Su Jingrui gaped and froze in place, not knowing what to say for a long time.

This girl is too...too...too good at making fun of people!

"Why? You don't think that if you forgive lightly, I will forgive you?" Su Hanyan chuckled, "Then I am too fond of eating!"

In the past, Su Jingrui hit her as she wanted, and did what she wanted, and never considered her feelings.

Today, she can be regarded as a vent to herself.

"Little girl." Su Jingrui's expression finally became serious. "Brother apologizes to you for the **** behavior in the past, and sincerely apologizes to you! This time I have an accident. Dad said it was you who helped me before and after running alone, Qian It was you too. This really made me unexpected... I always bully you on weekdays and treat you badly, but something happened to me, you came out to help me first, I am very touched! Whether you forgive or not forgive me , Brother will change his past and be a new man in the future!"

"You don't need to be grateful. I didn't aim at you at the time, I was aiming at Dad to help. I don't want to see Dad embarrassed, after all, he is the only person in this family who loves me, the only person who is really good for me! If not! Dad, I won't help you!" Su Hanyan said truthfully.

She didn't want to take his favor.

"No matter what it is, you always helped me. I was too **** and too selfish before. In these days in the detention center, I have been reflecting on myself! Lin Zhiqiu...she was originally impure, I... I was blind and didn't see it..." Su Jingrui regretted the beginning, but now thinks about it and still sweats.

He was grateful for the little sister's resistance at the time. Otherwise, he would send her little sister to the lame Zhou to live for a **** like Lin Zhiqiu. He was afraid that it would be uneasy for the rest of his life.

"Okay." Su Hanyan knew that he might be regretful here, but what will happen in the future, how can she say well, saying that it will see people's hearts for a long time, and it must look at what will happen in the future, "You don't need to say anything. If you want to say thank you, you really should thank me, I have accepted the things, and you should go."

"Okay, okay." Su Jingrui nodded repeatedly, and stuffed the things into Su Hanyan's hands, "If you want to eat something, tell me, I'll buy it for you later!"

Su Jingrui left without looking back and watched him leave. Only then did Su Hanyan open this heavy pocket. In addition to two large lunch boxes, there were canned food, fresh fruit and white rabbit toffee.

This guy is willing to spend money.

However, it is too simple to want to impress her with such a little thing.

Hurts are not caused in a day, and forgiveness cannot be forgiven in an instant. What's more, she didn't intend to return to the Su family again. The place of right and wrong should be kept as far away as possible.

Su Hanyan took the things upstairs and shared them with her roommate to taste, and then left the matter behind, because she now has something more yearning for, that is, shopping for clothes.

For women, shopping is a thing that will never feel tired, tired, and happy!

In the shopping mall, Su Hanyan bought a lot of things in large and small bags.

Shao Yu told her to let her endure and let Shao Feng find cheap goods for her. However, Su Hanyan couldn't wait, just wanted to buy things home quickly.

I'm going to invite Jin Chen to dinner tomorrow. The clothes he wears are so neat and tidy. If she wears sloppy and sloppy clothes, it would not look good.

The three of them had been shopping for a long time, and when they were about to go back, Shao Yu suddenly shouted: "Yanyan, look! That coat is exactly the same as the coat you wear!"

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