After Unifying The Ninja World, You Invaded The Parallel Ninja World

Chapter 136: Zabuza: The Transformation Is A Singer, But I Can’T Beat Him! (Please Subscribe!)

The same scene happened in the homes of various nobles in the Kingdom of Wind.

Every noble family actually hired ninjas to protect their own safety. These ninjas may come from any ninja village, but there are no people from Sand Shinobi Village.

But even the guardian ninja of the Daming Prefecture is only Jōnin. In front of the Uzumaki Legion of all Elite Jōnin, it can be said that he was killed without the ability to fight back.

The empire only showed its power for the first time and crushed the Kingdom of Wind, one of the five major countries.

After Onoki finally escaped back to the village, he hadn't sat down for long when a shocking piece of bad news came from the Kingdom of Wind.

"Grandpa! Something bad is going on."

"All the daimyo and nobles of the Kingdom of Wind were killed overnight." Kurotsuchi reported in panic.

Onoki asked solemnly: "What's the reaction from the Daming Mansion?"

Ohnoki also didn't expect Feng Zhiguo to be so decisive, cleaning up the management class of the Country of Wind almost overnight.

Are these guys crazy? Aren’t they afraid of retribution for doing this?

At this moment, Onoki can already imagine how chaotic the Kingdom of Wind will be in the future.

Without the nobles, there is no order in the country of wind, and a chaotic country is about to be born!

Kurotsuchi continued: "The daimyo is calling you urgently, asking you to go to the daming mansion in person."

Just when Onoki was still thinking about how to deal with Daming, a ninja hurried in again.

"Tsuchikage is too big to be bad!"

"The latest information, the name of the Kingdom of Thunder has been assassinated!"

Upon hearing this, Onoki's face darkened.

He can already imagine how much pressure the earth country's daimyo will put on Rock Shinobi Village after hearing the news?

"What a troubled time!"

25 Onoki sat on the chair tiredly and sighed.

Feeling a headache, Onoki asked depressedly: "How did Sand Shinobi Village clean up the aristocratic class of the Land of Wind overnight?"

Kurotsuchi explained: "According to the survivors, they are a group of red-haired ninjas. They wear uniform uniforms and should be in the same legion. Their purpose is very clear, that is, to kill only nobles."

After hearing this, Onoki felt bad all over.

"The empire...really sent an army here?"

Ohnoki looked out the window with dull eyes.

Sand Shinobi Village has completely switched sides, and Konoha is probably about the same.

Thinking of this, Onoki felt a pain in his back.

Yuraiya's Rasengan almost killed him.

Raikage and Mizukage were captured, and now the only one remaining fighting force is Rock Shinobi Village.

This was originally good news, but - Death Tooth Cold!

At this time, he would rather not have this advantage.

"Urgently contact Kiri Shinobi and Cloud Shinobi to discuss the alliance." Onoki ordered quickly.

Although both Raikage and Mizukage have been arrested, the foundations of these two villages have not been damaged. If they join forces, there may be hope for a comeback.

Ninja World No. 1, the root base of Konoha.

Danzo handed a document to Orochimaru solemnly.

"This is the information from the Kingdom of Wind. Take a look."

Orochimaru curiously took the information handed over by Danzo.

"This is………………"

"Red-haired ninja army? At least 300 Jōnin?"

"How is that possible!"

Orochimaru exclaimed in disbelief.

Could it be that these invaders from parallel universes did not come through dragon veins?

Dragon Vein definitely has no ability to teleport so many people.

Thinking of this, Orochimaru finally realized the seriousness of the matter.

If the invaders really have the ability to lead to other parallel universes, then their internal fighting is almost equivalent to seeking death!

Danzo said: "Can't wait any longer, I decided to trick the fake Sarutobi Hiruzen out of the village now to deal with him."

This time Orochimaru didn't make excuses to delay.

"Okay, I will help with the Impure World Reincarnation project and the Second Generation project when the time comes.

Seeing that Orochimaru finally relented, Danzo also breathed a sigh of relief.

Danzo couldn't wait to say: "I'm going to forge information..."

After Xiang Ling and Luo Shuo returned to Sand Shinobi Village, they left directly. The severely injured and dying Fourth Raikage and Terumi Mei were sent back to the Empire.

The reason why he is so urgent is because the Fourth Raikage is too seriously injured and must go to the empire to receive professional treatment, otherwise his potential may be affected.

And Terumi Mei needless to say.

Terumi Mei, whose Chakra was sealed, had no intention of resisting, but kept calmly recording everything around her to prepare for her escape plan.

Of course, Terumi Mei cannot just accept her fate. After all, she is a woman who can become the shadow of a village. How could she accept her fate so easily?

Terumi Mei, who was forcibly pushed into the portal, thought thoughtfully: "It seems that the way for these invaders to enter other worlds is through this strange portal [This portal seems to be made of Chakra metal."

Thinking of this, Terumi Mei felt bad.

Am I the culprit?

Without the Chakra metal they sponsored, wouldn't these damn invaders have the money to build the portal?

If there was no portal, wouldn't the enemy be able to enter this world?

Terumi Mei felt ashamed when she thought of her own behavior of supporting the enemy.

Why were you blinded by profit in the first place? Didn't you consider why Sand Shinobi Village needed so much Chakra metal?

It was they who personally sent resources to create this "Devil's Gate".

Terumi Mei felt extremely regretful and finally came to the Empire.

After stepping out of the portal, Terumi Mei saw a giant brass statue over a hundred meters high.

This statue of the young and handsome emperor stands in the heart of the magnificent square, becoming the focus of everyone who comes here.

The statue is made of exquisite brass. It is tall and straight, about 200 times the life size, showing the emperor's extraordinary temperament and majesty.

The young emperor has a handsome face, and the carving skillfully captures his heroic demeanor.

His face is chiseled, his brows reveal wisdom and determination, his eyes are deep and farsighted, and he seems to be staring into the distance, planning the future of the country.

The corners of the statue's mouth are slightly raised, which not only shows the emperor's confidence and calmness, but also his affinity, making people feel a maturity and prestige that transcends age.

"Is this a prince?"

Terumi Mei couldn't help but exclaimed.

Once a cold and hard voice sounds from the side

"No! That's the statue of the great Dihuang."

Although this voice was cold and hard, it did not hide his admiration and admiration for the emperor.

Terumi Mei looked at each other curiously.

After seeing the iron forehead protector on Zabuza's head, Terumi Mei hesitated and asked: "Kijin Zabutsu?"

Zabuza asked: "It seems you remember me? If I remember correctly, you should be the Fifth Mizukage, right?"

Terumi Mei nodded, and then asked in confusion: "Why are you here?"

Zabuza briefly explained: "When they built the portal, they needed experimental products to verify the feasibility of the portal."

Terumi Mei, who understood instantly, looked at Zabuza with some pity, but when she met someone from her hometown in a strange place, even though the other person was a rebellious nin, the tension in Terumi Mei's heart also disappeared a lot.

"Looking at your state, it doesn't look like you were caught? Have you surrendered to the enemy?" Terumi Mei probed.

Zabuza, who could see Terumi Mei's little thoughts at a glance, sneered: "You don't have to test me, I did join the empire.

Seeing that Zabuza shamelessly admitted it, Terumi Mei laughed and said, "As expected, a traitor is a traitor. How are you going to deal with me?"

Zabuza asked meaningfully: "How do you think you will be treated?"

Terumi Mei said disdainfully: "Locked up and tortured? And then trying to dig out information from me?"

"No! You overestimate yourself. The information on you is useless to the empire. Zabuza laughed again.

Terumi Mei: "???"

"Let's go! I want you to return to the Water State. You are free in this world, just like civilians, but the Chakra seal on you will not be released.

After Zabuza finished speaking, he led the way.

220 After witnessing the prosperity and greatness of the empire, Zabuza chose to serve this great country that was like a utopia on earth.

He will never forget the innocent smiles of the children in Mist Shinobi City, and he will never forget the image of being surrounded by those children singing.

After coming to this world, he found his own transformation.

He didn't expect that he in this world was not a ninja, but a rock singer, and he formed a group called Bluebird Legend with Bai in this world.

At first, he looked down upon himself in this world.

What's the use of being a singer? Without strength, no matter how good my brother is, he's still nothing.

Zabuza, who comes from a world where the weak and the strong eat each other, was originally prepared to have the strength to wake up the world.


Then he was abused.

The kind that is abused and has no power to fight back.

Damn it, a singer actually has Kage-level abilities!

This is simply outrageous. It’s so outrageous to open the door to outrageous things!

Only God knows how broken his mentality was when he was beaten by the singer's transformation.

You have Kage-level ability to become a singer?

Is this how you repay your empire?

Even now, Zabuza looks down on his own transformation.

"Although I am weak, I will work hard for the empire!"

Under this kind of self-hypnosis, Zabuza took Haku into the arms of the empire without hesitation.

He has only one purpose in this life!

That is to transcend the singing self, and then prove to the singing self that being "loving" is not as good as protecting the home and the country.

Zabuza, who wanted to contribute to the empire, received the first mission from his superiors.

That is to trick Terumi Mei into joining the empire.

After Zabuza heard the content of the mission, he accepted the mission without hesitation.

This is an easy task. As long as Terumi Mei sees the beauty of the empire, Terumi Mei will definitely throw herself into the arms of the empire without hesitation, just like she did.

Zabuza does not have confidence in his own words, but in the glorious and great empire!

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