Chapter 1368

For half an hour, Kesuna flew out of the nightmare castle and headed for the north.

Looking at the silhouette of the other side, Grim expression is dignified and bows down.

“How is it that the conditions proposed by the other party are difficult to accept?” Mary was not involved in the ‘negotiation’ because of the heavy injury.

After a quick treatment, after eating enough blood food, the wound on Mary’s surface has been swept away, and the previous gorgeous and charming again.

This is also the most awesome and headache of the vampire family!

However, the ‘repercussions’ of the previous wars still did not fade. In the Mary’s Four Limbs, you can see the purple smoke clusters everywhere. As long as the purple smoke group exists, the ethnic innate talent of Mary Vampire’s self-treatment is never available.

The body that has just been repaired within the body, can hear a slight banging sound everywhere, that is the sound of the repaired body being crushed and destroyed by the Variation energy again.

The instinct of the body repairs the incompleteness and damage of the body, which can be repaired and crushed by the Variation energy. This time, the sawing and reciprocating, the pain that brought Mary’s only she could understand.

Even so, Mary was still smiling, and she couldn’t see from her appearance that the body had been flesh and blood, and Skeleton burst!

Grim took his eyes back, but when he fell on Mary, there was a distressed expression, and warned repeated: “The most dangerous threshold has passed, and you shouldn’t worry about the things behind, concentrate on healing your body!” I have extracted a part of this weird purple energy, and when I have researched a result, I can get rid of their influence for you. Before that, you can sleep in the blood for a while and slow down the pain…”

“The situation is not stable yet. The guys around are also glare like a tiger watching his prey. I will bear it for a long time…” Mary’s rare calm today is a direct indication of their current status.

When the Gloria showed strength in the two men, Kesuna and the Stephen chose to show up and push them back. The result is both sides suffer, Grim and Mary are actually exhausted and wounded, and the Gloria will not be good, otherwise it will not be so happy to withdraw from the battlefield.

After the war, Grim and Mary were both seriously injured, but they could only be slightly damaged. Once the news of their serious injuries passed, who the hell knows those Central squads who were forced to squash would make a moth.

Grim has made up his mind. At this moment, if those Central squad are no longer safe, when he slows down this tone, he will use his most cruel and bloody method to eradicate his family. Warn others from the following bad Examples.

But before that, he could only bear it… tolerate the injury from Mary and tolerate the Constitution and Spiritual Force that he had fallen. At that time, the two of them together, Central became his bag, and no one dared to hit the door as it is now.

Before rushing into the Chamber of Secrets, Grim used Crimson Patriarch’s authority to pass Meryl and Emelia a list of resources.

After the battle, the nightmare castle was considered to be half-destroyed. More than half of the outbuildings collapsed. Even the 5-Layer Castle of Host’s Body was opened with several large holes, and all the hidden secrets were undoubted.

In the past, when Fried was built this castle, the most considered is the castle’s sturdiness and anti-magic. Therefore, the Castle’s Host’s Body is mostly made of steel rock and obsidian. Now that the castle has become Mary’s nest, the sturdiness is no longer so important, but the fit with the blood attribute energy rises to the top priority.

Therefore, Grim lists a long list of resources, topped by bloodstone, a special material that is highly compatible with the blood attribute energy. And the amount behind this material, Grim gives is also a staggering number: 27 tons.

This is already the minimum amount that the chip can calculate after calculation. If it is less, the repaired Nightmare Castle will lose the strange effect that Grim expects.

Although bloodstone is not as rare as Void Stone and breeding flowers, the amount of horror up to 27 tons is converted into Magic Crystal, which is probably enough to drag down most of the Fourth Grade Adept.

If it weren’t for the Crimson family, it would be hot in Continent Central at this moment, and it has already jumped into the first family that is well-deserved. It is only a step away from becoming a super family. I am afraid that it is difficult to make such an amazing amount of bloodstone by selling iron.

If you don’t have enough family, you can go to other families to collect. After the entire Central family has finished collecting, it’s not enough to go to the surrounding forces to buy it… This kind of cumbersome and arguing will naturally have subordinates to do the work. Grim only needs accurate calculation to evaluate the family. After the strength, you can ask for it.

After the fear of the big families, the Crimson family has never asked for any excessive and demanding requirements. If all the rules are the same, what is the significance of the Crimson family integration Central? At this moment, with the help of collecting bloodstones, it is possible to test and understand the acceptance level of the Crimson family by the major families.

The major Four Grade forces themselves are Continent Central’s first-class Adept Family. They used to be self-contained, freely accustomed to it, and never accepted the control and domination of another Adept Family. Therefore, anger, quarrels and wrangling are always difficult to avoid. The key is how much they are willing to pay for this superficial peace.

This is actually what Grim wants to know and test out!

All the customs and chores were handed over to the Crimson family, and Grim immediately escaped from the secret room with the slightest hesitation and began to carefully examine the strange purple energy.

This is a well-preserved Witchcraft Chamber.

In the center of the chamber, there are several slow-moving mysterious sorcerer arrays, all of which have been specially modified and blessed by the sorcerer array.

In the center of each sorcerer array, there is a little purple glow drifting in the fast.

They seem to have their own ingenuity, able to constantly absorb the free magical energy in the surrounding Void to enrich themselves, and have the ingenious creature-like offensive and defense instinctive reactions.

Therefore, Grim’s transformation of these sorcerer array completely isolates the internal and external energy circulation, and also makes these purple glow lose the opportunity to strengthen and enrich themselves.

In addition, the sorcerer array also isolates the purple glow from the body of the soul, thus losing the control of the body, the purple glow is abnormally stunned, just in the rune light array, it seems to be looking for escape. Way out.

“Chip, are there any attributes that detect these energies? What exactly are they?” Grim whispered.

*Beep*, the test is done…”

“This energy body is a Variation generated by the combination of life energy and belief will. The basic attribute is a strong strength…”

“Strong strength?” Grim indulged: “This is in line with the strength characteristics of the Gloria battle! You continue…”

“Because the strength is generated when the strength is generated, they are still controlled by the ontological will, although they are separated from the ontology…”

Grim couldn’t help but sucked in a cold breath: “Does this mean that Gloria can still control their subsequent attacks after sending strength to the enemy with the body?”

“Yes! Variation energy is still completely controlled by the ontology without being away from the ontology 1000 meters, and there is no time delay and lag due to the insensibility of thinking. But this will belief can be isolated and weakened by Witchcraft energy. As for the specific effects, depending on the level of the two sides and the strength gap…”

After listening to the analysis of the chip, Grim couldn’t help but see it.

This method of combining its own life energy and spiritual will into a powerful strength belongs to the privilege of Close-Combat Sorcerer, whose ‘half Natural Law Adept’ is obviously difficult to use.

However, if you can summarize such a method, it is quite suitable for Mary’s!

Mary has the ability to control the blood itself. If she gets this strange way of using her strength, there will definitely be no improvement in her own combat power.

Now that you know that the purple glow is a combination of life energy and spiritual will, Grim will always have a way to split them apart. But even if the control of faith is lost, this simple life energy has great research value for Grim.

He has not investigated what exactly the super-order Sorcerer Artifact that Gloria has in his hands. Perhaps he can solve his puzzles by studying his life energy, at least let him figure out which pedigree the magical characteristics of the other Sorcerer Artifact belong to. Which kind…

Don’t underestimate this little bit of information. When it accumulates a lot, it always looks for the weakness of the Gloria Sorceress.

To be honest, playing so arrogantly, being so fiercely oppressed by others, this is the first time Grim has ever been!

As long as he is allowed to survive this difficult period, as long as he is asked to find loopholes in the enemy, Grim does not mind using the most sturdy method to counter the enemy.

Especially the Gloria… It’s time to let her know about Central Adept!

In the battle of the super powerhouse in the nightmare castle, there are not many people in Continent Central who know this. And all the guys who knew it chose to talk nonsense and silently assessed the impact of the incident.

First of all, it affects the hearts of the people!

Once again, the dimensionality strike from the Adept Association did not get the expected results.

The super powerhouse came and went, and the Grim was still alive and kicking in the nightmare castle, and the embers sent messengers to the various Adept Family to collect a large number of rare resources.

This also makes the wall-wallers who temporarily bow their heads and wait for the change to come, become extremely lost and depressed. They would like to strongly reject the Crimson family’s unreasonable blackmail and extortion, but in the absence of a leader, any of the Fourth Grade forces and Fourth Grade Adept would not dare to violate the popular Legendary Fire Sorcerer.

You know, that’s a strong adept that even the superpowerhouse can’t help!

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