on Monday.

Han Qian was surprised to put on a suit and tie. Looking at himself in the mirror, he didn't look like a white-collar worker. His short haircut was fine before, but now he has a ball-cut haircut, which makes him look a bit too naughty.

After going downstairs and walking out of the community, the bright red Ferrari was parked outside the community door. Cai Qinghu got out of the car and opened the door after seeing Han Qian.

In the car, Cai Qinghu frowned and looked at Han Qian.

"I don't really like the way you look in a suit. It always looks like a gangster."

Han Qian smiled helplessly, picked up the pancakes prepared by Cai Qinghu, and said with a smile.

"I don't want to either, but what can I do if I look like this? I'm going to the company for a meeting. Are you okay today?"

"My job is to be your secretary. Doing anything else is not my job. I understand now. As long as I follow you, I will know everything I want to know sooner or later. Don't just eat it. I have prepared soy milk for you without sugar. "


"Let me feed you."

"Drive seriously. I need to make a call. Hello? Sijuan, please pack up. If you see Liu Shengge's car leaving in half an hour, follow it. If there is no accident or an accident occurs, choose to give up. I want to know what happened to him and Gou." Is there any connection between the cannons?”

After driving to the company, Han Qian and Cai Qinghu walked into the main entrance of Honor side by side and walked towards the executive elevator. Han Qian walked into the conference room and looked at the person who had been waiting inside for a while. Han Qian smiled and took out his mobile phone to call. To Liu Shengge.

"Director Liu, it's time for the board meeting."

Within ten minutes, Liu Shengge came to the conference room with his secretary. Looking at the people sitting in the conference room, Liu Shengge sat in the chairman's seat and looked at Han Qian sitting opposite and said softly.

"Director Qian is going to be the hands-off shopkeeper?"

Han Qian replied with a smile.

"Director Qian has some things that he can't get out of today. I asked you to come over and attend this meeting on behalf of Director Qian."

This Han Qian represented Qian Ling in the board of directors. This incident did not surprise Liu Shengge. A sneer appeared on the corner of his mouth, as if to say that this surprise was not enough. Han Qian was not in a hurry, knocked on the table lightly, and said .

"Now that everyone is here, can we start, Mr. Liu?"

Liu Shengge, who was leaning back on the chair, sneered.

"It seems that everyone hasn't arrived yet, right? What are you two doing sitting here? Go and do your business."

These two people were naturally talking about Yan Qingqing and Gao Jishi. They did not speak, their expressions did not change, and they showed no intention of getting up and leaving. Han Qian smiled when he saw this. It turned out that Liu Shengge didn't know about Li Dahai.

Han Qian leaned forward slightly and chuckled.

"Don't Director Liu know that the members of Honor's board of directors have changed? Director Li has withdrawn from Honor's board of directors and transferred his shares to others. The purpose of today's meeting is to ask Director Liu whether he wants to tell the senior management and The employees of the company and the directors of Glory have been replaced.”


Li Dahai quits Honor's board of directors?

Liu Shengge narrowed his eyes and smiled.

"Oh? Transferring shares? I don't seem to know about this yet. Could it be that it was transferred to you, Han Qian?"

Han Qian chuckled.

"Director Liu is joking. I'm just a white-collar worker in the company. How can He De leap over the dragon's gate and become such a distinguished director? Since Director Liu doesn't know yet, Han will introduce the two new shareholders to Director Liu."

After saying this, Han Qian stood up, walked behind Yan Qingqing, patted Yan Qingqing's shoulder with one hand, and said loudly.

"Mr. Yan, general manager of Honor Group, holds 13% of Honor's shares and has been promoted to the third-ranking shareholder of Honor."

After saying that, Yan Qingqing handed the documents and the certificate from the notary office to little Yang Jia behind her. Little Yang Jia stood up and bent down and placed them in front of Liu Shengge's people. Liu Shengge stopped laughing. He was surprised that Yan Qingqing suddenly became A shareholder of Glory? This was something he never dreamed of. Yan Qingqing was just a tool for his training.

Han Qian ignored Liu Shengge's doubts and smiled when he walked behind Gao Xingyi and looked at Liu Shengge.

"Gao Jingcheng, deputy general manager of Honor Group, holds 12% of the group's shares and is the fourth shareholder. Director Gao, your documents should be ready, right?"

Liu Shengge looked at the two documents in front of him in astonishment.

Yan Qingqing and Gao Jixiu unknowingly divided up the shares in Li Dahai's hands? Now the combined shares of Qian Ling and Yan Qingqing have reached 38%. The most important thing is that these two women, Qian Ling and Yan Qingqing, will choose to support Han Qian. If Gao Fuli defectes to Han Qian, then Han Qian will Qian will hold 50% of the shares to compete with him.

All this happened too suddenly.

Liu Shengge suddenly thought of the scene at Lin Mengde's birthday party. No wonder Han Qian wouldn't leave even after suffering a gunshot wound. No wonder Gao Xingcheng would go with Han Qian. No wonder Liu Guangming would suddenly come over to show his courtesy.

It was that night that Li Dahai failed, but Liu Shengge couldn't imagine how Li Dahai could fail. This guy had never done anything to get out of the government in so many years. How could he be imprisoned just because of Li Dongsheng?

Impossible, absolutely impossible?

Liu Shengge was a little confused and whispered to the female assistant beside him. Then the assistant left the conference room. At this time, Han Qian had returned to his position, crossed his legs and looked at Liu Shengge with a smile.

"Director Liu should already know this little thing, right? If you want to go through with it, I will naturally cooperate with you, right? Now our three shareholders' proposal is that the business invested by Li Dahai should be taken over by Director Gao. Director Qian’s investment will be handed over to Mr. Yan, and the company will still be in charge of these two people. The board of directors will not interfere in the company’s affairs. Director Liu, do you think this opinion is feasible?”

Liu Shengge didn't answer. He frowned and looked at the documents in front of him.

Not long after, the assistant came back and stood beside Liu Shengge and whispered.

"Director Liu has already had a phone call with Li... Li Dahai. He has now boarded a plane to Canada. He has indeed transferred the shares to Director Yan and Director Gao. Director Gao takes 12%, and Director Yan After taking 8%, Li Dahai said that he had transferred the 5% of Director Yan’s money to Director Qian.”

Liu Shengge closed his eyes and nodded.

After a long time, he opened his eyes and looked at Han Qian, raised his hand and gave Han Qian applause.

"Han Qian, Han Qian, you really gave me a surprise. It's very unexpected. It's really surprising. I never expected that you would fight back against me in this way. I really want to say something awesome to you. But you overlooked one problem."

Han Qian smiled lightly and shook his head.

"No, no, no, I didn't ignore it. There is another thing I want to say as a bystander, Vice President Gao complained that it was unfair. My sister suffered an accident. As my brother, Director Gao didn't get the slightest apology from a guilty person. Compensation, I admit that I deceived Director Gao about this matter, but I think Director Liu will give Director Gao a certain amount of compensation, and I cannot sever the relationship with my uncle just because he said that his wife died."

Gao Jishi slowly turned his head to look at Han Qian, his eyes full of puzzlement and confusion. Gao Jishi realized that he was confused. When he walked into the conference room, he still regarded Han Qian as his enemy, but now Han Qian Are they friends or foes? He couldn't tell because Gao Jingcheng did not participate in the fight between Liu Shengge and Qian Ling, and there was no grudge between him and Qian Ling.

Han Qian's words just now gave Gao Xingyi two meanings.

First, Liu Shengge was indeed responsible for his sister's death, and he did not receive any compensation.

Second, since my sister has passed away, do I really still regard Liu Shengge as my brother-in-law? Or does Liu Shengge regard him as his uncle? If Liu Shengge thinks that he is still his uncle, then why is Yan Qingqing always in charge of the company?

Han Qian's words were like a spark falling on the grassland, and Gao Xingcheng's heart was shaken.

Snap, snap, snap.

Applause rang out again, and Liu Shengge stood up, looked at Han Qian, and laughed loudly.

"Han Qian, Han Qian, you really underestimate you. If one day you fall into my hands, I will cut out your tongue immediately."

Han Qian stood up slowly, but without looking at Liu Shengge, he looked at the other two new shareholders and said softly.

"Have an executive meeting?"

Neither Yan Qingqing nor Gao Jixiong refused because it was beneficial to them.

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