After the divorce, the ex-wife became a creditor

Chapter 540: Sister, let me treat your neck

"Where are you going?"

Tong Yao looked ahead while driving, holding the steering wheel with both hands and leaning forward slightly. Han Qian finally found someone who drove slower than him. Han Qian lowered his head, thought for a while, and smiled.

"Are you still living with Yu Shici now?"

Tong Yao nodded and said softly.

"Shi Ci can't do anything except work. I'm worried that she will starve to death at home. She was on a business trip yesterday... What are you doing, you scumbag!"

Tong Yao looked at Han Qian warily, and the latter pouted.

"Teacher Tong, please keep your head clean. I'll go to your house and I'll search for Yu's poems."

She took Han Qian home with some doubts. Tong Yao took the clothes to the bathroom and reminded Han Qian not to peek when closing the door. Han Qian, who was tinkering with the Yu Shi Ci computer in the living room, turned around and pouted.

"I wouldn't have thought of it even if you didn't tell me, Teacher Tong. I think you're trying to make up for it before it's too late."

Tong Yao curled her lips and replied disdainfully.

"Idiot, reading more books is good for your brain."

Han Qian slapped his legs and shouted.

"Empty city plan?"

Tong Yao squinted at Han Qian and said with disdain.


"Hey, hey? Teacher Tong, why are you scolding me? As a teacher, you should be the first to charge."


Han Qian stopped talking. This woman doesn't know what's good or bad. She scolds people when she's joking. Your dismissal has nothing to do with me.

Search for evidence in Yu Shici's computer.

Han Qian was the laziest to touch a woman's computer, especially a work-related notebook like Yu Shici. The gangster put all the files, software, on-site photos and simulated contracts on the desktop.

It was like seeing Nunnuan's kitchen wardrobe for the first time at her home. Not long after, Han Qian felt that something was wrong. There were only two folders in the D drive, and there were only a few pictures in the two folders. It takes up half of the D drive?

Something was wrong. Han Qian didn't know much about computers. After thinking about it, he called Fa Xiaodalong. This guy was a designer and he must know more about computers. Dalong told Han Qian very carefully. After five or six times, Han Qian operated as fast as an old man. After changing his clothes, Tong Yao walked behind the sofa and watched Han Qian's movements.

The more she watched, the more anxious she became, and finally she simply kicked Han Qian away and she communicated with Da Long.

Five minutes later, a folder called Important Work Documents appeared in the D drive. Han Qian reached out and hung up the phone. Tong Yao turned to look at Han Qian and frowned.

"Are you looking for this? You need a password to unlock it."

"Try using her name and birthday, but it doesn't work with mine."

"Shameless. I've seen Shi Ci enter passwords, but I've only seen her hands pressing keys on the keyboard. I'll probably give it a try."

"Do you still have this ability?"

"I don't care about you anymore. You and Yu Shici are so close, why don't you just ask her directly?"

After saying this, Tongyao stood up and was about to leave. Han Qian quickly grabbed the monster's arm. After a deal of money and beauty, Tongyao agreed, and Han Qian went to the bathroom to wash his clothes.

But before he could put the clothes into the washing machine, there was an unpleasant sound in the living room. Han Qian hurriedly ran out and found Tongyao looking at the computer with a red face. Han Qian stepped forward, and Tongyao slowly raised his head and looked at her coldly. Han Qian said coldly.

"Is this what you're looking for?"

Han Qian nodded as a matter of course, and the next second he was punched hard in the stomach. Han Qian instantly turned into a hooked prawn and lay on the sofa. Nursery Rhyme snorted and got up and left.

The pain also prevented Han Qian from admiring the scenery inside the computer. After more than ten seconds, Han Qian stood up with difficulty, closed the movie, and shredded the folder. After searching through boxes and cabinets for more than ten minutes, he found no CD or hard drive. Han Qian breathed a sigh of relief.

We couldn't let this bitch ruin the warmth. When he left, Han Qian knocked on the nursery rhyme's door.

"I'm leaving."

"Are you still waiting for me to invite you to stay overnight?"

After getting rid of the "junk" in Yu's poems, Han Qian was in a good mood. He had seen AV, and it could be said that there was no man who had not seen it. It was just that some people liked him more, and some people felt lighter.

Han Qian belongs to the latter.

As soon as he got home, Nuan Nuan rushed forward and grabbed Han Qian's collar and asked.

"What about the information Shici gave me yesterday? She said it was not what I thought."

Han Qian stretched out his hand and slapped Warm's smooth forehead, frowning.

"The head is so big, why is it full of paste?"

Wen Nuan was stunned for a moment after being slapped. He rushed towards Han Qian in the next second, clamped his slender legs on Han Qian's waist, held Han Qian's head with both hands and gave him a headbutt, which made Han Qian step back. Step forward, reach out your hand and slap your warm butt.

The sound is crisp and clear.

said angrily.

"Why are you bumping into me? Yu Shici is fooling you, get down."

Wen Nuan hugged Han Qian's neck and shook his head.

"No! Have you seen those CDs? Are they good?"

"I didn't look."

"Then how do you know it's fake?"

"Why don't you think about it? It's just a pornographic CD. Do you believe Yu Shici or not me?"

"Divide things."

"Get out!"

"Han Qian, do you want to see it?"

Han Qian walked up the stairs with Wen Nuan in his arms, threw the girl heavily on the bed, turned around and left, but Wen Nuan pounced on him again. Han Qian was unprepared and didn't bother to struggle. After a few seconds, the girl was riding under him. Wen Nuan looked down at Han Qian triumphantly.

"You dare to throw me away? Can I give you a bright smile?"

There was a smile on Nuan Wen's face as he spoke. Han Qian turned his head to the side, too lazy to speak. Seeing this, Wen Nuan stretched out his hand and pulled Han Qian's head over and said viciously.

"You monk, you have a disease in your neck, I have to treat it for you!"

This sentence made Han Qian laugh and said with a smile.

"Are you a scorpion spirit? Then do I have to wait for the King of the Daughter Kingdom to save me?"

Nuan Nuan chuckled.

"Don't think about it. The king of the daughter country has already married Tang Monk. You little monk, don't struggle. The more you struggle, the more excited my sister will be."

Seeing Wen Wen's naughty look, Han Qian reached out to unbutton his clothes. This time Wen Wen panicked, got up and ran away, leaving Han Qian laughing alone on the bed.

After a full five minutes, Nuan Nuan opened the door, revealed half of his face, and asked in a low voice.

"Han Qian, why didn't you respond?"

Han Qian sat up and smiled.

"Reaction? What reaction?"

Nuan Nuan's face turned redder and he spoke again in a mosquito-like voice.

"The poem...the poem says that when a woman sits on a man..."

As he spoke, there was no movement, and Han Qian's face turned completely dark, and he gritted his teeth and said angrily.

"Don't play with Yu Shici anymore. She won't teach you any good things. You waited for her to come back, and I broke her teeth."

At this time, Han Qian hadn't noticed the small earphones on Wen Nuan's ears. After listening to Wen Nuan for a while, he raised his head and asked in confusion.

"The poem says that her teeth rubbed against you? Did she bite you?"

Han Qian was trembling with anger. He stood up and walked towards Wen Nuan to find her mobile phone. The moment he unplugged the earphones, he heard Yu Shici's unscrupulous laughter over there. Han Qian was so angry that his eyes were red and he growled. .

"Yu Shici! If you dare to tease Wen Nuan in the future, don't tell me that I have disowned you! I'm not kidding you!"

Yu Shici was silent, and after a while he spoke weakly.

"Are you angry? I also want you and Nuan Nuan to confirm their relationship as husband and wife. I definitely don't have any bad intentions. I'm sorry! I will never be like this again."

Han Qian held the phone and sighed.

"It's good that you know. I don't want this to affect your relationship with Nuan Nuan. How is the equipment discussion going?"

"I'm sure it's the most advanced one. We're discussing price and transportation. What I'm worried about now is whether the customs will detain it."

"You don't have to worry about it. Just leave it to me after you return to China. As long as the procedures are complete, you'll be fine."

"That's the problem. There's one missing procedure, but the equipment is definitely the best."

"Don't take advantage of this, go through the proper channels, and come back to celebrate your success."

"The kind that feels like home?"

Han Qian hung up the phone. He couldn't communicate normally with this female gangster.

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