Liu Shengge left the company directly. He felt that the anger in his heart could no longer be controlled. He got into the car and pulled the assistant beside him, tearing her clothes crazily. Then thinking of his own body, Liu Shengge waved his hand and slapped her in the face. on the assistant's face.

"slow down!"

The driver instantly reduced the speed to below 20, because he knew what was about to happen. Liu Shengge opened the car door and kicked out the handler who had been with him for three years, saying coldly.

"You're fired! It makes me sick just looking at you."

The beautiful assistant fell into love and fell in the middle of the road. Her palms were bruised and her ankle was sprained. She sat helplessly in the middle of the road. She didn't know what she had done wrong. She was selected as an assistant by this man and asked her to do it. The first thing she did was to break up with her boyfriend of three years and the man she was already engaged to. She had been married for less than a year at that time.

Under the pressure of money and power, she compromised. For the past three years, she had been at the company during the day and at Liu Shengge's home at night. However, she made some mistakes and was kicked out of her car.

When she was confused and didn't know what was wrong, a white Mercedes-Benz sports car without a license plate parked beside her, and a girl squatted next to her and chuckled.

"How does it feel to be kicked out of the car? I will give you a chance to get on the bus now, cherish it? Or give up?"

The young assistant raised her head, looked at this familiar yet unfamiliar woman, and asked with confused eyes.

"Who are you?"

"I'm still sitting here when I get in the car. I'm also disobeying orders, 3! 2!"

"I'll get in the car."

When Wu Sijuan saw her assistant being kicked out of the car, she immediately slowed down and called Han Qian. Han Qian seemed to know about it and told Wu Sijuan in a very calm tone, you can make friends with this woman, it will be of great help to you. , after hearing the latter sentence, Wu Sijuan chose to stop the car and invited this woman to get in the car.

Looking at the woman whose clothes were ruined, Wu Siguan, who chose to eat sweets after quitting smoking, said softly while holding a lollipop in his mouth.

"What are your plans for the future? I know something about Liu Shengge. He is inhumane and schizophrenic. His heart has been twisted and he likes to control other people's lives. In fact, I don't want to save you at all, but my god has spoken, and I have to do it. What is your name?"


"Coconut juice? No wonder there are so many tears. My name is Wu Sijuan. I used to be Li Dongsheng's fiancée, but not anymore. Well... I guess that my fairy asked me to help you because he took a fancy to your ability. I I have some money and want to invest it. Do you have any good advice?”

Yeats lowered his head and said nothing, while Wu Sikuan continued.

"I know what you are worried about. In this city, no one can stop the people my gods want to touch, and no one can touch the people they want to protect. If you refuse, I don't mind letting my gods send you back to Liu Shengge. By his side, continue to be a tool for him to vent."

Yeats raised his head to look at Wu Sikuan, then lowered his head and whispered.

"I want to know who your god is."

"If you can't guess, I'm going to drop you off."

Wu Sikuan's eyes were cold, but there were many smiles on his face. Yeats understood, how could she be a vase after she stood out and stayed with Liu Shengge for three years? Yeats adjusted his clothes, lowered his head and said softly.

"I want to go buy a suit of clothes."

Wu Siguan said calmly.

"I suggest you go to the hospital first."

"No! I want to change clothes!"

Everyone has their own obsessions, and so does Yeats. Wu Sijuan looked at the silk stockings and the irreparably torn chiffon shirt. He curled his lips and drove her to the department store. After buying clothes, Yeats went to the barber shop. , and cut off the long hair that Liu Shengge liked.

Wu Sijuan looked at the receipt in his hand and felt a little painful. Do women in that circle spend money like this?

After walking out of the barber shop, Yeats still did not go to the hospital. Instead, he chose Starbucks. Yeats held the coffee and said softly with a calm expression.

"How much can you invest? Let me tell you first, I have no money and I don't save any money."

Wu Sijuan stretched out a hand and Yeats frowned.

"Fifty million?"

Wu Sikuan shook his head.

"Five million, this is the limit. You can do whatever you want. I don't blame you for losing money, but I won't protect you if you lose money."

"Okay, but I need a car now."

"I'm sending you a bodyguard, a bodyguard who is not afraid of Liu Shengge's influence."

After saying that, Wu Sikuan took out a bunch of car keys from his bag and threw them to Yeats, and then made a phone call. A sturdy man in a suit in his thirties walked into Starbucks, stood next to Wu Sikuan, bent down slightly, and said softly.

"Miss Wu."

Wu Sikuan ignored it, looked at Yeats and said calmly,

"The Mercedes-Benz outside has the license plate in the trunk. His name is Guan Hong. He is Guan Junbiao's cousin in District 8. I will be your driver from now on to protect your safety. As for the house, I can give you a villa, but I mind if you and I live together, and I will take you to meet my fairy when I have time. Maybe he will like a married woman like you."

Yeats took the car and threw it to Guan Hong, holding the coffee cup in his hand and replied softly.

"Aren't you worried that I will betray you?"

Wu Siguan replied calmly.

"You can choose to give up. I don't blame you. If you betray me and use me as a stepping stone to cause trouble for my gods, Guan Hong will let you serve the tramp until death."

Yeats laughed at himself.

"I jumped from one pit to another?"

Wu Sikuan looked out the window and sighed.

"The road of life is full of pits and pits, and it is never so smooth. It's just that the roads are different, and the troubles they bring are also different. In this pit, you can fall in love, indulge, travel, and make friends, but What you pay is hard work and fatigue. I am a woman and I don’t agree with women relying on men’s charity to live. Girl, work hard.”

Wu Sijuan stood up and left Starbaka. As soon as he went out, a strange phone call came. Wu Sijuan answered the phone and said coldly.

"Hello, Wu Siguan."

"Tongrong, if I need help with something, don't tell anyone, just talk about it."

"Teacher Tong, shall I pick you up?"

"I'll go there myself."

After hanging up the phone, Wu Sijuan was a little confused. She knew that a high school teacher who was very close to Han Qian and his group could have anything to do with her.

Yeats from Xingbaka looked at Wu Sijuan who was leaving until the figure disappeared. Yeats took out his mobile phone and made a call to the human resources department of Glory Group.

"I, Yeats, assistant to the chairman, was fired just now. Please finish the labor service."

After hanging up the phone, Yeats raised his head and looked at Guan Hong, tilted his head and said.

"Am I beautiful?"

Guan Hong ordered a cup of coffee and sat across from Yeats, saying indifferently.

Yeats's eyes widened and she opened her mouth. She saw this strong man weighing two hundred pounds asking for a cup of coffee.

It's safe.

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