With Nephrite in his arms, Han Qian had no distracting thoughts. He was worried that his mother would know about their divorce, and even more worried that he would find out that he initiated the divorce. If he really found out, the old man's coffin would have been purchased. He closed his eyes thinking about it. Also fell asleep.

I don't know how long he had slept. Han Qian felt itchy on his face. He raised his hand to scratch it. He only stopped for a few seconds. Han Qian slowly opened his eyes and looked at the girl in front of him who was playing naughtily with a lock of hair. Han Qian Qian held her tightly in his arms and whispered softly with his eyes closed.

"Stop making trouble and go to sleep!"

"I've slept for six or seven hours. I can't sleep anymore. I'm a little hungry. Let's go out to eat."

Han Qian got up, stretched, rubbed his eyes and whispered.

"I'll cook for you."

Wen Nuan pulled Han Qian's arm to prevent him from getting out of bed, and said softly.

"Let's go out to eat. If you want to eat barbecue and drink some beer, go ahead."

"That's okay, but not many are open at this time. I don't drink while driving."

"Okay, let's go on a motorcycle? I'll ride the motorcycle back."

"If you don't want to ride, it's cold. Let's drive Xiaobai."

Han Qian put on the clothes bought by Wen Nuan. They were too casual and made Han Qian look a bit like a man in his twenties. After Wen Wen put on that set of professional attire, the relationship between the two seemed a little unnatural. It felt like Han Qian was like It's like being taken care of.

Han Qian wanted to change his clothes, but Nuan Nuan refused, saying that no one cared about these things at night.

It was Wenwen who drove. Han Qian didn't like driving in the first place, and Wenwen disliked him for driving too slowly. He drove all the way to a barbecue restaurant near the Shili River Bridge. This restaurant was open all night, and the environment was not bad. It’s just that the consumption is a little higher.

Han Qian and Wen Nuan chose a seat in the lobby and sat down. They often looked at them, but fortunately they were both qualified and they were just looking. Wen Wen had a lot of things. They basically ate a little and left the rest. If Han Qian was asked to solve it, Han Qian would not stop it. The two of them ate out very rarely, and there was no need to say not to waste it. If they couldn't eat it, they would just pack it up and go home.

When Wen Nuan ordered two bottles of cold beer, Han Qian frowned. Wen Wen covered her face with the menu. As long as she couldn't see Han Qian's face, she thought he had no objection.

When the waiter brought a plate of oysters, Han Qian looked ugly, stared at Wen Nuan and whispered.

"Did you order something for me?"

Wen Nuan looked proud and raised his head.

"Yeah, they say this is good for men."

Han Qian's face is covered with black lines, and now his waist is of no use at all, why should he mend it? This thing and warm explanation are of no use at all. She can be said to be like a piece of photographic paper about certain things, the kind that will slide off if ink is splashed on it.

Too lazy to talk to her.

Han Qian looked at the meat on the table and frowned.

"You didn't order any vegetables?"

Wen Nuan opened a bottle of beer and curled his lips.

"I don't want to eat, so stop pretending. You don't like vegetables either. You drink juice and I drink. Cheers."

Wen Nuan held up the beer cup, and Han Qian held the pink-red juice. The two clinked their glasses, Wen Wen took a big sip, and Han Qian started chatting while holding the juice.

"Xiao Nuan, you can't be picky about food. Eating meat all the time is not good for your health. When you supplement protein, you should also supplement vitamins, so that your body will be strong. You see, Yan Qingqing is not picky about food. Every time you two You can't beat her even if you try to do it, you're anxious just looking at her."

Nuan Nuan put down the wine glass, picked up the veal and squinted at Han Qian.

"Can you be quiet for a while? Please stop nagging while we eat, okay? People who know me well know that you are my ex-husband, and those who don't know think you are my dad. This nagging seems like an old man."

"Isn't it better for you? I'm too lazy to talk to you."

Han Qian lowered his head to eat the meat, kindly treating it as a donkey's liver and lungs, and then a pretty face appeared on the small wooden fence similar to the adjacent table, wearing a pair of exaggerated black-rimmed glasses.

"Nursery rhymes?"

There was a bit of surprise in Wen Nuan's voice. I didn't expect to meet Teacher Tong here. Tong Yao squinted and smiled at Wen Wen.

"Shishi and I are listening to you two chattering here. Wen Nuan, you really don't eat vegetables."

Since they had met each other and were familiar with each other, Wen Nuan offered to share a table. It was pointless for her to drink by herself if Han Qian didn't drink. The three women were making a scene. Wen Wen got up and sat next to Han Qian, and Han Qian was pushed inside. .

Three women in one drama, Han Qian was very lucky that tonight it was these three girls who had a good relationship, not Wen Nuan, Yan Qingqing and Cai Qinghu, otherwise this place might have become a battlefield, and the drinks of these three girls were all in a mess.

The three women held up their wine glasses and shouted long live singlehood, but Han Qian's feet were stepped on almost to death. Sitting inside, he had to pour wine for the three women. Yu Shici's eyes wandered over Han Qian and Wen Nuan, and then Alcohol whispered.

"Are you two still virgins? If you live under the same roof, you can't have sex?"

Nuan Nuan's face turned red instantly, he took the bones on the table and smashed Yu Shici, scolding.

"Why do you say everything about poetry?"

Yu Shici avoided the bones, looked at Han Qian with burning eyes, and said softly.

"Don't you think about it at all?"

Han Qian lowered his head and carefully picked at the shrimps. This was one of the few things he could accept in the ocean. He raised his head, glanced at Yu Shici, and whispered.

"I'm not as gangster as you."

Yu Shici narrowed his eyes and continued.

"Why have I become such a gangster? What do you think?"

She must have done it on purpose. Han Qian lowered his head and stopped answering. Yu Shici was the only one who dared to push him and give him something by the way. Maybe it's because the folk customs abroad are more open. Anyway, Han Qian is very afraid of her now. .

It's not that he's afraid that she'll act like a hooligan next time, but Han Qian is worried that he won't be able to help but eat the girls around him. It's very difficult for him to endure it now.

Seeing that Han Qian was giving up, Yu Shici lost interest in teasing. He picked up the wine glass and took a big sip. He looked at Yu Shici with a warm face and said in a low voice.

"Shi Ci, please stop teasing him. What if one day his bestiality comes out."

Yu Shici giggled, and her nursery rhymes became a little bolder after drinking, and she laughed softly.

"Isn't this what you dreamed of? It's your first time to win over Han Qian before Yan Qingqing."

Are these three hooligans?

Han Qian squinted at the three people, and finally lowered his head helplessly. In the face of power, one should be patient, must be patient, otherwise these three girls... Han Qian is really afraid of this trio, a monster, and an ex-wife. There is a combination of female gangsters.

Not to be offended.

After eating for more than two hours, Han Qian was the one who paid the bill. He spent more than 570 yuan in total. He was carrying nursery rhymes in his left hand and warmth in his right hand. Yu Shici, who was walking in front, acted like nothing was wrong, humming a song as he walked. .

Looking at the graceful girl, Han Qian felt a little guilty. Yu Shici arranged warmth and nursery rhymes into the back seat, and she sat in the passenger seat. As soon as Han Qian got in the car, Yu Shici shouted that it was so hot, and took off his coat to reveal the little girl inside. vest, pulling on the collar from time to time to fan the wind.

Han Qian swallowed nervously, held the steering wheel with both hands and looked forward, silently reciting some sutra in his heart, telling himself that he must hold back, the warmth was behind him. When he was struggling to endure, a burst of fragrance entered his nose. , and then my cheeks felt extremely soft.

"I'll help you fasten your seat belt."

Is there such a thing as wearing a seat belt? Yu Shici seemed to be unable to find her. This lasted for about ten seconds. Han Qian couldn't bear it any longer. If he continued like this, he might be suffocated to death in the car. He pushed Yu Shici's shoulders and pressed her against the passenger seat, saying softly. .

"Quiet! Me! Do it yourself!"

Yu Shici didn't want to be obedient. She bent over and lay on Han Qian's lap, stretched out her naughty hand and flicked little Han Qian, and said seductively.

"Can you bear it? Are you a man?"

Han Qian put on his seat belt, pushed Yu Shici's head away, and said coldly.

"Drive, don't make trouble!"

Can you bear it? Can't help it.

But looking at those bright eyes in the rearview mirror, Han Qian was horrified.

Warm and not drunk?

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