After Unifying The Ninja World, You Invaded The Parallel Ninja World

Chapter 137: Third Generation Astatine (Third Raikage Variant), Fourth Generation Ai Recognizes His

"You really don't plan to imprison me? Nor do you plan to interrogate me?" Terumi Mei looked at Zabuza in disbelief and asked.

Zabuza nodded with certainty and explained: "You should also know that this is another world. Your status in this world is a bit high. You don't have to worry about someone deliberately targeting you. You just need to feel at ease in the future. Just live here."

Terumi Mei nodded thoughtfully after hearing this. Of course she couldn't just accept her fate.

So what if it's in another world?

As Kirigakure's shadow, she must be responsible for her village.

As for your high status in this world?

Terumi Mei silently kept this matter in mind, her intuition told her that this matter was very important.

Zabuza could see what Terumi Mei was thinking at a glance: "The weakest guards in the palace are Elite Jōnin, and the strongest are Super Kage-level. If you want to return to the original ninja world through the portal, All I can say is that you are talking nonsense.”

Terumi Mei: “…………”

Seeing that Terumi Mei didn't believe it, Zabuza said: "Okay, I advise you to stop thinking about those unrealistic things and come with me. "We have to fly back to Water State."

"But before that, I'll take you to get your temporary ID card, otherwise you won't be able to get on the plane.

Under the leadership of Zabuza, Terumi Mei left the Palace Square.

On the tower of the palace.

Terumi You squinted her eyes and looked at "himself" leaving.

Next to her, Lin Jiaoyu Youli (the variant of Lin Jiaoyu Youli) asked worriedly: "My queen, are you just going to let her return to the Water State? Princess Tsunade's transformation has already moved into the palace, I don't think so. How long will it take before she can climb into the Emperor's bed?

Terumi Yu asked funnyly: "What are you worried about?"

Linju Yuyouli said sheepishly: "I'm not afraid that my queen will fall too far behind."

"Now we only have one imperial concubine in the Rain State, your Majesty, and our power is still too weak."

Terumi You smiled meaningfully, and then comforted: "You don't have to worry about this. When the empire completely conquers that world, this transformation of mine will recommend itself to His Majesty."

It will be easier to train then. "

"But won't that be too long?"

Linju Yuyouli was still worried.

Terumi Yu asked: "How long do you think it will take for the empire to conquer that world?"

"About two years?" Linju Yuyouli guessed.

Terumi You said: "I bet for three months!"

"So fast?" Linju Yuyouli exclaimed.

Terumi Yu said confidently: "The empire's testing of that world is over. After confirming that the Six Paths monsters will not intervene in the ninja war, everything will go smoothly, not to mention that the emperor has now controlled the tailed beast. That world."

"Three months...that's not bad."

Linju Yuyouli nodded reluctantly.

Terumi Youhate said with irony: "You! You should entrust Luo Shuo and the others to find your transformation. You have been the Emperor's maid for so long, and you are still the Emperor's maid."

Linjue frowned and said depressedly: "Your Majesty may not like my sharp teeth."

Terumi Mei smiled and comforted: "Not necessarily, after all, this may be a bonus for you."

While the two were talking, Terumi Mei and Zabuza, who had received temporary ID cards, boarded the plane back to Rain State.

Zabuza, who was walking in front, consoled him: "It will take about four hours for us to reach our destination.

Terumi Mei did not reply, but looked at the deeply stuck plane that had just landed in a daze.

Terumi Mei asked incredulously: "Why are such huge flying puppets not used in war?"

"How are you sure that the aircraft was not used in the empire's war?" Zabuza asked in a funny tone.

"When you get familiar with the Empire in the future, you will know how fragile our ninja world is, and the Empire has tried its best.

It's difficult to control the force of stepping on an ant without damaging its life, not to mention you who don't know anything but are resisting.

When he saw the airplane for the first time, he had the same idea as Terumi Mei now. He didn't understand why such flying puppets were not used in war.

Later he realized that it was because he had been too conservative before.

The empire's army uses bombers, which are smaller than airplanes but more flexible. Bombers loaded with ammunition can be called mobile natural disasters.

"You shouldn't be airsick, right?" Zabuza asked.

Bai's airsickness caused them a lot of trouble at the beginning. Fortunately, the flight attendants on the plane were understanding and considerate, otherwise the consequences would be disastrous.

"I've never done anything like this, how do I know if I'm dizzy or not?" Terumi Mei rolled her eyes at Zabuza speechlessly.

Zabuza didn't say anything after hearing this. With an ugly smile on his face, Zabuza handed the two tickets to the ticket inspector.

"Hello, here are the tickets for me and the lady behind me."

The ticket inspector smiled and took the ticket handed over by Zabuza.

Terumi Mei, who was following Zabuza, looked at Zabuza in surprise.

Who is Kijin Zabuza?

That was a man who massacred all his classmates and was called the devil of hell.

Now this man actually treats an ordinary person so kindly, and even means to please him?


"Isn't this guy brainwashed by the empire?"

Terumi Mei thought with some doubt in her heart.

Somewhat unexpectedly, Terumi Mei sighed: "I didn't expect you to be so respectful to ordinary people."

"Everyone serves the empire. Although they are all ordinary people, they also have their own light." Zabuza replied casually.

If it weren't for these flight attendants, Bai almost would have died due to altitude sickness, so he was so polite to these people.

Terumi Mei asked curiously: "What about your beheading sword? I remember that you should never leave your body with the sword, right?"

"Ninja swords are controlled items in the empire, and it is not convenient to carry them with you. Moreover, the security of the empire is very good. It is impossible to use a decapitation sword in the empire." Zabuza explained.

You will later know the difference between these two worlds.

Terumi Mei deliberately tried to test: "Aren't you worried about meeting traitors or people who rob your house?"

Zabuza said seriously: "Just tell me this. Don't ask others. I'm afraid others will laugh out loud.'


"You may not believe it, but the empire hasn't had a rebel ninja in at least 19 years." Zabuza said.

Even the Pure Land is in the hands of the Empire. Under such a premise, who would be mentally retarded to betray the Empire?

Even if he is mentally ill, he only wants to commit suicide, not betray the empire.


Terumi Mei could clearly hear the pride in Zabuza's tone.

Seeing Zabuza like this, Terumi Mei finally panicked. It had only been less than two months since this so-called empire invaded the ninja world. In just two months, it had completely assimilated Zabuza, making him surrender physically and mentally. empire.

What a terrible brainwashing technique this is!

This kind of brainwashing technology is probably not comparable to the "will of fire", the "number one illusion" in the ninja world?

The poor Fourth Raikage was sent to the Imperial Royal Hospital as soon as possible.

The Imperial Royal Hospital is a hospital founded by the emperor himself, and its director is Tsunade, known as the goddess of life.

Raikage was sent in at 1 pm that day, and he was discharged from the hospital at 2 pm that day.

Raikage stood at the door of the hospital confused.

Good news! I am still alive!

Bad news! He was caught!

Good news! The enemy seems to have let him go.

Bad news! It seems I can’t go back.

The world is big but there is no place for me.

"""If you say you want to set me free, why don't you use the whole world to imprison me?"

Raikage Ai, who lowered his head, thought unwillingly.

The doctor who treated him has made it clear that he can move freely in this world, but he cannot break the law. If he breaks the law, he will be imprisoned.

A rough voice sounded from in front of him [Master Dai Po Tai laughed loudly]] "Hey! You are my son from the ten worlds, right? You can't do this! No matter whether you are an ordinary person or a ninja, you can't lose The direction of your own life.”

Listening to this set of familiar yet unfamiliar voices, Fourth Generation Ai, who had his head lowered, suddenly raised his head and looked at the strong old man in front of him in disbelief.

"You...your...father?" Fourth Generation Ai shouted softly without confidence.

"Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha!"

"Father? You are right to call me that. After all, the hospital is right behind. If we do a paternity test, the result of the test will definitely be that we are father and son." Third Generation Astatine laughed and did not express any concern for Fourth Generation Ai. Are you dissatisfied with the act of recognizing your father?


Coming back to his senses, Fourth Generation Ai looked at the old man in front of him doubtfully.

Third Generation smiled and introduced himself: "I am Third Generation Astatine (Third Raikage variant)."

"How is my father (Wang Nuo) in this world?"

Fourth Generation Ai looked thoughtfully at the man in front of him who looked exactly like his father.

Regardless of appearance or personality, the old man in front of him is exactly the same as the father in his memory.

He may seem rude and irritable, but he is actually a kind and gentle person with full confidence in the younger ninjas who come after him.

Third Generation Ai patted Fourth Generation Ai on the shoulder and said: "Let's go! If you don't have a place to stay in this world, just follow me home! Lei Zhizhou can always be your home."


Fourth Generation Ai wanted to refuse righteously. After all, the "father" in front of him was from the empire. Strictly speaking, the two sides should be considered enemies.

Fourth Generation Ai deliberately said excitedly: "Isn't this bad? After all, I am a prisoner of the empire. If you take me in as a criminal, aren't you afraid that your emperor will cause you trouble?"

"You don't understand the Emperor's mind at all. Not to mention that little Karami like you can't catch the Emperor's eye at all. Isn't your current situation enough to explain everything?" Third Generation Astatine comforted him with a smile.

There are many things worthy of praise about the emperor. What the men from Thunder State admire the most is the emperor's mind that is broader than the world.

In the original unification war, the Kingdom of Thunder was the one that resisted the most fiercely. After the Kingdom of Thunder surrendered, the emperor did not discriminate against the Kingdom of Thunder.

He truly treated every subject of the empire equally, even if that subject was once a member of an enemy country. .

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