moment, nearly half of the Spiritual Force is taken away. If Grim is not tenacious enough for Spiritual Force, I am afraid that this moment will inevitably fall into dizziness or Spirit exhaustion status.

After a long time, Grim broke away from dizziness and reluctantly saw the fragments of knowledge projected by the Filthy Dark Book.

“Item Name: The kind of belief

Item Class : Variation of Power of Faith

Item Attribute : no attribute energy

Item Source: Witchcraft energy after tempering and powerful spiritual will merge

Specific analysis results: The strength is derived from a Fourth Grade Peak-level living body and is initially estimated to be an Adept World member. It is constantly tempering the life energy of the body, and it is condensed into its own unique Witchcraft energy, and then combined with its own belief strength under the traction of special strength, it becomes a powerful belief.

The belief is immersed in the violent physical body strength and the belief of the host ‘no stronghold one cannot overcome’. After being stimulated, it can exist in the form of strength, absorb the free magic energy or the scattered of the target life. The energy enriches itself and increases the strength of the strength burst.

Note that this kind of belief can be controlled by the host Spiritual Consciousness within a certain range due to the inclusion of the host’s spiritual will. Its specific external manifestations are strength directional burst, delayed burst, energy resonance, etc…

The strength attribute of the belief itself is no attribute energy, and the external representation is ‘physical attack’. The color of this belief is purple and black, which incorporates the strength of the Fifth Grade energy weapon. The initial estimate is…strength gems! ”

The densely packed intelligence information flow into a stream of Grim’s mind, which is then stored by the chip and then analyzed in a targeted manner.

The purple glow’s strength source is Gloria’s own life energy, which incorporates her Witchcraft energy to enhance its formidable power, and then incorporates her own Spirit belief. This creates the kind of unique and unmatched belief, a special form of strength!

The most important thing for Grim to pay attention to is the Fifth Grade item that contributed to all of this.

Strength Gems… What is this? It seems that I have never heard of this item. Is it also an artifact or unique item from a different plane?

Although the Filthy Dark Book not at all gives specific information about the item of the jewel, but with this name, Grim has a clear direction and goal to dig deeper into the information.

But today it is obviously not good!

It has sacrificed 29 Point Spiritual Force, which is also a big burden for Grim. Although he completed the energyization of the body and Spirit, the preservation of flesh and blood made him still have human defects.

On the battlefield, he can evade terrifying physical strikes through energy body transformation and strength projection. But in daily life, he still has to endure the inconvenience caused by the human body.

The human body is really too weak compared to other magical creatures!

The eating system is complicated, the digestion system is backward, the breathing system is fragile, Skeleton is too slender, and the blood vessels are lacking in necessary protection. The two together can’t support the too large body, and the body within the body lacks effective energy storage. organ……

When it comes to the human body, Jane is always a slot, and there are defects everywhere.

This means that normal humans can only exist as a plane creature, relying heavily on a stable and gentle plane environment, and have no ability to cross the plane space.

The Adept group can rely on the human race to get out of this ‘small and crowded’ space, stepping through the multiverse, relying on the existence of knowledge inheritance and extraordinary strength.

If you can’t ignite the strength of the outside world, relying on the energy stored by Adept itself, then Adept’s power will be reduced by ten times, or even hundreds of times!

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