Chapter 1343

The afterfire on the earth has not been completely extinguished.

A smoky smog lingered on the battlefield once.

With Kirinburg as the center, there is almost no way to see any human architecture that can maintain its original form within a hundred miles. Even the green oil jungle that has been seen everywhere has become a scorched earth, with a large chunk of black scorch marking the original sphere of domination.

However, on the wilted land where the vitality was extinct, the Kirinburg still stood silently in place. With the naked eye alone, it is impossible to find any damaged or battled traces on this still-good castle.

Devastated, the central battlefield of the main battlefield in the ruins can still ‘remain’ the next castle? And as everyone knows, this Kirinburg was revitalized as a violent stone giant at the time, and the Crimson family fiercely dried up…

Although knowing that there must be hidden, but after the two sides engaged in the war, all the Entom family core Adept did not escape, all vanish without trace. This also made many waiters feel puzzled, and felt a chilly chill from the bottom of the heart.

Has the Crimson family reached such a height that the Entom family headed by Old Fried can’t escape even alive? Such speculation also made Milt and other Adept jealous, and even with the contact against the Crimson family, the momentum was a little smaller.

At this very moment, the Central forces that once firmly opposed the Crimson family even succumbed to the wind, and they did not want to be stared by the Crimson family to become the second Entom family!

They had previously opposed Crimson, and naturally they did not want to discard the power and status in their hands. But if the result of fierce opposition is the death of Soul Destruction, the family inheritance is cut off, and the price is too cruel for the Four Grade Adepts who have lived for thousands of years.

Freedom is important, but if the price of pursuing freedom is your own life… this is a Fourth Grade Adept that is absolutely unacceptable!

Compared with life, it is not so unacceptable to be under the Grim and become a subsidiary of the Crimson family.

In the past, they used to be at the door of Continent Central. There was definitely some deviation in knowledge and cognition. I haven’t seen the horror of the superpowerhouse, they thought they could unite and oppress the other side with a quantitative advantage.

The Battle of the Gravel Canyon and Kirinburg completely smashed their false arrogance and ease, and made them fully aware of the power of the super powerhouse. It seems that there is not a species between the superpowerhouse and the Fourth Grade Adept, which are located at the two ends of the food chain, one is a predator, and the other is ridiculously hunted for prey…

Such cognition completely overturns the inherent impressions they have formed over the past few centuries, and also makes them aware of their shallowness and childishness. Sandtalin can survive for tens of thousands of years. It is not the fact that these Fourth Grade Adept shocked the three adept organizations, but a delicate balance that the other side entangled with each other.

Now that the balance has broken, where the future Sandtalin will go is a question that every Central Adept needs to think about and decide!

Is Grim selected or one of the three adept organizations? Or can it be a big quagmire, let Central become the flesh and blood battlefield of the three adept organizations?

In the past, the Fourth Grade Adept heard the words “Integration of Central” and was more willing to retain the previous arbitrariness and distraction. Now, even they have to seriously think about this problem.

If they are not willing to make a choice, there will always be people who will force them to make choices. By that time, the choices left for them will be much less…

Unconsciously, the unification and the unification have become the past, and now more people are discussing how to integrate the problem!

Whether Grim is cruel, whether the Crimson family will win, and where the Adept Family will be in the future of Central… each and everyone’s thorny issues that need to be solved are what most family executives want to know and want to know. thing.

The answers to these questions can only be obtained from the Crimson family!

So, on the eleventh day of the extinction of the Entom family, the day after the Melting Fire City forces announced their commitment to the Crimson family, the mysterious messenger who had hidden the identity disappeared from all directions to Kirinburg, wanting to meet the one just hit Grim, who won the battle, got the most practical promise from his mouth.

At the first sight of their arrival at the Crimson Fleet, they saw Kirinburg, who had survived the brutal war and was intact.

Many of the messengers who have been to and from Kirinburg all the time have secretly raised a glimpse of doubt. The appearance and style of the castle in front of them are the same as before. It seems that nothing has changed. But when they look down on the castle, there is always a very strange strangeness.

It seems that they only saw this Kirinburg for the first time today!

With this quirky feeling, the secret messengers of each family stepped into Kirinburg.

Once inside the castle, this feeling is even stronger.

The same castle gate, the same gray stone square, the same light golden stone ramp, the same Spirit suppression, even the magical atmosphere flowing in the stone wall is almost the same… can be filled with the nose of the messenger is a thick The thick bloody air, the lingering in the ear is the terrifying soul, and the faintly discernible tears in every corner…

Everything shows that there has just been a terrifying blood sacrifice, and the object of blood sacrifice is most likely the Entom family Adept, which has no news.

More than two hundred Adept, and the light Third Grade Adept is as many as seven people… This huge amount of Adept turned out to be all blood loss…

Every time I think about it, the messengers sent by these Adept Family feel awkward and even stiff.

With a large number of family ambassadors, Grim is naturally unlikely to meet one another, and only those large-type Adept Family can meet him personally. As for the remaining small and medium-sized family and adept organization, they can only call Meryl and ask her to convey some secret agreements and terms.

As the war has just passed, the vicinity is already in ruins, so these messengers can only temporarily stay in Kirinburg. But only stayed for one night, and all Adept moved out in the same place.

They would rather build a mud house in the open-air wilderness, barbecue some wild food, and not want to step into Kirinburg again. The nightmare of the nightmare was almost maddening them.

According to some Adept private rumors, he stayed in the castle that night, suddenly woke up in the middle of the night, and was surprised to find that he was not lying on the warm and comfortable big bed, but was soaked in a nearly overflowing terrifying blood pool.

Inside the blood pool, the missing head, the broken arm of the broken limb, the broken small intestine, the white flower *, the densely packed almost terrifying the dead soul of the pool surface… each and everyone dead and dead from the pool, The face of the gray ash is extremely distorted by pain, stretched out the incomplete arm, and gives you a desperate and sorrowful condolence…

As for the four walls of the room, the floor and the ceiling, they were covered with a strange gray material. The gray material swells and swells, and the surface grows thick pipes like blood vessels. The wall of the tube is flesh-colored, translucent, whistling and whistling… There is a thick purple-black liquid flowing inside, and you can still see a fleshy and bloody body that has not been digested and cleaned.

Living in the castle actually gave him a weird feeling that he was living in the wall of a strange living body. It was this feeling that prompted him to move out hurriedly and never dare to step into Kirinburg half. Step by step.

This Kirinburg is by no means the former Kirinburg!

It has already undergone some kind of Variationation, and it has become a weird guy who can’t tell the truth, and has the dual characteristics of Homunculus and flesh and blood.

Therefore, those who are keenly sensitive have chosen to stay away from it under the instinctive drive!

In fact, let alone these foreign messengers, even the top executives of the Crimson family lived in the giant airship and did not dare to spend the night in Kirinburg.

There are currently only two tenants throughout Kirinburg: Grim and Mary.

Of course, Shade Demon is also always on the side of Grim, protecting him.

As for Grim’s choice of resident in Kirinburg, it is not self-abuse, but to further surrender this strange life that has been separated from the life cage and got rid of Witchcraft’s imprisonment.

Yes, Kirinburg now has all the features of a smart life. If it weren’t for a permanent energy source, I wouldn’t even have Grim to constrain such a taboo life that swallowed up the entire Entom family.

The biggest feature of taboo life compared to ordinary wisdom life is that their growth and growth are inseparable from the contraindications such as blood sacrifice, slaughter or destruction. Don’t look at the fact that Adept usually has no taboos, but still follow the basic Adept rules, and can’t easily damage the lower creature of the same plane.

This is also the Adept Convention for the sustainable development of the entire Adept civilization!

You can’t follow it, but once your bad behavior is announced, all adept organizations and forces will blacklist you and stop trading any resources and knowledge.

Even some abhorrent Adept will take the initiative to chase you, and this pursuit will not be bound by the Adept Code.

Therefore, considering the serious consequences, no Adept dared to openly slaughter or blood sacrifice. Of course, everything that goes on the ground, as long as the hands and feet are clean, there is still no problem.

Every year, the private Adept Tower will silently die a batch of Apprentice Adept. And most of them have become victims of individual Adept verification of dangerous Witchcraft or taboo experiments. For these, most of the Adept forces have chosen turn a blind eye and will not do too much review.

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