After the divorce, the ex-wife became a creditor

Chapter 541: Use violence to stop violence

A man was released from Bincheng Prison after serving his sentence. He was thirty-five years old, about 1.85 meters tall, wearing a pair of glasses, and was elegant and well-mannered. He looked like a cultivated and talented person.

He walked towards the road calmly and smiled as he looked at the bustling city with cars passing by.

At this time, Han Qian was raising his uncle in Wen Nuan's office. Zhao Shanying and Wen Wen were sitting on the sofa, holding hands and chatting about household matters. They were all talking about useless ozone layer. Han Qian felt drowsy after listening to Wen Wen's pursuit last night. Han Qian asked some random questions, which caused Han Qian not to sleep well. After the girl was satisfied, she hugged Han Qian and fell asleep.

"Xiao Nuan, it seems that the only hotel business you enjoy is Swan Lake, right? Why are you suddenly getting into the hotel business now?"

After hearing this, Han Qian opened one eye and glanced at Zhao Shanying, then closed it again and continued to sleep, laughing softly.

"Changxiang is also helpless. In recent years, Changxiang has continuously invested in real estate and multiple projects in scenic spots. In recent years, the government office has also focused on tourism projects and attracting investment. After all, Swan Lake is a high-end hotel and is not suitable for people's consumption. , and another point is that Swan Lake Hotel is an independent company of Changxiang, and Changxiang does not intervene in its management."

Zhao Shanying smiled after hearing this, then his face suddenly turned serious and he whispered.

"I heard that Mr. Lin of your company took over the hotel where the accident happened a long time ago. Later, Feng Lun appeared and was delayed again. Now, enjoy the two hotels at the same time. This is not to shoot yourself in the foot. What?"

Nuan Nuan smiled and said nothing. At this time, Han Qian opened his eyes and said softly.

"Sister Zhao is still a little reluctant? In this case, I won't let my wife force her to cooperate with Huitian. Let this matter go as it is. Sister Zhao, please go back first. I will just call Director Wei later."

Zhao Shanying's face became a little embarrassed and she laughed softly.

"Master Han, look at you, aren't I just joking with Xiao Nuan?"

Han Qian put down his legs on the table, took out a cigarette and smiled lightly.

"Aren't Sister Zhao and I also joking? I am young and impatient. I miss some things when I can't see them. Please forgive me, Sister Zhao. As you can see from the poem, I have already gone to Germany to see the equipment. When can I get this plane? Want to sit down for a while?"

Wen Nuan coughed lightly.

"Honey, what are you doing? Sister Zhao, aren't you just kidding us?"

After saying that, he looked at Zhao Shanying and smiled.

"Sister Zhao, please don't pay attention to him. We had a little quarrel last night. I guess we haven't gotten over it yet. Now that Changxiang is a leading company in the city, employees and workers will inevitably feel arrogant. , if two hotels do it at the same time, competition will improve. Sister Zhao is not satisfied with the hotel price?"

Zhao Shanying forced a smile and shook her head gently. After a while, she made an excuse and left. Nuannuan closed the door of the office, her expression instantly turned ugly, and she frowned.

"It's just a matter of a shabby hotel. She's been looking for me more than a dozen times. No wonder Wei Tiancheng doesn't want her and has married a younger one."

After saying this, he picked up the water glass on the table, took half a glass of water and handed it to Han Qian, who chuckled softly.

"Wei Tiancheng's family is very stingy. It is probably because he was afraid of poverty when he was young, so his business has always been tepid. As for Liu Guangming's sponsorship of the city's sanitation in the past, he must have been the first to know about it. , but in the end, I didn’t even fart, what does this mean?”

"Quake So So Sou, otherwise we don't want this hotel. You go and ask Cheng Jin for a piece of land."

Looking at Nuan Nuan's back leaning against the desk, Han Qian smiled bitterly.

"Do you think the city belongs to my family? You want to build a hotel in Dongcheng. It won't be of much use. We are not specialized in tourism. Tomorrow, you can directly ask her if she wants to sign the contract. If she doesn't sign, she will let her go. Get out of here as soon as possible."

Nuan Nuan curled his lips and said contemptuously.

"I asked about it, and she said she would wait for a month until she vacated the hotel before checking in. I have asked this several times and this is the same attitude."

"I'll get Feng Lun back in a few days and talk to him personally."

Han Qian blurted out without even thinking about it. Nuan Nuan turned his head and glared at Han Qian and whispered.

"The worst thing is that we don't want the hotel anymore. You also stay away from Feng Lun. Why is this lunatic who the whole city is afraid of acting like your friend?"

"Okay, okay, it's your decision! I'll call Wei Tiancheng later, okay?"

"Except Feng Lun, you can do whatever you want. It's noon and I'm hungry."

"Eat, eat, eat, you will know how to eat in one day."

"Then I won't eat anymore. I'll be hungry! You'll be happy if I starve you to death."

Han Qian sighed, stood up and took Nuan Nuan's hand, saying weakly.

"Come on, little rice bucket, let's go eat."

"Let's go for a walk and eat big portions."

Sometimes Wen Wen is like a child, a very childish and innocent child. Although sometimes he will do very willful things, Han Qian still likes Wen Wen very much and does not want the innocence and kindness in Wen Wen's heart to be polluted.

In Changxiang's canteen, it is not unusual for Vice President Wen to come here to eat. You can often see Vice President Wen and Assistant Yu coming here together. Most of the people in Changxiang are attracted by the man next to them.


Vice President Wen’s husband.

They were a very loving couple, but they heard that Vice President Wen's husband worked in Honor and held a high position. They didn't know the details. Then when they saw this man sitting at the dining table, Vice President Wen ran to buy it. After the meal scene, some people could already hear the sounds of heartbreak.



God is unfair!

At the dinner table, Nuan Nuan fed Han Qian a piece of beef and whispered.

"The food cooked in the cafeteria is not as delicious as yours, and it is better than the takeout. I have to eat it. Han Qian, you can cook for me tomorrow, just like when you first got married, you put it in a thermos bucket for me."

"Didn't you say it was embarrassing before?"

"Aren't you young and ignorant?"

"It's late. I don't have time now. I'll leave first. You eat slowly. I'll make whatever you want to eat tonight."

"Then I won't eat either. I'll save it for dinner."

After getting up, Nuan Nuan hugged Han Qian's arm and smiled cutely.

After the young couple left the cafeteria, someone immediately started wailing, wailing about the injustice of the world.

A good man doesn’t have a good wife, so a good girl will marry twice!


Su Liang called Han Qian and complained. Now he was about to live in the work shed at the construction site. He didn't dare to go back unless Mr. Yan opened his mouth. The General Department seemed to have more burdens. He wanted to go back, but he couldn't.

This pitiful look made Han Qian laugh and drove to the construction site to comfort this poor brother.

Han Qian didn't go to see Su Liang empty-handed. He brought this guy a popsicle and took him back to the company. The general department really needed Su Liang now. On the way, the two guys chatted without saying a word. .

When talking about Yang Lan, Han Qian's expression became serious and he whispered doubtfully.

"I feel like Sister Yang is a little unusual recently. She is absent-minded and always shuts herself in the office."

Su Liang frowned and said doubtfully after hearing this.

"I haven't been to the company recently. Didn't you ask Daqianer?"

Han Qian shook his head.

"The big money was borrowed by Cheng Jin. I don't want to ask more about the others. It's okay if they know. Those who don't know think I'm spreading rumors. I'll go back to the company and ask little Yang Jia later. She will definitely know."

"Don't wait to go back to the company. I'll call Xiao Yang Jia now and ask."

Han Qian didn't stop her, but she was also a little curious. Is it really the menstrual period that Xiao Yang Jia said? We have been together for almost a year, and have never seen Yang Lan like this. Not long after, Su Liang hung up the phone and shook his head at Han Qian.

"Little Yang Jia knows, but she hesitates and dares not say anything. She says that Sister Yang threatens her not to talk nonsense. This way! When you return to the company, you go to Yang Jia, and I will go to see Sister Yang. If I can inquire, I will inquire, and if I can help, I will help. I’m busy and it’s not easy to take care of a child alone.”

"It can only be the."

There was no parking space. Su Liang got off the car at the main entrance. Han Qian went to the underground garage. As soon as he parked the car, Han Qian saw a familiar figure hurriedly walking past in the distance.

Sister Yang?

Han Qian sent a text message to Su Liang, and then quietly followed the sneaky Yang Lan. When he saw Yang Lan meeting a strange man, Han Qian was suddenly confused. Is Sister Yang's underground lover?

When he was confused, Su Liang appeared next to Han Qian, holding his chin and looking at Yang Lan in the distance, and said softly.

"Sister Yang's boyfriend? Isn't he too young?"

Han Qian whispered doubtfully.

"Really? He wears glasses and is polite. If Sister Yang likes it, we can have a chance to check it out. I don't want Sister Yang to be hurt anymore."

"You have a point."

As the two were communicating, the gentle man with glasses suddenly reached out and grabbed Yang Lan's hair and dragged him towards the white Baolai. This scene happened so suddenly that both Han Qian and Su Liang were stunned. Then their expressions became gloomy. Communicate without eye contact, straighten your waist and walk towards the white Bora step by step.

After getting closer, they heard Yang Lan's voice.

"Tang Wei, you madman, we have nothing to do with each other anymore! You are not Beibei's father either."

"Smelly bitch, I know very well whether Beibei is my daughter. You sent me here for five years, and I will vent my anger on you first. You are my wife, and it is natural for me to sleep with you."

Han Qian and Su Liang stopped at the same time and turned to look at each other.

Beibei's father?

Yang Lan’s husband?

Is that the domestic violence man?

Both Han Qian and Su Liang have a zero-tolerance attitude towards domestic violence, not to mention that the one he bullied at this time was Yang Lan, who cared about them the most. At this time, Tang Wei was still violent towards Yang Lan and took the car keys from her hand. , not caring about Yang Lan, who had already scratched his palm, unlocked the car and went to open the back door.

The moment Tang Wei saw Yang Lan, an evil fire was already burning in his lower abdomen. After five years of not seeing this woman, she became even more sexy. Five years of not touching a woman made him unable to control himself.

What's more, before going to jail, this woman was his drunken plaything.

A picture had already appeared in his mind. When his hand touched the car door, his wrist was held by someone. Tang Wei looked at the man in a sky blue suit with a buzz cut, frowned and said coldly.

"have a finger in the pie?"

"I advise you to let it go."

The one who spoke was not the young man in the blue suit, but the bald man in the black suit standing behind him. Su Liang grabbed Tang Wei's wrist holding Yang Lan's hair and said coldly.

"Mr. Tang! You'd better let go of my client, otherwise I will charge you with provoking trouble and attempted rape."

After the words fell, Han Qian continued.

"We are the lawyer entrusted by Ms. Yang. My name is Li Dongsheng."

Su Liang was stunned, and then said seriously.

"I am Luo Fu. If you don't let go, we will call the police."

Tang Wei stared at Yang Lan and sneered.

"My wife and I are talking about family matters, what does it have to do with them, right wife?"

Yang Lan had already been shrouded in Tang Wei's shadow and did not dare to resist at this time, but Su Liang held Tang Wei's hand harder and said lightly.

"You can apply for divorce if you have been separated for more than two years, the couple hates each other, and have not fulfilled their marital obligations. Today, Lawyer Li and I are here to handle this matter."

Tang Wei sneered.

"Haha. Bullying me because I don't understand the law? I'm in jail, not separated. You two, get out of here and don't stop me from being intimate with my wife."

Han Qian and Su Liang looked at each other and sighed helplessly. Han Qian patted Tang Wei's shoulder lightly and said softly.

"Ms. Yang is willing to make financial compensation to you at this time. The amount is more than six figures. If it is convenient for Mr. Tang, please come with me to the car to get the documents and cash."

The two guys didn't take action for a long time, but made concessions. This made Tang Wei's heart swell even more. He let go of Yang Lan and pushed Han Qian's shoulder.

"Hurry up, don't waste my time."

Han Qian smiled lightly.

"Mr. Tang, please follow me here."

After Han Qian and Tang Wei left, Su Liang softly comforted Yang Lan to go to the hospital to bandage his hand first. He and Han Qian would resolve the matter with Mr. Tang in a friendly manner, so don't worry. Then he quickly chased the corner where Han Qian disappeared. .

Looking at Tang Wei who was pushing and shoving Han Qian, Su Liang showed a sneer at the corner of his mouth. He stepped forward and put his foot on Tang Wei's back. Under the inertia, Tang Wei took a step forward. , and at the same time, a fist like a sandbag hit his face. The next second, Tang Wei was kicked by Su Liang and fell to his knees on the hard concrete ground.

This guy still wanted to resist. Su Liang raised his leg and hit his chest with his knee. Tang Wei covered his chest and gasped. He no longer had the strength to resist. Su Liang spat in this guy's face and said with a evil smile. .

"You're just a guy like you and you still bully our Sister Yang? Come on, show me how you bullied Sister Yang just now."

Han Qian bent down and stretched out his hand to pat Tang Wei's face and said with a smile.

"Weren't you pretty awesome just now? How about your strength in pushing me? How about your ability to pull out Sister Yang's hair? Come on, come on, keep going."

Tang Wei clutched his chest and looked at the two violent maniacs fiercely, gritting his teeth.

"You are not lawyers!"

Su Liang clapped his hands and applauded.

"Yes, we are not lawyers to begin with, but my real name is Luo Fu. How about you? Get revenge on me? Come on, come on, remember to come to me at any time."

Tang Wei ignored Su Liang, stared at Han Qian with cold eyes, and said fiercely.

"Are you Li Dahai's son?"

"I'm your dad. I like to pull my hair out, right? Liang, did you bring a lighter?"

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