After the divorce, the ex-wife became a creditor

Chapter 388 My husband’s six roots are pure

"Brother Guan, I'm so annoyed. What do you think I should do? Am I a bitch?"

Guan Junbiao looked at the loveless Han Qian lying on the sofa and grinned.

"You are indeed a bitch. I think this girl Ji Jing is quite well-behaved. She shouldn't have any problems, right? How about I go home with you to celebrate the New Year? There are so many people."

Han Qian stood up, shook his head, pointed at Guan Junbiao's collar, then covered his head and said feebly.

"You wash this thing first. Now my parents suspect that I have done something wrong in the city. You can't do it just because you want to go back with me."

Guan Junbiao looked down at the tattoo on his chest and sighed softly.

"Hey, aren't you young and ignorant? I won't get this tattoo now. I'll get a tattoo of my son's photo. Wait! What do you think you're going to do if you take me back? You didn't do any good things in the city. Son?"

Han Qian raised his head and looked at Guan Junbiao resentfully, who chuckled.

"Ji Jing just agreed to go back? Doesn't that leave the Empress of the East Palace with nowhere to release her fighting power?"

Han Qian lowered his head and sighed,

"Cai Qinghu is also going back."

"Oh, you might as well take them all back."

Han Qian glared at Guan Junbiao, then stood up and said helplessly.

"Go out for a walk. I don't like this dark place very much. I am a boy with sunshine at heart."

Guan Junbiao also stood up. When the two passed by the three women, Guan Junbiao suddenly spoke.

"Boy? Brother Han, are you still a virgin?"


The three girls squirted at the same time and raised their heads to look at Han Qian. Wu Sikuan's eyes were a little helpless, Wan Fang's eyes gradually turned to ridicule, and Yeats's eyes were in disbelief.

Is Han Daxian'er a virgin?

She seemed to have heard a big joke, and then seeing Han Qian's face, Yeats couldn't help laughing.

This is the difference between a young woman and a young girl.

Han Qian glared at Guan Junbiao and gritted his teeth.

"I won't play with you anymore. Send me to have fun! Damn it, virginity is embarrassing? The three of you are chatting, by the way! My name is Yeats, right? Think carefully about where your feet should stand. camp, I always feel that the woman Liu Shengge said to send me was you."

Yeats crossed his legs and said calmly while holding the wine glass.

"It wasn't me. I had already drawn a clear line with him when I was kicked out of the car."

"That's best."

Sitting in Guan Junbiao's car, Han Qian found that the car he bought was of no use at all. He was injured every three days and could not drive. In the car, he asked Guan Junbiao if he had any news about hooking up with Cannon. The latter replied that this guy was hiding in the county seat. Now, two dogs are frantically searching this guy.

Han Qian didn't ask who it was, and Guan Junbiao didn't say either.

They all knew who these two dogs were, the two poor bastards who had their fingers cut off and were almost buried alive.

Is this an attempt to make meritorious deeds?

On the way to Changxiang, Yan Qingqing called and asked Han Qian to go back now. The empress ordered that he had to go back. When Han Qian walked into Yan Qingqing's office, Empress Yasha rushed over and held the phone in her hand. handed it to Han Qian.

Han Qian looked at the dialed number, the black lines on his face fell, and he frowned.

"Why did you call her again? Didn't you say there was a replacement?"

Yan Qingqing handed the phone to Han Qian and said anxiously.

"Hurry up and take it, it's the call she called me back, let's..."

The phone was connected while speaking, and Wu Qingsi's voice came over.

"Han Qian?"


Han Qian made a hum through his nose to show his reluctance, but Wu Qingsi didn't take it to heart and continued.

"You want to break my legs? My legs don't seem to be short, you've seen it."


Han Qian told the truth, and then there was silence on the other side of the phone. Ten seconds later, Wu Qingsi's voice came faintly.

"Is this the attitude of your two companies to cooperate with me?"


"Han Qian, you just want to break up with me with just two words? Can you talk, and if you can talk, just talk properly. If it weren't for Qinghu's sake, I wouldn't consider cooperating with you."

When Han Qian was expressionless and ready to speak again, Yan Qingqing reached out and grabbed his collar, her eyes full of threats. Han Qian sighed helplessly.

" attitude is not good. I will change my attitude, Miss Wu. We at Glory and Changxiang sincerely want to cooperate with you. We hope you can give us a chance."

The words sounded nice, but the tone was so slow and perfunctory that Wu Qingsi didn't care and spoke.

"I want to stay in a five-star hotel."

Han Qian said calmly.

"Yes, you can enjoy the Swan Lake Hotel in your name."

"I need a private car to pick me up. It costs more than a million."

"Glory has,"

"I need two assistants, women."

"Enjoyment and glory are both there."

"My appearance fee is high."

“There is no shortage of money for enjoyment and glory.”

"I only have one day."

"Enjoy and honor spending time with you."

"Drive to the capital to pick me up."

"Glory and pleasure belong to the driver."

Yan Qingqing's face had become uncomfortable, not because of Wu Qingsi's request, but because of Han Qian's attitude. Wu Qingsi on the other side of the phone was also a little reluctant and gritted her teeth and said angrily.

"Han Qian, I only agreed to you because of your rescue and your relationship with Qinghu. You will be honored every bite and enjoy every bite. Tell me what you have?"

Han Qian frowned and replied while holding the phone.

"You are not representing me, so why are you asking me what I do? I have two big slaps, do you want it?"

"Han Qian!"

This time it was not Wu Qingsi who spoke, but Yan Qingqing. She gritted her teeth and glared at Han Qian, who sighed helplessly and continued on the phone.

"I can't give you a slap, and you don't want it. I don't have anything. I'll introduce you to a job and solve my job. It's that simple. If you don't have any objections, you can sign a contract and set a time."

Wu Qingsi said.

"Yes! I have one more condition. When I arrive at Changxiang or Glory for work, you will accompany me the whole time."

"Do you want to come or not?"


Han Qian hung up the phone again, threw it to Yan Qingqing, walked to the sofa and lay down on the sofa, closing his eyes and saying weakly.

"Mr. Yan, I'm very tired. Cheng Jin drank at my house until dawn last night. I'll take a nap first."

Yan Qingqing was also a little helpless. She sighed and returned to her seat. She had a headache. It's no wonder that Han Qian was angry. This Wu Qingsi was too pretentious.

Capital Hotel.

Popular star Wu Qingsi sat on the bed and looked at the mobile phone in front of her, her mind filled with questions.

Is this guy a man?

Does he dislike her so much, the dream girl of thousands of men?

The first call is about whether love is coming or not.

The second call was to break her legs.

The third call was even more direct. He hung up the phone immediately if he asked if love was coming, and Yan Qingqing was still by his side to remind him.

Wu Qingsi couldn't understand. She picked up the phone and called Cai Qinghu. She told Cai Qinghu the original words. Cai Qinghu held the phone and sighed helplessly.

"Why are you provoking him for nothing? If he wants to beat you up, he is definitely not trying to scare you. Besides, my husband-in-law is pure. He doesn't care about reputation, face, sex with women, threats, temptations, and money. Nicknames He's a money-splitting boy, so you'd better discuss business with Yan Qingqing or Nuan Nuan, and don't provoke him. What if he really beats you up?"

Wu Qingsi held her cell phone and said fiercely.

"I don't believe it. I don't believe there are people who don't like me, the nation's first love."

"You decide for yourself. I'm going to work. You fooled me into investing a lot in the new movie. I don't want to be in debt anymore, baby~"

"I don't hope either, Honey~"

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