After Unifying The Ninja World, You Invaded The Parallel Ninja World

Chapter 159: The Meeting Of Xiangling And Xianglan; There Is No Mother Anymore! (Please Subscribe!)

Qianyu didn't expect that the battle between the two sides would be so loud, and the aftermath would almost destroy the entire ninja world.

The planet's orbit is deflected, and this is no joke.

"How about we solve the magic together?" Sage of Six Paths suggested in a very stupid way.

Sage of Six Paths also knew that his Planetary Devastation was definitely no match for the opponent's Dark Cave, and he also saw that Qianyu was more concerned about the survival of the ninja world, so he took this opportunity to suggest that both parties stop fighting first.

Qianyu nodded after hearing this.


After finishing, Wang Yu unlocked the dark hole.

Sage of Six Paths also unlocked Planetary Devastation, and then looked at Qianyu with a gloomy expression.

Qianyu also looked at Sage of Six Paths jokingly. He was not in a hurry now, and even had time to absorb the dark side in Sage of Six Paths' heart.

After being disconnected from the Pure Land, the strength level of Sage of Six Paths is probably around the middle of Six Paths [The real peak of Sage of the End should be when he becomes Ten Tails Jinchūriki.

Qianyu asked curiously: "I'm very curious, what is the purpose of your efforts to build a pure land to collect souls?"

This is what Qianyu has always been curious about. When he was in Ninja World No. 0, he didn't think so much at that time. "Qi Qi San" directly killed Sage of Six Paths, and also destroyed the opponent's soul. He thought about it afterwards. Even though I know this secret, I can’t find anyone to ask.

The Sage of Six Paths in the Dark Ninja World does not involve any conspiracy theories. It seems that it just wants to give the soul a destination.

Qianyu didn't quite believe this explanation.

Maybe the Sage of Six Paths in the dark ninja world is like that. After all, the unlucky child was killed for the sake of all the sentient beings in the ninja world when Zero Tails found an opportunity.

But the Sage of Six Paths of this ninja world is definitely the Six Paths demon of conspiracy theory.

This old Bideng's purpose of establishing a pure land is definitely not simple.

Sage of Six Paths said righteously: "I just want to give all souls a destination. Before I established the Pure Land, everyone's souls would return to heaven and earth and disappear without a trace after death.

But after I establish the Pure Land, all souls will have a destination. They can enjoy a life like the Paradise in the Pure Land, and people can be reincarnated through Chakra and gain the opportunity to live a new life. "

"The soul returns to heaven and earth... The pure land only accommodates the soul, but does not involve the soul."

Qianyu looked at Sage of Six Paths thoughtfully.

Tell Qianyu directly that the secret of the Pure Land lies in the soul's return to heaven and earth, and the Sage of Six Paths does not say that it is soul reincarnation, but Chakra reincarnation.

"Forget it, since you refuse to tell the truth, then you must die!"

After Qianyu finished speaking, he continued to attack.

Large-scale ninjutsu must not be used indiscriminately, otherwise the battle between the two sides might be able to clean up the surface.

So Qianyu chose a more precise attack.

Sage of Six Paths obviously also had this concern, and also responded with more precise ninjutsu.

And both sides are truly super-long standby. Sage of Six Paths can continue to fight by absorbing Chakra from the outside world, while Chitoyo can replenish the Dark Chakra by absorbing the darkness in the hearts of all beings in the ninja world.

The collision between the two sides is like two meteors of different colors, with the deep black zero tail and the golden sparkle of Sage of Six Paths constantly colliding in the sky.

The two sides fought from the Kingdom of Fire to the Kingdom of Thunder, and from the Kingdom of Thunder to the Kingdom of Water.

The constant collisions between the two sides disrupted the natural laws of the entire ninja world. The weather in Bendo's Land of Rain unexpectedly turned out to be sunny for the first time.

Because the dark clouds shrouding the Kingdom of Rain were dispersed during the battle between Sage of Six Paths and Qianyu, the Kingdom of Rain will usher in at least half a month of sunny weather.

Nagato looked at the two streaks of light gradually receding in the sky, and couldn't help but sigh aloud: "That's the real Six Paths level powerhouse! I used to call myself a god, but now that I think about it, it's really ridiculous."

Konan worried: "The members of the Akatsuki organization are becoming more and more restless. They have begun to realize that your strength has disappeared."

Nagato lowered his eyes and said guiltily: "It's okay. If it doesn't work, just disband the Akatsuki organization. Now we can just take care of the Country of Rain. I have failed Yahiko after all."

Konan nodded, thinking of the goddess-like self again.

How great it would be if I had the strength of a mutant...

The No. 1 Grass Ninja Village in the Ninja World.

In this world where the emperor was born, my mother actually joined the Grass Ninja Village, and I don't know what her life was like in the Grass Ninja Village.

Uzumaki Xiangling has no expectations for the life of her mother's mutant.

After all, in the era of Ninja Village, I knew all about the virtues of these villages.

After putting on a disguise, Uzumaki Xiangling secretly lurked into the Grass Ninja Village. After arriving at the office building of the Grass Ninja Village, Uzumaki Xiangling discovered that this group of people happened to be having a meeting.

"I still propose that the girl be used as a "living potion", just like her mother!"

"But we promised his mother..."

"We have raised her until she is 13 years old, but she failed to even pass the Chūnin exam. The village does not raise idle people. Since she does not have the talent to become a ninja, she should change her direction and contribute to the village."

"That's right! I agree with Guitian's proposal. That Uzumaki can only exert its greatest value as a "living potion"."

"Speaking of which, the Uzumaki orphan is 13 years old and can already have children. In order to maximize her value, I think we should wait until she has a few more children before we take action."

"What Miyamoto Ichiro said makes sense! "Living potion" is also a consumable item. The woman can use it for five or six years at most. We in Kusanagi Village don't have any medical ninjutsu [naturally we need to prepare several copies of this kind of "potion" ”

"What if the child born by that woman does not inherit her blood lineage?"

"Wutian, you are too impatient. You are just wasting some time and taking a gamble. Anyway, it will only be a waste of three years.

Just as the Jōnin in the office were unscrupulously deciding on Uzumaki's tragic future, they did not notice Uzumaki's eavesdropping using sensory ninjutsu outside the building.

"It seems there is no need to pry, and I came at the right time." Uzumaki Xiangling looked at Uzumaki Xiangling who was eavesdropping in the corner and said to himself.

Uzumaki Xiangling sneaked up behind Uzumaki Xiangling, and then reminded in a low voice: "Hey! Why don't you hide your body and aura from eavesdropping like this? Fortunately, this group of people is weak enough, otherwise you would definitely be exposed!"

Listening to the voice coming from behind, Uzumaki turned around with a pale face and looked at the person who found him...

red hair………………

And why is this face so familiar?

"Hey! Isn't this my face?"

Uzumaki reacted and looked at the person in front of him in surprise.

Uzumaki Xiangling is also observing herself in this world, and the other person looks at least 90% similar to herself, which is good! It is in line with His Majesty's setting of twin sisters.

The most important thing is that there are no traces of stain on Uzumaki's body.

Uzumaki Xiangling breathed a sigh of relief.

(Don’t bring it into the anime here. After all, it’s a parallel universe, so Uzumaki hasn’t been bitten yet.)

After secretly glancing around and confirming that no one was around, Wan Xianglian asked in a low voice: "You...who are you?"

"What do you think?" Uzumaki Xiangling asked with a smile.

Uzumaki asked: "Are you...the rumored Otherworld invader?"

The invasion of the ninja world from another world is no secret in all ninja villages, and Sui Uzumaki naturally knows this too.

Now that he saw a girl who looked exactly like himself, Uzumaki's first thought was not that she was his long-lost sister, but that she was from another world.

"That's right!"

"Hello, my name is Uzumaki Xiangling, you come from another world!"

Uzumaki Xiangling smiled and introduced herself.

Uzumaki's face showed a true expression.

"Come with me, this is not the place to talk."

After Xiangling finished speaking, he put his hand on Uzumaki Xianglan's shoulder, then lightly stamped the ground with his right leg, and a teleportation array instantly unfolded under the two people's feet.

Following a flash of blue light, the two of them arrived outside the village in an instant.

Of course Uzumaki Xiangling does not know Flying Thunder God. This is just the simplest teleportation application technique. As a sealing master, it is normal to be able to teleport magic circles.


Uzumaki looked at the Grass Ninja Village in the distance in surprise.

In just a few breaths, they were teleported outside the village. What kind of magic is this? It's amazing 5.2, right?

Uzumaki was amazed and looked at Xiangling curiously: "Is this the legendary Flying Thunder God?"

Uzumaki Xiangling explained: "No! Flying Thunder God is much more convenient than this. Mine is a teleportation circle, which is much more complicated to operate than Flying Thunder God. This number is not of much use in battle."

"But it's already amazing. It would be great if I knew this technique." Uzumaki sighed with envy.

The two sat down under a big tree, and Uzumaki asked curiously: "Do you know where your mother is? Do you want me to pick her out?"

According to the constitution of the Uzumaki clan, her mother in this world is actually less than 40 years old, so Uzumaki Xiangling does not think that Uzumaki Haru is dead in this world.

After all, the Uzumaki clan is famous for their longevity, and his mother is not a serious ninja. "Normally, the probability of being sent to the battlefield to die is almost 0.

Upon hearing this, Uzumaki's face darkened, and his entire mood dropped visibly to the naked eye.


"No more mother!"

When Uzumaki raised his head again, tears were already streaming down his face. .

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