After the divorce, the ex-wife became a creditor

Chapter 450 Chapter 450: Lady ~ Aha!

In the afternoon, Yang Lan took Han Qian and Su Liang back to the company. In just one morning, more than a dozen contracts had been signed. Han Qian had foresight, and so did these business people. The storefronts on the second floor corridor were almost the same. All have been rented out.

Yang Lan also took the initiative and gave them a discount. Each of these stores is 60 square meters. If they choose to buy, they can be given a price of 1.5 million. If they rent, the price is 130,000 a year and 40,000 per season, but the rent may increase in the future. , Yang Lan promised that in the future, the price of a single 60-square-meter store will reach 200,000 yuan per year, or even more. The price of the store behind the ring corridor store will be much lower, 130,000 yuan for the first household, and 130,000 yuan for the second household. The annual rent for each household is around 80,000 yuan, and then the rent for each household is reduced by 10,000 yuan.

In the car, Yang Lan asked Han Qian if this was okay. Han Qian smiled and said yes, and he would definitely not lose money.

Yang Lan put the document on Yan Qingqing's desk. After reading it, Yan Qingqing stood up and exclaimed.

"On the first day, the withdrawal funds exceeded one million?"

Yang Lan nodded and said softly.

"This is just the beginning. I believe that the funds in the future will be recovered very quickly. It will be possible to recover the capital in almost two years. Everything after that will be profits. I firmly believe that."

Her tone was full of confidence, and Yan Qingqing's brows were filled with joy. The mall she had been worried about for a long time finally failed to disappoint her and brought unexpected surprises.

Han Qian on the side rubbed his hands and laughed.

"Mr. Yan, I am the hero, but... you see, my money is a bit tight."

The guy's thumb and index finger rubbed against each other. Yan Qingqing took out her wallet, counted two thousand yuan, put it on the table, and said softly.

"You have no money in your hand again? I remember when you came back from your hometown, didn't you still have some money in your hand? Didn't I give you two hundred thousand when you came home?"

Han Qian looked at the two thousand dollars on the table and whispered.

"What I mean is...the bonus, I'll save some money and pay off the money I owe Wen Nuan first."

"No, I gave your bonus to my aunt. What does the money you owe Wen Nuan have to do with me?"

"Then you get my bonus..."


A baseball bat fell on the table, and Han Qian gave Yan Qingqing a thumbs up.

"Well done! You should give it to my mother. I'm not good at giving away money. I'll leave first."

Before leaving, Han Qian did not forget to take away the two thousand yuan on the table.

What kind of freeloader is there?

The two thousand yuan that my brother earned through hard work in half a year!

Just treat it as salary.

Since coming here to work, Han Qian seems to have never received a salary. Doesn’t he have to pay for firewood, rice, oil and salt? Does the car drink water?

After Han Qian left, Yan Qingqing asked softly.

"Yang Lan, Han Qian gave you 10,000 yuan, right?"

Yang Lan nodded slightly after hearing this.


"And Su Liang, right?"


"Then there will be no bonus for you two this time. You can go to the Finance Department and give 5,000 yuan to Liu Jiulong later. He was also busy working overtime that night. Liu Jiulong is very useful in the General Department."

"I'll go right away."

"Beibei is okay."


"Go ahead."

After Yang Lan left, Yan Qingqing called Nuan Nuan. The content was simple and clear. Han Qian helped me, Yan Qingqing, make money. Are you angry or not? If Han Qian were here, he would understand why Yan Qing Qingqing and Wenwen were able to cooperate after they had a quarrel.

These two girls are really childish sometimes.

When Han Qian was waiting for the elevator to go downstairs, he met Cai Qinghu and Wu Qingsi. Wu Qingsi looked at the two thousand yuan in Han Qian's hand and wondered.

"What? Did you come to greet me with money?"

Han Qian tilted his head and said doubtfully.

"Why are you still here? Are you not going back to the capital?"

"I told you that you wouldn't understand. The two thousand dollars is your compensation to me. I won't argue with you."

While talking, Wu Qingsi suddenly snatched the cash from Han Qian's hand. Now Han Qian became anxious. He glared at Wu Qingsi and was about to grab the money. Seeing that the two were about to fight, Cai Qinghu quickly stretched out his hand to stop Han Qian. Holding Han Qian behind her, Wu Qingsi asked Wu Qingsi to find Yan Qingqing first.

Han Qian, who had his money taken away, was very unhappy. He looked at Wu Qingsi's jumping back and said resentfully.

"I haven't warmed up yet."

Cai Qinghu hugged Han Qian's waist, and the two of them walked to Yan Qingqing's office like conjoined twins. Cai Qinghu never cared what others thought of her. Anyway, she was tall and couldn't see those dwarfs chewing their tongues.

Then he felt a little uncomfortable, so he let go of Han Qian's waist, hugged his arm, stretched out his hand and pinched his face, smiling.

"What's the matter? Two thousand yuan makes you unhappy? If you don't quarrel with Xiaoluo Si'er, I will make up for it later."

Han Qian whispered back.

"It's not about the money, it's about the money that I haven't covered my head with yet, Qinghu! Let Wu Qingsi go, I get a headache when I see her."

"No, little Luobosi can't leave now. We have to shoot promotional posters and the like in the next few days. The two of us are here today. Xiaoluosi wants to return a favor to you and ask if your Honor Furniture Plaza needs it. She shows her face and doesn’t ask for money.”

"Cheap but not good, with ulterior motives."

"Okay, okay, why is this big man so petty? Come on, have a piece of candy."

Cai Qinghu took out a White Rabbit toffee and handed it to Han Qian. Han Qian tore off the wrapping paper and stuffed it into his mouth, wondering.

"Why did you buy this candy too?"

Cai Qinghu chuckled.

"I got it from Aunt Ji. She has a lot of it in her drawer."

"Indeed, it's quite a lot. I didn't know until the last time I went there. My Aunt Ji, what should I do? And what are you busy with these days? I can't even see you."

"Miss me?"


Cai Qinghu was overjoyed at the "yes". He held Han Qian's shoulders and took a step forward. Then he turned around and looked Han Qian in the eyes and said seriously.

"Ms. sir, do you miss me?"

Han Qian smiled and nodded.

"Well, I missed you."

"Really, you didn't bother me."

"No, if I'm perfunctory with you, I might as well not say anything at all."

"Then kiss me."

This request...

Han Qian scratched his head, slightly embarrassed, and said softly.

"Isn't this not good, in public?"

Cai Qinghu looked around and said softly.

"no one."

"There is surveillance."

Looking at Han Qian's mother-in-law, Cai Qinghu frowned and said angrily.

"Why am I having an affair with you? You are single, and I am also single. Where did your ability to forcefully kiss me go when you drank too much? Han Qian, are you a man?"

The last sentence stimulated Han Qian's heart. He stretched out his hand to hold Cai Qinghu's pretty face and gently pecked her lips.

A lot of things happened between the two of them. Although they did not break through the defense line and did not confirm the relationship between men and women, something did happen between them. Han Qian saw all of Cai Qinghu's body.

Cai Qinghu held Han Qian's neck tightly and responded enthusiastically.

The two kissed passionately.

A sudden voice came to mind.

"What are you two doing?"

Lady Yasha!

She forgot about Han Qian. Han Qian wanted to end it, but Cai Qinghu held his neck tightly, as if he was deliberately provoking Yan Qingqing. At this time, another soft and waxy voice came.

"Xiaohu, you can't do this. Let me teach you. I have experience and have learned it specifically."

I fell asleep

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