After Unifying The Ninja World, You Invaded The Parallel Ninja World

Chapter 158: Qianyu Vs Sage Of Six Paths! (Please Subscribe!)

The moment Sage of Six Paths appeared, Zero Tail controlled by Qianyu also moved.

The darkness Chakra spreads silently, swallowing up the bright sunlight in the sky.

In the sky, the originally gorgeous clouds seemed to have been pulled down by an invisible hand, and were replaced by heavy lead dust, so thick that it could almost be touched.

Darkness that is deeper than darkness is like a huge monster, silently covering the entire Fire Country, casting every inch of land and every ten leaves in a heavy shadow.

This kind of darkness is still spreading towards other countries, as if it will never end...

On the streets of Konoha Village, the street lights looked extremely dim, and the light seemed to be weakened by this indescribable force, and could only barely illuminate a few feet below the feet.

The wind carries chills and uneasiness as it shuttles through the empty alleys, making a whimpering sound, as if it is the whisper of an unknown creature in the distance.

The branches of the trees bared their teeth and claws in the dim light, casting ferocious shadows, as if they were ready to move as if they were living creatures.

This sudden turn of events filled the faces of all the ninjas present with uneasiness and urgency. They were far apart from each other, as if they didn't even want to be heard by others breathing.

At this moment when darkness is completely ruling, everyone feels an inexplicable sense of fear and loneliness, looking forward to escaping from Suyue's oppressive world as soon as possible.

"'s coming! It's in this world!"

"It turns out it exists in this world!"

Trapped in the Dark Sarutobi Hiruzen screamed in horror. At this moment, his face was full of panic, and the depths of his eyes were filled with fear of something unknown.

He is too familiar with this dark force, and he also knows what will happen if he falls into the hands of this dark force again.

As if a mouse saw the darkness of a cat, Sarutobi Hiruzen shouted in horror: "Quick! Take me 840 out of here! You can take me to the empire to face trial, or even kill me. Please take me out of here!"

Tsunade looked at Dark Sarutobi Hiruzen with fear written on his face in confusion.

Looking at the indifferent Tsunade, Dark Sarutobi Hiruzen anxiously revealed himself: "Take me out of here quickly! I confess, I am not the Sarutobi Hiruzen of this world at all, I am the Sarutobi Hiruzen from another dark ninja world."

After hearing Dark Sarutobi Hiruzen's insane revelation, Senju Tobirama no longer cares about this weird environment and the so-called Sage of Six Paths.

Senju Tobirama, who seemed to have grasped a life-saving straw, quickly asked: "When did you replace Sarutobi Hiruzen?"

Darkness Sarutobi Hiruzen didn't even have time to think, and replied anxiously: "Just a few days ago! I replaced Sarutobi Hiruzen after he was paralyzed. Send me out of this world quickly! Please!"

Only a few days?

This time Senju Tobirama was finally completely heartbroken.

Originally, Senju Tobirama thought that his disciple would be so crazy because he was replaced by Sarutobi Hiruzen from another world.

But now it seems that Sarutobi Hiruzen was actually crazy.

The overwhelming dark power sealed off the entire ninja world, directly cutting off the connection between the Sage of Six Paths and King Jō.

After the originally menacing six immortals also noticed this strange change, a flash of panic flashed across their faces.

He is not afraid of the changes in the celestial phenomena. After all, all the bells and whistles are useless in the face of absolute strength.

But if the other party can cut off his connection with the Pure Land, the meaning is different.

"What's going on! My connection with the Pure Land has been cut off?" The six immortals looked up warily at the terrifying darkness that had covered the sun.

Zero-Tail controlled by Qianyu completely released Zero-Tail's own power.

A strange giant beast more than 70 meters high appeared in the air and confronted the six immortals: "Six Paths demon! I have been waiting for you for a long time!"

Sage of Six Paths frowned and asked: "Such a negative Chakra... who are you? What is your relationship with this group of intruders?"

"I should be considered zero-tailed now. As for my origins, what do you think?" Qianyu squinted his eyes and teased.

From the moment Zero-Tail said he was a Six Paths demon, Sage of Six Paths realized that this guy was his enemy.

Even though he knew that the two sides were enemies, Sage of Six Paths still refused to give up and asked: "You cut off my connection with the Pure Land?"

Qianyu nodded: "I can't help it. If I don't do this, I might not be able to keep you."

Suddenly enlightened, Sage of Six Paths said with a gloomy face: "So you did all this because you wanted to take advantage of me?"

"Now that you know the truth, can you die?" After Qianyu finished speaking, he took the lead in launching the attack.

Sage of Six Paths frowned and looked at the Zero Tailed being controlled by Qianyu. He clearly knew that the strange tailed beast in front of him was different from any creature known in the world.

Zero-Tail looks like a Chakra aggregation composed of negative emotions. Its shape is looming, and its body is wrapped with dark energy. "Every ten times it squirms, it seems to tear apart the space."

From this point alone, Sage of Six Paths knew that ordinary ninjutsu was absolutely useless against this evil beast.

Sage of Six Paths Wearing colorful feathers and stepping on the void, he has insight into the secrets of ninjutsu. Faced with the unprecedented threat of Zero-Tail, there is no wavering in his eyes, only determination and false compassion.

Sage of Six Paths raised the fairy staff in his hand, and the tip of the staff condensed with the colorful Madara light. It was the power of the fusion of the five Chakra attributes, which was enough to open up the world and quell the Ziqie riots.

"Evil beast from Otherworld, only eternal silence awaits you! You are not even qualified to return to the Pure Land!"

(Zero Tails has no soul.)

Sage of Six Paths whispered, although the voice was soft, it penetrated the wind and rain, echoing between heaven and earth.

As the six great immortals finished speaking, they waved their magic wands, and a beam of light struck Zero Tail's core like an arrow of dawn.

The dark energy in Zero Tail's body surged crazily, forming one devastating attack after another, rushing towards Sage of Six Paths.

What looks like a showdown between justice and evil begins here. (bjdj) During the battle, light and darkness intertwined, and each collision shook the world, distorting space and dislocating time.

Sage of Six Paths uses his unfathomable power to not only resist Zero-Tail's attacks, but also attempts to purify the darkness originating from the depths of human hearts and guide Zero-Tail back to its proper order.

"Probation? It's absolutely ridiculous!"

A sneer flashed through Qianyu's heart.

The Sage of Six Paths from the Dark Ninja Realm thought so at the beginning, but now the grass on his grave is three feet high.

What's more, the one who controls Zero-Tail now is Qianyu. "Even if Sage of Six Paths uses the so-called will of the immortal to tune the darkness in Zero-Tail's heart, what's the use?"

After all, what controls Zero Tail now is not its original consciousness, but Qianyu’s will!

"Is this the collision of Six Paths-level experts?"

Akito on the ground looked longingly at the collision close to the atmosphere.

These super Kage-level experts were all stuck on the threshold of Six Paths. After witnessing a collision between Six Paths level experts today, Akito realized how big the gap was between himself and Six Paths.

Darkness Sarutobi Hiruzen looked at the Spirit Tail and Sage of Six Paths in the sky with fear, and wondered: "What's going on? When did Zero Tail's battle become so sophisticated?"

The land of thunder.

Shadow Group Danzo squinted his eyes and said to himself: "God has actually come to this world? And those beings who can receive Chakra from nature, are they the Sage of Six Paths of this world?"

"Fortunately, I was careful this time and didn't do any tricks. Hiruzen, I hope you really listened to my orders and didn't have other ideas, otherwise I won't be able to save you!

Shadow Danzo sighed, and then continued to work on his own.

The boss worked so hard before he was here, not to mention Zero-Tail is now in this world.

"Damn it, what's going on? How can this thing give birth to a soul?" The six great immortals looked at Lu Wei in front of them with gloomy expressions.

After several mental tests, the six immortals also realized that there was something wrong with Zero Tail.

Normally speaking, zero tail is actually a kind of tailed beast. Even if it is a bit special, it is definitely not special enough to have a soul.

"It seems we can only use the sealing technique."

Sage of Six Paths sighed inwardly.

Rinnegan turned on quietly.

Six Paths · Planetary Devastation!

The Planetary Devastation performed by Sage of Six Paths is definitely not comparable to the Planetary Devastation like Nagato.

The basic principle of Planetary Devastation is to use Rinnegan's Ultimate control of gravity to highly concentrate the surrounding Chakra or natural materials (usually rocks and soil) to form a huge sphere that is suspended in the air and exerts a strong attraction to the surrounding environment force, continuously sucking in more matter, thus eventually forming a star seal.

This is the most powerful sealing technique in the true sense!

The surrounding meteorites have a zero tail center and are continuously pulled closer.

Unlike Nagato's Planetary Devastation, the anchor point of Sage of Six Paths' Planetary Devastation can be any being, rather than a black Chakra ball.

"Rinnegan? I know how to do this!"

Zero-Tail, who once swallowed the Sage of Six Paths, naturally controls all the ninjutsu of the Six Sage Associations, and the one who controls Zero-Tail now is Qianyu.

If we talk about the application of ninjutsu, the current Zero-Tail is no less than Sage of Six Paths.

Looking at Rinnegan in Zero-Tail's eyes, Sage of Six Paths felt numb all over.

"How can you, a tailed beast, have blood inheritance limits? Are you going to make such a big deal!"

Resisting the urge to yell, Sage of Six Paths looked at Zero Tails warily.

Dark·dark hole!

A small black hole suddenly appeared behind Sage of Six Paths. This dark hole began to swallow everything around it just like a real black hole.

Those meteorites pulled by Planetary Devastation, and even some invisible and invisible things are within the swallowing range of Dark Escape.

The off-field impact caused by the Ultimate pulling of the two gravity points is also very terrifying.

Under the gravitational pull of the two Ultimates, the entire ninja world actually began to deviate from its original orbit.

The six immortals who noticed this scene finally became anxious.

You must know that the ninja world is his lifeblood!

Now that the ninja world has been wiped out in one battle, it would be even more uncomfortable than killing him!

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