"Ghost idea? What can I make? Little sister, is your third brother so unbearable in your heart?" Su Jingrui felt a little frustrated.

Su Hanyan sneered: "Do you think you are so good? Su Jingrui, you feel so good!"

"I'm sorry!" He suddenly said this sentence. He has been practicing this sentence since last night. It is such a simple three words that he said when facing the little girl. Difficult, "I'm sorry, my brother is a bastard! My brother is blind, my brother is not a thing! My brother is sorry for you, he has been bullying you, making you wronged!"

When he said this, Su Hanyan was stunned.

She really couldn't believe that Su Jingrui, who was heartless and brainless, ran over in the morning to apologize to her.

"Congratulations, you finally got to know yourself correctly." Su Hanyan raised the corner of his mouth.

"Yes, yes." Su Jingrui's cheeks were hot, "You are right, your third brother is not a good thing, I realize it!"

"Do you really recognize it?" Su Hanyan glanced at him with a smile on his lips, "Then prove it to me?"

"How does this prove?"

"Slap yourself!" Su Hanyan smiled and pointed to the single dormitory where he lived. "If you think of a reason why you are sorry for me, then you slap yourself and let me see if you sincerely regret it. ."

Su Jingrui had people in the same room cleaned up in the detention center. There were still injuries on his face, which hurt after a touch. Su Hanyan actually slapped him in the face.

"Still fake." Su Hanyan turned around and left.

"Wait." Su Jingrui hurriedly shouted, "I can't fight yet?"

"Please." Su Hanyan took two steps back, leaving plenty of space for him.

Su Jingrui raised her hand to face her face, and slapped it up with a firm slap: "I am selfish and thinking about sacrificing my younger sister's marriage for myself!"

Snap—the second slap sounded.

"I'm blind, my head is in the water, and I can't get along with the little girl when I believe others' provocations!"

Slap-the third slap.

"I am a big man who uses his fist to solve problems at every turn, and he often bullies the little girl!"

After slapped himself for about twenty slaps, his face became swollen again, the roots of his tongue became numb, and his skin was burning with fire.

The people upstairs all opened their windows to watch the excitement, and they all thought it was funny. It's really not that this person made the mistake of having something wrong.

As for shame or something, Su Jingrui hadn't cared anymore.

He searched his stomach for a long time, but couldn't think of any reason, so he turned his head and looked at Su Hanyan and said, "Yanyan, brother really can't think of it."

"If you can't figure it out, then forget it." Su Hanyan asked him with a smile, "How is it? Now you know how bad you are to me, right?"

"I know, I know!" Su Jingrui nodded and asked hopefully, "So, Yanyan, do you forgive the third brother?"

"Forgive? When did I say to forgive you?" Su Han's smile gradually narrowed, "Su Jingrui, the harm you did to me is not a bit of a bit, I don't forgive you so easily! You don't need to follow me Forgive me, let alone come all the way to give me spare ribs to show my hospitality, if you really want to thank me, then you will disappear from my eyes, I don’t want to see you!"

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