After Unifying The Ninja World, You Invaded The Parallel Ninja World

Chapter 173: The Dust Has Settled, Sage Of Six Paths Is Out! (Please Subscribe!)

"Ohnoki! How could you bastard..."

Lao Zi, who was entangled with Uzumaki off the court, looked at the fallen Ohnoki in disbelief.

Although he and Ohnoki have never dealt with each other, it was just a matter of political disagreement.

"No wonder this old bastard rushed me back in a hurry. Was he really prepared to die?"

Lao Zi felt that there was something strange about this war from the beginning. It was too hasty. This war was too unexpected, just like rushing to take people away.

Gritting his teeth, Lao Zi looked fiercely at Uzumaki opposite.

Lao Zi directly chooses to turn on the tailed beast mode.


"Finally it's my turn to appear.

Four Tails Sun Wukong takes over the battlefield.

Seeing this scene, Uzumaki was not happy.

"It's indeed Four Tails!" Uzumaki said happily.

Seal‧ Adamantine Sealing Chains!

Four huge golden chains wrap around Four Tails like living snakes.

The appearance of Four Tails is somewhat similar to that of an ape. Four Tails' hands were wrapped in golden chains and roared crazily while struggling.

Four Tails, with lava flowing from its body, smashed the lava at Uzumaki.

"The sealing technique cannot perfectly control tailed beasts."

Uzumaki sighed inwardly and pulled off the cloth covering his eyes.


Tears of blood flowed from the corners of Uzumaki's eyes. Four Tails, who was still struggling at first, slowly raised three question marks in his heart after seeing Uzumaki's Sharingan.

What did I see?

A pair of Mangekyō appeared on an Uzumaki?

While Four Tails was stunned, Mangekyō in Uzumaki's eyes completely controlled him.

Four Tails captured successfully!

At this time, Luo Shuo dropped from the sky with Onoki's body, and then shouted over the scorching battlefield: "The ugly shadow is dead! Surrender and kill!"

"What? The projection is dead!"

"What should we do!"

"Even Tsuchikage-sama failed..."

Han also knew that the situation was over, and the worst outcome that Ohnoki had expected had occurred.

Thinking of Onoki's instructions to him, Han no longer hesitated and shouted quickly: "We surrender!"

As the saying goes, a defeat is like a mountain. From the moment Ohnoki died, Wakanobu had already lost.

Seeing this scene, Luo Shuo also sighed, and then said to Uzumaki, who had already controlled Four Tails: "Uzumaki, you are responsible for taking over the battlefield. We will not interfere in the affairs of the Kingdom of Earth."

A super Kage-level battle, and it's still in the sky.

This naturally did not escape the perception and eyes of Sage of Six Paths.

"Two more tailed beasts were captured?"

Sage of Six Paths sensed this scene and was anxious in their hearts.

"You damn guy forced me to do this!"

Knowing that he couldn't drag it out any longer, Sage of Six Paths gave Zero Tails a vicious look.

The desperate Sage of Six Paths formed a seal with his hands, and then shouted: "Summoning Technique!"

This guy………………

Chiji looked at Sage of Six Paths in surprise.

The first thing that appears behind Sage of Six Paths is a giant golem.

It looks like a huge humanoid creature with ten protrusions on its back and nine eyes on its head, but these eyes are all closed.

"Gedo Statue? This old bastard can indeed Summoning this thing." Qianyu squinted his eyes and thought.

Then a yellow figure was summoned in front of the Six Paths Golem.

One Tail, who was summoned by Summoning, looked at the six immortals in surprise and asked: "Old man? How come you are still alive?"

Sage of Six Paths solemnly said: "Shukaku, I need your power now."

After seeing the Gedo Statue, Shukaku's pupils shrank and he shouted in panic: "Gedo Statue? Old man, what are you talking about..."

"Sorry Shukaku!"

After Sage of Six Paths finished speaking, he directly controlled Gedo Statue and began to absorb the power of One Tail.

With Shukaku being completely absorbed by One, Sage of Six Paths summoned Two Tails.

"Bypassing the seal and directly summoning the tailed beast? This old guy does have something."

When Qianyu saw this scene, he didn't stop it. On the contrary, he was happy to see it happen.

As we all know, Tailed Beasts are a collection of negative emotions, and Zero-Tails feeds on the Dark Chakra. The more tails Sage of Six Paths absorbs now, the greater the dark side in their hearts will be.

When the time comes to face Zero-Tail, he will be restrained even more miserably.

Then came Three Tails, Four Tails…………

As the tailed beast continues to be absorbed, Gedo Statue's nine eyes are also constantly opening.

It didn’t take long to reach the final Nine Tails.


Nine Tails looked at the six immortals with complicated eyes.

It originally witnessed the resurrection of Sage of Six Paths. After looking under the mantle behind Sage of Six Paths, Nine Tails also knew what he was about to face.

Call it hate, after all, it was the other person who created him, and now he is just taking those things back.

It is impossible to say that I don’t hate it.

Sage of Six Paths said expressionlessly: "Nine Tails, the ninja world needs your power now!"


Nine Tails sighed softly and did not resist. He simply allowed Sage of Six Paths to control Gedo Statue to devour him.

"For you, they should be considered pets, right? They didn't even resist." He tilted his head and looked at Sage of Six Paths with emotion.

Sage of Six Paths, who once again became Ten Tails Jinchūriki, declared with high spirits: "I am now at my peak! Monster, prepare to die!"

"Oh, is it so?"

A sneer visible to the naked eye flashed across Zero Wei's face.

Qianyu narrowed his eyes and asked, "Why don't you think I stopped you?"

When Sage of Six Paths heard this, his expression changed, and a bad premonition flashed through his heart.

"What do you mean?"

This was also where he was confused. Zero-Tail clearly had the ability to stop him just now.

"Of course it's because you're in this state, it's easier for me to deal with you!"

After Qianyu finished speaking, he controlled Zero Tails to turn into a giant mouth, and swallowed the Sage of Six Paths in ten mouthfuls.

The bad premonition came true!

The Dark Chakra detonated the dark side in the hearts of Sage of Six Paths, and then began to continuously devour the infected Sage of Six Paths.

Sage of Six Paths in soul form shouted in disbelief: "How is that possible? Are you absorbing my Chakra?"

On this day, the entire ninja world returned to darkness.

Zero-Tail turned into pitch black night and almost enveloped the sky of the entire ninja world.

The sun is blocked and the sky is clouded.

The sky suddenly darkened, and those most affected must be the lives of the ninja world.

On Mount Myōboku, the old Great Toad Sage slowly opened his eyes, and then sighed.

"Alas~ Another catastrophe for all living beings!"

Fukasaku looked at the Great Toad Sage worriedly.

"Old man, what's wrong?"

The old Great Toad Sage looked at Fukasaku tiredly, and then said slowly: "The world will usher in a true ruler, please go ahead and Mount Myōboku surrenders to the empire.

Fukasaku exclaimed: "Ah! The empire you are talking about is not the group of invaders from other worlds, right? They killed little Jiraiya!"

……………………Please give me flowers··

The Great Toad Sage emphasized: "The only chance for Mount Myōboku to survive is to surrender to the Empire."

After finishing speaking, Great Toad Sage closed his eyes tiredly, and then murmured in a low voice: "Hagoromo, you failed after all and fell outside the enemy of fate.

The same thing happened in the other two holy places that are also among the three holy places.

As "animal spirits", the "animals" in the Three-Day Holy Land are better than humans at avoiding areas and seeking good luck.

After predicting that the Sage of Six Paths was about to fail, the three Summoning Holy Lands chose to surrender without hesitation.

At this moment the big thing is over.

Sage of Six Paths also clearly feels this.

As Chakra was constantly being devoured, Sage of Six Paths finally understood why Qianyu allowed him to devour the tailed beast.

It's a pity that you said it too late.

As the Chakra continues to pass, Sage of Six Paths also feels that the power of his soul is constantly passing away.

Soon, he will become part of Zero Tail.

And after this evil beast absorbs his Chakra, its strength will rise to another new level.

After almost finishing Sage of Six Paths, Chifusa had one more doubt in his mind.

Is Zero-Tail in every world so special, or is only Zero-Tail in the dark world so special?

Qianyu found out that Zero-Tail was so special that he could even swallow Sage of Six Paths, and Jinping could digest it perfectly.

What is this concept? The Ōtsutsuki clan, known as the cosmic god clan, can only absorb the Chakra of others.

Moreover, this kind of conversion is still proportional, and it is not as perfectly absorbed as zero tail.

Based on this alone, Kunio's growth height has been elevated to an immeasurable level.

If the God of Ōtsutsuki also has a dark side in his heart, can Zero-Tail also darken the opponent's Chakra and then completely absorb it?

Qianyu silently kept this guess in mind.

I just don’t know who will absorb whom when the time comes.

Konoha Hospital.

In front of the hospital bed, Akito looked anxiously at Tsunade, who was frowning, and said, "Tsunade-sama, you must save Naruto. This child is really pitiful."

"Nine Tails was taken away by someone Summoning. Also taken away with Nine Tails was its vitality!

Tsunade sighed.

This is almost how most Jinchūriki die. When the tailed beast in the body is taken away, its life force will also be taken away.

Gently pressing his right hand on Naruto's back to deliver life force, Tsunade comforted him casually: "Don't worry, I've minored in the foot meridian, he won't die now.

"Resurrection nerves?"

Naruto's eyes lit up when he heard this.

As a native of the Empire, Akito had of course heard of the Divine Foot Sutra that could bring people back to life.

This unique skill is almost a compulsory martial art for most medical ninjas. There is no other reason than that the pure gold has a special effect, that is, it can convey vitality to others.

After a while, Tsunade stopped delivering life force.

"This kid's life has temporarily stabilized. All he needs to do next is to find Nine Tails.

After Tsunade finished speaking, he looked at the darkness outside the window and said: "Even Nine Tails was summoned away. It should be the method of the Six Paths demon. It is probably the same for other tails. This battle will have a result."

Akito said firmly: "Your Majesty will definitely succeed!"

The corners of Tsunade's lips turned up slightly, and he nodded proudly: "Of course! It is said that that guy has never failed to pass the hall.

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