"Okay, let's go." Jin Chen loosened his foot and saw Su Jingrui getting up. He twisted his other arm, and then removed the other arm with a click.

"Ah ah ah ah ah -" Su Jingrui then scream loudly, extraordinarily night's creepy in this city, "What are you doing !!"

He stared at Jin Shen angrily. The man looked thin and thin, as if he had no strength to hold his hands. The result was **** cruel.

It stands to reason that when he was a child, he did not fight with people less, and not many when he suffered. But in the face of this guy, once the opponent made a move, he didn't even have the power to counterattack.

"Lest you run away, so take precautions," Jin Chen said lightly.

"Your uncle!" Su Jingrui scolded, "Hurry up and connect it to me!"

"No. Let's go, follow me to see Su Hanyan."

Su Hanyan just heard someone knock on the door outside before lying down after washing up. Because of the lesson from the last time, she and Zhu Lin dared not open the door, nor dared to speak out.

"Yanyan, it's Jin Shen."

Su Hanyan didn't feel relieved until he heard a familiar voice. When she opened the door, she saw Jin Chen and Su Jingrui appear in front of her.

"Yanyan!" Su Jingrui's painful voice changed.

"Su Jingrui! Why are you here?" Su Hanyan was surprised. She felt that Su Jingrui was a little weird. She was even more surprised when she saw his arms drooping on both sides of her body. "What happened to your arm?"

"Ask him!" Su Jingrui stared at Jin Chen's face, wishing to poke two holes directly into him.

"He has been following you these days, and he is following me tonight, but I won't catch him! He said, he is your brother!" Jin Chen explained.

"Yes, he is my brother and my third brother!" Su Hanyan admitted.

"It seems to be true!" Jin Chen nodded, his eyes fell on Su Jingrui's face, "But why are you stalking her secretly?"

"I said, I'm protecting her! Protect her!" Su Jingrui said irritably, "She almost hurt people, so I kept sending her secretly! Didn't this have been discovered? I saw you not tonight? Go, I don’t know who you are. I can’t follow you to investigate you? Hurry up, stop talking nonsense, and get my arm!"

"Good!" Jin Chen agreed.

After two crisp sounds, Su Jingrui's arm was reconnected.

He shakes it and feels a lot more comfortable, but the joints are still faintly aching: "This is **** unlucky! Who are you going to talk to to reason? And you! What the **** is wrong with you? Just remove it whenever you want. They have elbows!"

Jin Shen smiled lightly: "Not next time!"

"There is another time!" Su Jingrui left his distance, "please stay away from me, my arm hurts when I see it."

Su Hanyan didn't expect that Su Jingrui would secretly protect her. This time she was really touched: "Thank you, third brother! You won't need to protect it in the future, the danger is lifted."

"The person who hurt you hasn't heard of the chant." Su Jingrui said, rubbing a sore shoulder, "I will pay attention to this, don't worry."

"Well, thank you."

"Family, you are welcome." Su Jingrui waved his hand and said, "In this case, I will go back first."

"Then you slow down."

"Don't worry about it." Su Jingrui hummed away, not forgetting to stare at Jin Chen before leaving.

Su Hanyan really couldn't believe that Su Jingrui had changed so much.

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