"Since it's your third brother, why not protect you upright?" Jin Chen really didn't understand what Su Jingrui did.

He asked before, but didn't get the answer he wanted.

"The situation in my house is more complicated. Let me tell you more when I have time." Su Hanyan looked at the darker night, "It's getting late, you should go back to rest."

"Yeah." Jin Shen nodded, "I'm going on a business trip tomorrow, and I won't be back in a few days. If possible, let your brother pick you up to work."

Those people who cannot catch it for a day cannot relax their vigilance.

"I see, you go! Jin Shen, goodbye!" Su Hanyan smiled and pushed him out of the door, "I have time to call and talk."

The corner of Jin Chen's lips pursed with a smile: "Okay."

After returning home, Jin Shen received a call from Lu Feifan.

"How is it? Your girlfriend was not taken away, right?"

"How is it possible?" Jin Chen leaned against the table, staring at the top of the willow tree outside the window. The green leaf buds were growing vigorously. "No one can **** anyone I like!"

"Bing Se." Lu Feifan laughed at him.

"Is there anything else? I'll hang up if it's okay!" Jin Shen said.

"Why are you so impatient to chat with me? Why are you in a hurry just to say a few words?"

"I'm going on a business trip tomorrow, the train early in the morning."

"Well then, I wish you well, goodbye!"

"Goodbye!" When Jin Shen was about to hang up, he suddenly said, "Thanks! You unreliable fellow, in fact sometimes give some reliable suggestions."

"Which suggestion are you referring to?" Lu Feifan asked puzzledly.

Jin Shen smiled faintly: "Think for yourself!"


Jin Chen had been away for several days.

After the Ching Ming Festival, the weather became warm as soon as it was warm. As soon as the wind blew, the poplar catkins all over the city flew all over the sky.

It's getting dark too late.

Su Hanyan got off work late today, added a shift and rushed to a manuscript, so that Saturday would not have to go to the factory again.

She cleaned up the desk, changed her clothes and took her bag and was about to leave when the phone on the desk rang.

"Hello, who?" She picked it up.

"Yanyan, it's Dad! Shouldn't you go to class tomorrow? Dad is thinking about going over to see you!"

After such a pinch, they really haven't seen each other since the last time they met. It's been two months in a flash, she has been busy all the time and didn't care about going to see her father.

"Okay, Dad, come on! Tomorrow I will prepare something delicious for Dad!" Su Hanyan agreed, but she had a condition, "Dad, I don't want to see extra people!"

"Okay, no see!" Su Dajiang understood what she meant.

"Little sister, is the third brother a superfluous person?" Su Jingrui's hippy smiling voice came.

"Forget it." Su Hanyan replied decisively and put the phone down.

Su Jingrui stared at the phone for a long time: "Dad, look, she still refuses to forgive me!"

"Frozen three feet is not a day's cold." Su Dajiang turned his back and turned around the room, "You don't bully your sister for a day and a half. Of course, it's not easy to reconcile!"

"Yeah, I understand. Wouldn't it be possible if I didn't go?" Su Jingrui hung up the phone, rubbing his painful shoulders and went back to the house in grief.


Early the next morning, Su Hanyan washed clothes in this small courtyard.

There is an old water well in the yard. The well was sealed with cement, and only one rod was left. When I pressed it with my hand, the water was pumped up.

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