Chapter 1342

As soon as the news of the Entom family was over, the entire Sandtalin was shocked!

The Central forces that once colluded with Fried to fight against the Crimson family, all of them could not wait until the day when they woke up and found that the Crimson fleet show off one’s military strength appeared within their own line of sight.

What is even more desperate for them is that on the second day of the extinction of the Entom family, the Fabre family announced their acceptance of the leadership of the Crimson family, voluntarily became the affiliated force of the other party, and sent a large number of family Adept to join the newly formed Horton Magic Institution.

These Adepts removed the service contractual relationship with the Fabris family before they came, and joined the Horton Magic Institution as a free Adept. This behavior of Naked also fully shows the intention of the Fourth Grade Body Refining Adept Fabris!

After the Fabre family, the Clair Sorceress of the Durnell Family also issued a similar declaration, and also selected some family Adept to join the Horton Magic Institution as a free body.

And this is not finished!

Then, the third force also made a statement.

And this third force is known as Melting Fire City.

Over the years, Melting Fire City has maintained a good personal relationship with the Crimson family, and the resource trade agreements between the two parties have greatly benefited each other. The Crimson family received an irreplaceable Quillas alloy, while Melting Fire City received a steady stream of high rank dragon materials.

One of the two sides is willing to fight, one is willing to swear, and the relationship is unbreakable. Even if Fried made a lot of benefits to the Alfred City Lord, he couldn’t pull it on the chariot against the Crimson family.

Now, the trend of the Crimson family is so obvious that the Melting Fire City Lord Alfred, who has been in the forefront of time, naturally knows how to choose.

Therefore, just as many Adept Family are still waiting to see and hesitate, Melting Fire City has become the third subsidiary of the official acknowledgment allegiance Crimson family.

It’s going to change!

If you put it in the past, only those high-ranking Adepts with a sense of sensibility can faintly perceive this powerful change of Central’s powerful strength. Now, as long as it is not blind, not a blind man, dare to feel the strong hurricane of assaults the senses.

The three large-type Adept Family succession allegiance Crimson family has become the most obvious direction, which fully demonstrates the future development of Continent Central.


These two nouns have also become the hottest words in Central!

As long as it is the place where Adept gathers, the most arguing is the two words. They have become a symbol with mystery and strength, representing the future of Continent Central.

However, the entire Continent Central has thirty-three regions, the Fourth Grade has more than a dozen, and the remaining low-rank Adept Family and small-type organizations have nearly 1,000 organizations. Such a complex area wants to be completely integrated, and an effective huge adept organization and ease said than done.

If you don’t say anything else, you can say that there are many small-type Adept Family, which are also hidden dragons and crouching tigers. If you accidentally, you may get into an old Monster who has been out of the field and has lived for thousands of years.

Just like Sarubo Clan.

Sarubo Clan is headquartered in the family of Ferdinand City, occupying a secular territory with only three-four hundred and less than 100 family Adept. Such a medium Adept Family abounds in Continent Central, and there is no place for it.

But once the Crimson family wants to level Sarubo Clan’s headquarters, it is inevitable to offend the surviving Sarubo Sixth Grade Great Adept.

Although the other party is outside the domain, they cannot return to Adept World in person.

However, once the Sixth Grade Great Adept launched a fire, Grim made some scorpions, and the plot dominated the Crimson family’s industry outside the domain. It is Grim who can arrogantly Continent Central, and it is inevitable to bear the risk of destroying the extraterrestrial industry.

Moreover, at the speed of Grim’s development, it is a matter of time to enter the domain beyond the Fourth Grade. If you take all of the small-type Adept Family indiscriminately, then the day Grim will be out of the field, that is, the moment when many Great Adept families come to the door!

At the thought of the future, there will be a group of Great Adept plugged out of the domain to smear their own skin, that is, Grim should also be careful to jump through the liver.

It is precisely because this hard-toning is not desirable, so Grim has to go back and use the more modest way of Horton Magic Institution to compete for Central’s control and dominance.

I don’t want to engulf you with the Crimson family big fish eating small fish. Everyone is ‘fair’ competitive, taking advantage of the excellent teaching environment, Adept resources, strong strength and other factors to absorb the excellent talents of Central.

In this way, the Horton Magic Institution will only grow stronger.

And the family forces left behind by the Great Adept can’t attract new blood, and they can’t grow and become trapped. In this way, those Great Adept will not blame Grim on the head.

In short, the descendants of the Great Adept bloodline can die, but they must not die in the hands of the Crimson family.

It is for this reason that Grim abandoned the Crimson family model and pushed the Horton Magic Institution!

No way, he didn’t want to be a street mouse in the future, and he was smacked by the Great Adept every day.

To be honest, if you don’t care about the Sixth Grade Sarubo Great Adept, Sarubo Clan, who had been extremely unhappy with him, has long been uprooted.

All things are also caused by causality!

These Adept Family faces with Great Adept seem to be a big burden for the Crimson family to integrate Central, all of which are nails that Grim dare not touch. Think back to it, and they are not a Grim’s network of contacts.

Those Great Adept outside the domain, if you are willing to have a good relationship with Grim, Grim does not mind to support their bloodline descendants. If the opponent is too persecuted, Grim can completely destroy the other’s bloodline and break the last link with Adept World.

As for the descendants of the bloodline of the Great Adept, why are they gradually fading… This is also a curse that Adept World has never been able to crack!

First, the difficulty of childbearing.

Being able to become a great Adept is already a non-human. They may still have a silkworm-like form in their shape, but it is almost impossible to find any life-like factors and flesh-and-blood organs similar to humans.

Super-order Adepts have long gone too far on the road to transformation and Variation… This group of Monsters is the essence of their life with the body. It has already become a strange existence, and which human female can And the combination of it to create an orthodox human baby?

Ordinary women and even low rank Sorceress can’t afford the essence of the Great Adept. Once they are implanted with the body, they will be killed in the shortest time.

And the Great Adept men and women want to combine, the probability of giving birth to normal human babies is even smaller!

Therefore, the descendants of the Great Adept bloodline, which are left inside Adept World, are mostly the bones that they left in the early stages of their growth. After thousands of years of intergenerational inheritance, the bloodline similarity between these bloodline descendants and Great Adept has been thin and unrecognizable.

Moreover, the more powerful the magic creature, the weaker the ability to give birth to normal descendants!

Therefore, although they are the names of the descendants of Great Adept bloodline, they sound very beautiful, but in fact they have mostly fallen and withered. Even the Great Adept who passed the bloodline would like to admit that these lower lives are two things.

Second, the difficulty of bloodline inheritance.

The guys who can be Great Adept, all of them were the pride of the day, Adept genius. The roads they have traveled are often not reproducible.

This is also the main reason why the Adept Family gave birth to a Great Adept, why the latter did not cultivate a continuous replacement!

Not that he doesn’t want to, but he can’t do it.

Great Adept I may have used a rare resource that is almost extinct, or a bloodline threshold that is difficult to find. For these younger generations, he went where to find resources to let him also take his own path!

The emergence of each Great Adept provides a learning experience for the younger generation, but it is only a reference. Few successors can follow the example of success and step into the Great Adept.

One of the main reasons for this is that all of the Great Adept are ignorant of their abilities and priorities, and will not be widely advertised.

They fear that their enemies will launch targeted attacks based on this information, so they will hide what is really important and valuable in the personal development process. Without these things, the information published by the Great Adept is not so safe, and it is extremely misleading.

Other guys want to advance according to their methods, and they must be devastated and lose their lives.

Just like Grim, if you can advance to Fifth Grade in the future, then the biggest credit is definitely the Fire God Bead. But where can he go to find a second Fire God Bead for his own discipline or successor!

Therefore, in the Fourth Grade, the future development path has only a vague direction, and there is no inherent path that can be referenced and followed.

With the demise of the Entom family, the situation at Continent Central can be described by waves and winds rising and clouds scudding.

At this moment, everyone is forced to choose the side and stand the team!

Either join the ranks of ‘rebels’ and join forces to confront the Crimson family; either bow down and admit that the Crimson family actually ruled the entire Sandtalin… Any one of these two is their unwillingness to choose.

Therefore, when the Crimson fleet was still on the ruins of the Entom family, there were already a large number of family messengers from all over Sandtalin who had come to this place. They could not wait to discuss the ‘cooperation’ with Crimson’s rulers!

And they have no exception to appreciate the destruction of the Entom family territory…

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