After Unifying The Ninja World, You Invaded The Parallel Ninja World

Chapter 174: According To Legend, The Hokage’S Illegitimate Son Is Here! (Please Subscribe!)

Luo Shuo looked at his son whose breath was getting weaker and weaker, and his face was extremely ugly.

"Why can Summoning bypass the seal?" Luo Shuo looked at Uzumaki in front of him angrily.

In order to stabilize Jinchūriki, he specifically asked the Uzumaki Legion to use sealant to strengthen One Tail's seal.

Now there is someone who has quietly bypassed this seal. How can Luo Shuo accept such a result?

"How do I know about something of that level?" Uzumaki pointed curtly at Sky's Path.

Luo Shuo's face turned extremely ugly when he heard this.

Seeing the two people who were almost quarreling, Qianqiu reminded helplessly from the side: "Hurry up and send everyone back to the empire with help [Song has the medical equipment there to save them."

There have long been rumors that the nine tailed beasts were all created by Sage of Six Paths. It is completely normal that Sage of Six Paths had a back-up plan for these nine tailed beasts.

After reacting, Luo Shuoting quickly shouted: "Hurry up and recharge the portal. Nothing will happen to my son!"

After all, the transformation of a son is also a son.

Now there is no tailed beast in Jinchūriki's body, which means that these people don't need much Chakra to send them.

Luo Shuo suddenly discovered that it was actually a good thing that there was no tail "667" beast in Gaara. After all, he had long wanted Gaara District Empire to further his education.

Unlike Gaara and others, the Jinchūriki from other countries did not have such good luck. The tailed beasts in their bodies were suddenly taken away. "The only thing waiting for them is death.

After thoroughly digesting the Sage of Six Paths, Qianyu quickly controlled the Zero-Tail to restrain the Dark Chakra.

Zero-Tail's Dark Chakra Canopy actually has the function of converting natural Chakra into dark Chakra. If the Dark Canopy is hung in the sky for a long time, the whole world will be like the Dark Ninja World.

The entire world will be completely infected by the dark Chakra, and then people's hearts will slip into the abyss and become a sinful world.

"It's all settled!"

Looking at the sunset that was about to set, Qianyu, who controlled Zero Tail, murmured in a low voice.

After finishing speaking, Qianyu divided the Nine Chakras, which are the origins of the nine tailed beasts.

As long as the origins of these tailed beasts are not destroyed, they can be reborn in the ninja world.

In the empire, the nine tailed beasts are a type of renewable energy, and Qianyu is not interested in the origin of the tailed beasts.

After gently spreading the nine balls of Chakra to the ninja world, the process disappeared.

Looking at the sudden appearance of Zero Tail, the shadow Danzo quickly said respectfully: "I have met my god!"

Qianyu asked indifferently: "How was the mission completed?"

Shadow Danzo quickly and respectfully replied: "My men have assassinated the great names of the Land of Thunder, and have begun to clean up the nobles of the Land of Thunder.

"In that case, let me give you a reward."

Zero Tails suddenly stretched out a tentacle and suddenly wrapped around the shadow Danzo.

Thinking that Zero Tails was the shadow that was going to give him power, Danzo looked at Qianyu excitedly.

"Let me reward you for becoming one with Zero-Tail!"

Danzo's expression changed after hearing this, and then he looked at Zero Tail in horror. Shadow Danzo wanted to struggle, but unfortunately it was too late.

By Tentacle Shadow Danzo's Chakra is being rated for a steady stream of absorption.

The momentum of Shadow Danzo, who was originally at the peak of super Kage-level, weakened rapidly, and he reached super Kage-level………… Peak of Kage-level………………

Shadow Danzo's body is getting older and older with the passage of Chakra.

Soon the shadow Danzo lost his breath in panic and despair.

"Next are the three holy places."

After Qianyu finished talking to himself, he disappeared.

The next thing he has to do is to erase all unstable factors in this world.

Shadow Danzo is, and so are the Three Holy Lands.

The immortals in the three major holy places actually have Six Paths level strength, but their cultivation system is more focused on health preservation, so their combat effectiveness is far inferior to that of normal Six Paths level ones.

But don’t forget, no matter how weak the Six Paths level is, it is still a Six Paths level!

After Qianyu tore apart space, his first stop was Shigu Forest.

As soon as Qianyu appeared in Shigu Forest, the whole Shigu Forest seemed to come alive. A Katsuyu that was as big as a mountain range slowly opened its eyes.

Katsuyu Sennin asked in a gentle voice: "What responsibilities do strong men from other worlds have when they come here?"

"The empire will rule this world, including the three holy places. What do you think of this?" Qianyu asked directly.

What do I think?

Dare I think otherwise?

Katsuyu Sage was speechless for a while.

Sage of Six Paths lost all, and they were still the Six Great Sages at their peak.

Katsuyu Sage is confident that his strength will not be weaker than Ten Tails, but as a dead otaku, Katsuyu Sage is actually not interested in human beings' struggle for power.

This can be seen from the woods on him. Judging from the age of these trees, Katsuyu Sage has not been touched for at least thousands of years.

The Katsuyu summoned by Tsunade are actually just clones of Katsuyu Sage. There is actually only one Summoning beast in the entire Shimobone Forest, and that is Katsuyu Sage!

Katsuyu Sage said very sincerely: "I am Tsunade's Summoningmon. She has joined the Empire, so naturally I can also be regarded as the Empire's Summoningmon.

"I'm very satisfied with this answer!"

Qianyu nodded with satisfaction, perhaps because of the sage's pride. Katsuyu sage did not say that he surrendered, but at least he made his position clear.

After leaving Shigulin, Qian came to Ryūchi Cave again.

As soon as Qianyu arrived at Ryūchi Cave, he met Mikamihime.

Tian Xinji said respectfully: "White Snake Sennin expresses his willingness to incorporate Ryūchi Cave into the empire."

White Snake Sennin is a white-scaled snake that has survived for more than a thousand years from the Kaguya era. His physical strength may be the strongest among the three holy places.

After all, compared to Katsuyu and toad, the aggressiveness of snakes is self-evident

"So knowledgeable?"

Qianyu couldn't help but raise his eyebrows.

"I don't like the idea of ​​betrayal. If I know that your Ryūchi Cave will rebel against the empire in the future, don't blame me for being ruthless."

After Qianyu dropped a warning, he came to Miaomu again.

Qianyu, who had just arrived at Mount Myōboku, was about to make some noise when Fukasaku Sennin hurried over.

Fukasaku Sennin looked at Qianyu who was about to take action and quickly shouted: "We, Mount Myōboku, are willing to surrender to the empire!

Qianyu: "???"

Why don't these beasts give me a chance to get angry?

Qianyu looked at Fukasaku Sennin in confusion.

He was ready to kill the chicken to scare the monkeys if any beast disobeyed.

Is this the result?

Katsuyu Sennin can just give in, after all, he is not good at fighting...

The White Snake Immortal actually gave in. As a result, the old toad who seemed to be the most dangerous also gave in. You must know that Great Toad Sage is the guide of Sage of Six Paths in the plot.

The two brothers of the Six Great Immortals sealed Ōtsutsuki Kaguya Hime, and there was definitely this old toad pushing behind it.

Qianyu couldn't accept it. You must know that this is not a hot-blooded Hokage universe, but a conspiracy theory universe.

Normally, these old bastards should be thinking about how to get to know themselves. Why do they want to lie like this?

Three Immortals: "We are just insidious, not idiots!"

Sage of Six Paths has been destroyed by you, what else can you do now besides being obedient?

"I hope you can continue to be so honest."

Qianyu, who couldn't find an excuse to get angry, left Mount Myōboku after leaving a harsh word.

Fukasaku Sennin looked at Qianyu's leaving figure and breathed a heavy sigh of relief.

"It's so scary. Such an evil Chakra is simply scarier than a tailed beast. No wonder Sage of Six Paths lost to this monster." Fukasaku Sage said happily.

If it weren't for the Great Toad Sage's prophecy skills, Mount Myōboku might be gone now.

On the 4th, I went to the ninja world.

"finally reached!"

Looking at Konoha so close, Sarutobi Asuma's eyes filled with excitement.

He finally returned to his own Konoha, which was also Konoha's heyday.

No matter how good the Konoha was before time travel, it was not his Sarutobi Asuma's Konoha, but now the owner of the leaf is called Sarutobi Hiruzen.

Rounding things off, the current master of Konoha is him, Sarutobi Asuma.

"Konoha! Your king is back!"

Sarutobi Asuma thought enthusiastically.

A mature and charming voice sounded. Sarutobi looked at the three of them curiously and asked: "Jiraiya? Is your mission completed so quickly?"


Asuma looked at Sarutobi Asuma in front of him excitedly.

Sarutobi Lake Biwa:"???"

Sarutobi Biwako's expression changed, he was so unhappy shouting!

Isn’t this 2.7 destroying the harmony of my family?

Sarutobi Biwako's expression changed, and he retorted angrily: "What are you yelling about, you bastard!"

"Mom, I'm Asuma!"

Sarutobi Asuma explained excitedly.

Sarutobi Lake Biwa:"???"

Sarutobi Biwako warned in a cold tone: "Jiraiya, is this a prank on your part? This is not funny at all, I'm going to be angry.

Seeing that his master's wife was angry, Jiraiya quickly shook his head and said: "This guy has nothing to do with me, I am not familiar with this guy at all.

Jiraiya quickly denied the double connection.

Hearing this, Sarutobi looked at Asuma sharply

"Not a ninja from Konoha? But he wears Konoha's forehead protector? And he calls me mom..."

Thinking of this, Sarutobi Lake Biwa suddenly froze in place as if struck by lightning.


Did that dead monkey cheat on you? He also had an illegitimate child outside?

Thinking of this, Sarutobi Biwako's face instantly became extremely cold.

Sarutobi Hiruzen's guilt was instantly established, and Sarutobi Biwako gritted his teeth and said: "Damn monkey, you are really capable!".

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