After the divorce, the ex-wife became a creditor

Chapter 387 Careless Sister Wanwan

Question: Is Han Qian amorous?

Answer: Abuse.

Of course, this answer is unacceptable to Han Qian. He doesn't think he is sentimental, but it is more difficult for him to speak clearly. The girls around him are more kind to him than he is to them. People don't ask for it. I've been kind to you in return, so why are you being pretentious?

Anyway, Han Qian thought that what he did was wrong. If time came over again, he would do it again.

certainly! It was impossible to do it again. This fool had shouted 'turn back time' at the gate of the community a long time ago, but he didn't even get a single response.

Life is hard.

Staggering downstairs, hanging by one arm, everyone was hiding. When Han Qian saw a cold lady in jeans, over-the-knee boots, and a small white suit, he smiled, stepped forward and stretched out his shirt. With his injured arm, Sister Gao Leng went to the left, so he went to the left and blocked the hall to prevent others from passing by.

The aloof elder sister was too lazy to talk to Han Qian at first, but in the end she was helpless and stood in the hall and shouted.

"Come here, someone is teasing you here... ooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo...

Wan Fang's mouth was covered by Han Qian and she said angrily.

"You are sick. Who teased a good woman?"

Severe pain hit her feet as she finished speaking. Wan Fang stood in front of Han Qian, arranging her hair, and snorted coldly.

"Who are you calling a woman?"

"I, I, I, I am a woman, am I joking with you? Just kill me."

"Why didn't you tell me when you hugged me? I didn't dare to mess with a sick guy like you. You're lucky to be alive. I heard you were shot in the shoulder? Let's go, buddy, I'll pick a sunny slope for you."

Han Qian raised his head and glared at Wan Fang, his lips trembling with anger. Then Han Qian's face suddenly became serious, he stood up and whispered.

"How do you think about your pastry shop? I'm going to smoke, are you going to go?"

"Let's go~"

Standing on the steps outside the main entrance of Glory, the midday sun was very warm. There was snow piled in the flower bed under the steps, and the snow on the road had melted. Han Qian took out a cigarette and handed it to Wan Fang. The latter shook his head and murmured softly. She said she could only smoke when no one was around, as she didn't want people to know she smoked.

Han Qian curled his lips and cursed, and Wan Fang ran directly to the flower bed under the steps. Watching Wan Fang raise the snowball, Han Qian raised his hands in surrender, squatted on the steps and looked at Wan Fang with a smile.

"When I get better, I'll bury it in the snow for you. Are you going to stop opening the Western pastry shop?"

Wan Fang held the snowball and sighed softly.

"I gave up because when I was about to start, I realized that I didn't know where to start."



A very small snowball hit Han Qian's forehead. Han Qian wiped his forehead and was not angry. He had a good temper towards the people he considered his friends. Wan Fang squatted in front of Han Qian. Qian's side sighed and whispered.

"Han Qian, stop working so hard. Every time I see you, you are always injured. What do you want to live for? Just be happy and be safe."

Han Qian turned his head and smiled.

"I want to, but I can't be happy if I don't work hard. I know a girl who got through it. She is very happy. Do you think you are happy now?"

Wan Fang turned her head and lost her usual aloofness, grinning innocently.

"Unhappy! I feel like a puppet. If I didn't have you last time, I don't know what I would be like now. Some things will happen the second time if they happen the first time, but I can't help it, no Education, no brains, no background, just this face... and a pair of long legs, hahahaha."

She smiled boldly, but it could be seen that Wan Fang was not smiling happily. She was forcing a smile.

Throwing away the cigarette butt in his hand, he talked to Wan Fang's smooth forehead and stood up with a smile.

"Go and drive, I'll take you to meet two new friends. As for how far you can go, can you take the opportunity to see yourself, and do me a favor by the way, okay?"

Wan Fang stood up, patted her chest, and said boldly.

"It is our duty to do so."


"Sister, if you are willing, do you want to take care of it?"

Wan Fang's car is nice, and the interior is different from what she sees every day at the company. The pink interior is very girly, and there are dolls stuffed under the glass at the back. Han Qian, who is sitting in the passenger seat, has an extra pink pink in his hand. Tender Peppa Pig.

In Wan Fang's words, Han Qian successfully took away the pig's first time. He was the only man who had served as the co-pilot of this car. Of course, Han Qian was not considered a man in her eyes.

Regarding this unarguable fact, Han Qian was too lazy to waste words with her, looked at the car up and down, and said softly.

"Brother, are you still a bachelor?"

Wan Fang replied disdainfully.

"I live alone and don't need a man. Don't tell me you want to take me on a blind date."

Han Qian put down his chair and closed his eyes.

"I don't have the time to spare. I'll take a moment and call me when I get there."

"Do you really think of me as a driver?"

The car stopped in District 8. Han Qian and Wan Fang walked into a bar owned by Tu Xiao. The boys who were busy preparing to open the bar bent down and called uncle when they saw Han Qian. The girls who had already come to work saw Han Qian. Very respectful too.

Han Qian walked around the bar and randomly found a place to sit down. Wan Fang ran to the stage and tinkered with the DJ for a while, then stood on the stage and shouted to Han Qian.

"I just realized that you not only have a status in the company, but you are also a big brother here. I regret it. I wish I had boarded your pirate ship earlier."

Han Qian sat on the sofa with his legs crossed and smiled.

"I'm not at the level of an elder brother, I'm at the level of a brother-in-law. Don't let others mess with you. When the time comes, I'll be here to be the atmosphere team."

Wan Fang looked unconcerned and smiled.

"I think I can, who do you want to take me to meet?"

"She's probably coming soon, you should know her."

Wan Fang jumped back to Han Qian, bent down and asked in confusion.

"I know him? Who is he?"

"Wu Siguan."

"I know that Li Dahai, the little maid who used to work for Li Dongsheng in the General Department, is no longer a shareholder. I heard that he has gone abroad, but she didn't follow him?"

Han Qian didn't speak. Now this girl is no longer a little maid.

Not long after, Guan Junbiao also came and smiled at Han Qian.

"Brother Han, Miss Wu is here."

Han Qian smiled and nodded, waved to Guan Junbiao and smiled.

"Brother Guan, come and sit down quickly. Let me introduce you. This girl is my buddy, her name is Wan Fang! Wan Fang, this is..."

Guan Junbiao stretched out his hand to Wan Fang and chuckled softly.

"No need for introduction. I've seen it before and played here a few times."

While he was talking, Wu Sijuan also came over and stood behind Han Qian, lying on the back of the sofa with his two forearms bent and smiling.

"I know Sister Wanwan from the Public Relations Department."

Wan Fang looked at Wu Siguan, who was slightly born behind Han Qian, and changed! There have been so many changes, not only in her dress, but also in her temperament. Now Wu Sikuan is very temperamental, and her eyes have become very firm. This is definitely not pretending or having a backer behind her, but her She succeeded. Wan Fang smiled and nodded at Wu Siguan. Wu Siguan leaned forward again and spoke softly into Han Qian's ear.

"That Yeats is outside, do you want to see her?"

Han Qian shook his head gently, stood up, stretched, and chuckled.

"I'm missing. You take her to talk to Sister Wanwan. Sister Wanwan wants to resign, but doesn't know what to do. You three sit down and talk. Sister Wanwan is just like you and will be my friend. "

Wu Sikuan nodded, took out his mobile phone and called Yeats outside. When the young woman Yeats walked in, Han Qian and Guan Junbiao had already walked to the booth in the distance. Wu Sikuan sat in the seat where Han Qian was just now, took out He handed the cigarette to Wan Fang and laughed softly.

"I remember Sister Wanwan is a smoker, right?"

Wan Fang didn't answer and laughed softly.

"Stop doing."

Yeats didn't speak, her eyes fell on Han Qian in the distance. Is this Han Qian the 'my god' in Wu Sikuan's mouth?

What will he discuss with Guan Junbiao?

Yeats was curious.

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