Wen Nuan asked for leave and went home, only to find that Han Qian, who originally said he would go home to sleep, was not at home. Moreover, given Han Qian's current situation, Nuan Wen was immediately angry.

A text message.

[Which vixen are you looking for? 】

Han Qian went home obediently. He was not stingy this time. He took a taxi home and went upstairs to open the door, all in one go.

Han Qian almost choked to death with this tone.

Seeing the warm embrace wearing company uniform sitting on the sofa, Han Qian smiled slightly awkwardly.

"It's not even three o'clock yet, why are you back?"

Nuan Nuan hugged the TV and said in a cold voice.

"Am I not a bitch? Don't I have an ex-husband who was drunk last night and feel uncomfortable? Am I not a bitch to worry about my ex-husband not being willing to buy clothes? It's superfluous. I am superfluous. I have so many beauties to accompany me. How can I still use it? I’m taking care of an ex-wife who’s tired of looking at her? Haha.”

Han Qian frowned slightly, looked down at the clothes bag placed under the TV, and saw KFC on the dining table. Han Qian changed his shoes, picked up the KFC and sat next to Wen Nuan. As soon as he sat down, Wen Wen got up and went to the table. Sofa.

Even a clay Bodhisattva should have a temper.

Han Qian stood up and moved closer to Wen Nuan again. He sat on the sofa and put his arms around Wen Nuan's shoulders. The next second, he was shaken off by Wen Wen. Han Qian continued to hold on to Wen Wen with the attitude of saying that good things take a long time. After resisting twice, Wen Wen stopped struggling. , let Han Qian put his arm around his shoulders,

Han Qian smiled when he saw this, took a bite of the chicken leg and said with a smile.

"It's full of the smell of love, it smells so good~"

Wen Nuan made a cold sound, glanced at Han Qian sideways from the corner of his eye, and said contemptuously.

"Love? What a stupid love you and I have. It's adultery! Adultery after divorce."

Seeing Han Qian eating deliciously, Wen Nuan thought about it more and more unwillingly. He reached out and grabbed Han Qian's half-eaten chicken leg, stuffed it directly into his mouth, and said vaguely.

"Don't eat the things I bought. Those vixen things outside are so good. They buy you clothes, cigarettes, and cars. You, Master Han, are so nourished."

Han Qian lowered his head and stretched out his hand to pinch his warm face and said fondly.

"Why didn't I spend 300,000 yuan to buy a motorcycle for another woman?"

"Oh, Yu Shici's car, Cai Qinghu's information, Yan Qingqing's shares, Ji Jing's 100,000, nursery rhyme's work, buy me a motorcycle. This will make you remember. I'll give you the money, okay?"

Han Qian looked at the jealous Wen Nuan and smiled.

"The money I gave them to talk to is not my money. The car belongs to Qian Ling, the shares belong to Li Dahai, the information was checked by Qinghu himself, the work of Tongyao was influenced by my second uncle, and Ji Jing's 100,000 yuan was bought by Lin Zongheng for my leg. Money, think about where did the money for your motorcycle come from? That's what I earned through hard work and risking my life. I didn't even frown when I transferred money to Liu Guangming. Isn't that stupid? "

Wen Wen was not an unreasonable person. When she thought about it carefully, it was really like this. What she gave them was money that had not yet reached Han Qian's hands. Wen Wen knew how stingy he was. He would argue over fifty cents when buying groceries. I am not willing to spend any more money on myself.

My mother-in-law said that the money that goes into Han Qian's hands is the same as going into a dead man's coffin. It would be even harder to get it out to buy something he doesn't like.

But Wen Nuan was unhappy. He didn't even eat at noon and went to buy clothes and lunch for this guy. But when he got home, he found that he was not at home. It could be said that he didn't go home at all. The snack bag on the table was still there.

Nuan Nuan spit out the chicken bones and frowned.

"I should spend your money! It's reasonable for me to be nice to you, because you call Lao Wen Dad, and I call your parents Mom and Dad. It cost me money to buy a motorcycle! But I feel at ease! It was Mom who asked you to buy it. You just bought it for me."

"We didn't say it wasn't right, right? If you asked me to come back, wouldn't I come back right away? Is there any woman who can speak more effectively than you?"

"Our mother."

"How many times a year does my mother talk about me? I was busy with Guan Junbiao in the morning and met with Cheng Jin. In the afternoon, Aunt Qian wants to see me and talk to me about Qian Huan."

"Why are you talking about him? Everyone in the city praises Qian Huan, but I don't feel good about it. He doesn't have the courage of a man at all. Mom said he is similar to Lao Wen when he was young. He is a few years older than me. I met him once, um ··I feel like I’m not as attractive as you, bah bah bah, you’re the ugliest!”

Han Qian smiled. Who doesn't like the woman he likes to say good things about him? Wen Nuan reached out and took the second chicken drumstick and handed it to Han Qian, staring at Han Qian and asked.

"You really didn't go to see Yan Qingqing?"

Han Qian bit the chicken leg and shook his head, saying vaguely.

"No, I didn't go to the company today. There were a lot of messy things. But I met Liu Shengge at the construction site."

"Yan Hu lied to my innocence!"

"You are quite single and stupid. Let me see what clothes you bought me."

Han Qian stood up, walked to the TV, squatted down, gnawed on the chicken leg, put the bone on the coffee table, wiped his hands, and said softly.

"Did you buy both underwear and socks? Do you know what size underwear I wear?"

Wen Nuan crossed her legs, gnawed on the chicken wings, and replied with a curl of her lips.

"I've seen your naked buttocks. What don't you know? Hey? Can you go to the guest room to change clothes? Do you really think that we are a couple? Even if we are a couple, the curtains are not closed."


Han Qian walked into the guest room with his pants and bag in hand. Wen Nuan said he didn't want to see it, but he still stood up and followed into the guest room. Looking at Han Qian who was sitting by the bed and taking off his pants, Wen Nuan leaned against the door frame and whispered softly. .

"Han Qian, how much money do you have now? Are you going to deal with the relationship between us after you pay me back?"

Han Qian took off his wool pants and sat on the edge of the bed, tilted his head and thought for a while, then said softly.

"have no idea."

"Oh, Han Qian, you must be sleepy."


Han Qian frowned in confusion, then shook his head.

"Fortunately, I wanted to clean it up after trying on the clothes. The house is a bit messy."

Nuan Nuan shook his head and said softly.

"you are tired."

Han Qian asked rhetorically.

"you are tired?"

Nuan Nuan nodded.

"I didn't sleep well last night."

"Oh, and I should be sleepy too, right?"


"Then I lie down now?"

"You lie down inside."

"Are you afraid that I will run away?"


Han Qian went to bed with doubts. Wen Nuan was not very good-tempered at the moment, and Han Qian didn't dare to have a conflict with her. If he called his mother and the old man, he would be scolded again. Wen Nuan took off his coat. He got into the quilt with his pants and pulled Han Qian's arm to use as a pillow. With his back to Han Qian, he picked up Han Qian's other hand and placed it on his soft belly without a trace of fat.

Wen Nuan said softly.

"Do you want me to take off your shirt?"

Han Qian's body trembled, and the image of He Yu's poem appeared in his mind, and his voice was a little stiff and difficult.

"Um...no...no need."

Wen Nuan took off his woolen sweater, leaving only a small vest on his body. Han Qian's hand was placed in a familiar position. When Han Qian was distracted, Wen Nuan spoke softly.

"Han Qian, it seems that mom knows about our divorce, not your mother-in-law."

After saying these words, Han Qian's body trembled, and he whispered after a long silence.

"How do you feel it?"

"I called my mom that day. She asked me if I lived with you, and asked when we were going to have a baby. She and my dad moved here to help take care of the baby. I could vaguely feel that my mom was afraid that I would leave you. I'll tell you right away. The Chinese New Year is coming soon, and I’ll have a holiday on New Year’s Day.”

The ripples in Han Qian's heart disappeared, but he hugged Wen Nuan tighter and sighed softly.

"Yes, it's the Chinese New Year. Do you remember the day we got married?"

"I don't remember. It's a lie anyway. I don't want to remember. I want to go home early to see my mother. Let's go back early, okay."

"Okay! Go back on New Year's Day."

"How about we have a child after we get remarried?"


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