Han Qian broke free from Cai Qinghu's arms, not because he was afraid of Yan Qingqing, but because he was really embarrassed to have these two women staring at him. Before Han Qian could speak, Wu Qingsi suddenly stopped Cai Qinghu's neck and laughed softly.

"Huhu, let me teach you how to kiss to make a man want to stop."

Han Qian is not an antique. Young people in modern society usually say goodbye to their first kiss at the age of twelve or thirteen. Wu Qingsi is an artist, so it is inevitable that there will be kissing scenes, etc., but then she saw Wu Qingsi pouting towards Cai Qinghu, The latter's face was full of panic.

Just when Wu Qingsi's two flaming red lips were about to succeed, she was stopped.

The distance between the four lips was three to five centimeters, Wu Qingsi's head could no longer get closer, and a small white slap appeared on Cai Qinghu's mouth.

Han Qian and Yan Qingqing took action at the same time.

As an outstanding representative of the straight male lineage, he cannot accept being gay, nor can he accept Lily, especially a woman who has a relationship with him. However, Yan Qingqing, a straight female representative, cannot accept two women kissing at all.

She would get goosebumps all over her body.

Wu Qingsi didn't turn her head. She grabbed Han Qian's arm and put it on her shoulders, intending to throw him over the shoulder. Han Qian, who had rich combat experience, raised his other hand and pressed it on Wu Qingsi's body. Just this Location···

If you want to complete an over-the-shoulder throw, you need to use the power of your back to throw the person over. If you want to bend your back, a certain private part must be pushed back. Han Qian knows this principle well, so he put his palm against Wu Qingsi's Buttocks.

Not light.

Wu Qingsi blushed and let go of Han Qian's arm, then trotted all the way to Yan Qingqing's office. Han Qian stood there slightly embarrassed. Isn't this a bit bad? Fortunately, Yan Qingqing and Cai Qinghu had no time to talk to him at this time, otherwise this would have been a big deal just now.

Han Qian was the first to speak to break the awkward situation, pointing at Wu Qingsi who had escaped, and whispered.

"She...you...did you two live together when you were in the capital?"

Cai Qinghu was slightly startled, and Yan Qingqing quickly let go of Cai Qinghu, retreated to Han Qian's side, held Han Qian's arm on his chest, and said with a horrified expression.

"No way? Qinghu, are you gay?"

Now Han Qian's attention is not on whether Cai Qinghu is gay, but on the softness coming from his arms. This...

Could it be the legendary dire straits?

Cai Qinghu also discovered Yan Qingqing's little plan, and took a step forward to pull Han Qian away. Yan Qingqing quickly hugged Han Qian and said warily.

"No, Han Qian cannot accept gay women."

Before he finished speaking, Cai Qinghu hit Yan Qingqing's forehead with a slap in the head and frowned.

"Han Qian knows better than you whether I am gay or not. Let go of your hand quickly."

"No! I won't let go. I want to tell Nuannuan that you kissed Han Qian forcefully."

"Tell me, Han Qian even kissed me forcefully, and we even slept together on the same bed."

"You fart, there is no way Han Qian will sleep in the same bed as you."

This sentence is true. Han Qian did go to the hotel twice with Cai Qinghu, including the ripples, but! The two of them still slept in separate rooms. Han Qian gently broke away from Yan Qingqing's tenderness. He couldn't go on like this. Something would happen after a long time. He turned to go downstairs, but Cai Qinghu grabbed him by the collar. go back. .

"There's something you haven't said yet. Why don't you give up the two thousand yuan?"

People die for money, and birds die for food. A strong man can bend and stretch. Han Qian turned around and walked to Yan Qingqing's office. Han Qian opened the door. Wu Qingsi raised her head and glared at Han Qian. She moved her mouth at Han Qian without making a sound. Even without listening, you can guess that what she said is definitely not a good thing.

Fortunately, this woman was Wu Qingsi, not another girl. Unfortunately, she was the only one who would throw Han Qian over her shoulder. Han Qian walked to the sofa and sat down. Wu Qingsi quickly stood up and walked over with a look of disgust on her face. By the window.

Han Qian curled his lips when he saw this, stretched out his hand and shouted to Cai Qinghu.

"Qinghu, smell what my hands smell like."

Cai Qinghu walked toward Han Qian with doubts. Wu Qingsi guessed Han Qian's little thoughts, stretched her hand behind her, squeezed it gently, and then spoke hurriedly.

"Huhu, come here, my thing seems to be open."

"Oh, wait a minute, let me take a look at Han Qian's hands first."

"It's going to fall. Come here quickly. Han Qian can't die."

"I know, I know."

Cai Qinghu could only give up Han Qian and go to Wu Qingsi. After Cai Qinghu learned about the situation, he pushed Wu Qingsi to Yan Qingqing's office. Han Qian sneered and thought, let's see who suffers.

When he was proud, Yan Qingqing suddenly sat next to Han Qian and said softly.

"What's it like to kiss Cai Qinghu?"

Han Qian's mind buzzed and he forgot about Empress Yaksha. Han Qian turned around, scratched his head in embarrassment and whispered.

"Strawberry flavor."

This was undoubtedly provoking Yan Qingqing's anger. Empress Yasha grabbed Han Qian's hair and was about to smash his head onto the coffee table. His head was stopped in mid-air, and Yan Qingqing said softly.

"Han Qian, your hair has grown, let me cut it for you."

Han Qian slowly raised his head and said resentfully.

"You can just wipe my neck for me."

"Oops, I meant to cut your hair."

"No, I'm afraid you can't get me and then kill me."

As soon as he said this, Han Qian regretted it. Han Qingqing stood up and walked to the desk expressionlessly, bent down and took out the baseball bat inside, and said calmly.

"Han Qian, you seem to be a little confused. You have a mouth disease. I will treat it for you today."

After saying that, he walked towards Han Qian with a baseball bat. Just as Han Qian was about to stand up, Yan Qingqing said angrily.

"If you dare to run away, I'll go downstairs and smash the car you're driving! At worst, I'll buy you a new car."

Han Qian stopped moving, Yan Qingqing raised her legs and stepped on the back of the sofa at Han Qian's shoulders, poked Han Qian's face with a baseball bat, and said with a sinister smile.

"I'll kill you if I can't get you? Thanks to your words, I've been fucked to pieces for you, and I've been thinking about you day and night, but you suspected that I would hurt you. It's fine now, no need to doubt. Yes, just let me confirm it for you."

Han Qian raised his hands, holding the cold baseball bat on his cheek, and laughed dryly.

"It's a joke, it's a joke, why do you do it?"

"Are you making trouble? I'm not making trouble with you, what? Your hair is a token of love, so I can only cut it for you because of my warmth?"

"No, no! My dear, you are fine."

The two women who had arranged their underwear in the lounge came out side by side, looking at the scene in front of them with confusion in their eyes.

At this moment, Yan Qingqing's posture did not change, and the baseball bat was still pressed against Han Qian's cheek. Every time he poked lightly, he would ask.

"Do you love me?"

"Love love love love."

"Do it again, love me or not."

"love you love you."


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