The moment he saw the motorcycle, Cai Qinghu abandoned the A7. The red Ducati motorcycle was really handsome, and it had a feminine style. Han Qian didn't understand this, but it just felt like Cai Qinghu was a fan of sports cars, and she liked it. Not just a four-wheel sports car.

The moment before Cai Qinghu put on her safety helmet, she gave Han Qian a sneer.

"Tsk, tsk, tsk, the man who took a taxi and was reluctant to go to work spent more than 200,000 yuan to buy this big toy, ha!"

Han Qian was silent again, and then he saw Cai Qinghu riding a motorcycle. At this time, Han Qian opened the car door and shouted urgently.

"You wait a moment."

Cai Qinghu, who was wearing a helmet, turned her head and looked at Han Qian who was walking towards her coldly. Then she saw Han Qian unbuttoning his windbreaker, taking off his woolen windbreaker and putting it on Cai Qinghu's body. He grabbed her wrist and put the windbreaker on. , and then buttoned every button carefully. Looking at Cai Qinghu wrapped in a windbreaker, Han Qian smiled.

"That's right, if it's not too cold."

Cai Qinghu let out a cold snort, turned the accelerator, and the motorcycle sped out with the front wheel raised. For a moment, cold sweat dropped on Han Qian's face, and he quickly got on the car and followed Cai Qinghu.

This eldest sister is not only very brave in driving, she is also very fast on a motorcycle. Han Qian holds the steering wheel with both hands and presses the accelerator deeply, barely able to keep up with Cai Qinghu's speed.

A Ducati without a license plate, an A7 without a license plate.

Two cars shuttled on the road. Cai Qinghu broke the law and ran a red light. Han Qian was so angry that he cursed in the car and had to brave the red light.

Han Qian admitted one thing.

It's really handsome. This motorcycle is really handsome. The girl is even more handsome on the bike.

The journey that was supposed to take twenty minutes only took seven minutes. Cai Qinghu got off the car, took off her helmet, took a deep breath, and patted the Ducati, as if to express that she was satisfied. The next second, Han Qian appeared in a shirt. In front of her, he grabbed the car keys and helmet from her hand, bent down and directly put Cai Qinghu on his shoulders, saying in a low voice.

"How dare you try riding a motorcycle in the future."

Cai Qinghu, who was lying on his shoulder, did not resist and whispered.

"Leave me alone?"

"Don't worry about me, just pack up and go back to your office."

"Han Qian, do you think I dare not leave? Just put me down and I will leave immediately."

Han Qian was silent again. Under the astonished eyes of Changxiang staff, Han Qian carried the girl into the company, threw the helmet and keys to the front desk, and said coldly.

"If your vice president's new big toy is lost, you will be responsible for it."

Hua Luo carried Cai Qinghu into the elevator and all the way to the warm office, throwing her on the sofa. Han Qian looked at Cai Qinghu coldly and said coldly.

"If I come back and see you lost, I'll wait until the city and province are in trouble."

After saying that, Han Qian left the warm office.

Wen Nuan, who was in a meeting, heard her secretary tell her that her uncle had come to the company. She couldn't help but fantasize about motorcycles. Originally, it had nothing to do with her. She and Yan Qingqing came here to listen, mainly to listen to Yu Shi Ci and Yang Lan reported the mission.

Nuan Nuan stood up and said to go to the toilet, and took the opportunity to sneak out of the conference room. Yan Qingqing squinted at the door of the conference room and whispered.

"It's Han Qian who's here. Look at her hairy look. She's really embarrassed. This plan is in your hands. If you encounter any problems, go to Han Qian. I'll go to the toilet too."

She ran away too.

Yang Lan sighed feebly and said softly.

"Meeting dismissed."

Yu Shici stood up calmly and softly explained her work to Li Yang. In fact, her heart had already flown away. Nuannuan ran all the way back to the office. When she opened the door, she found Cai Qinghu sitting on the sofa wearing Han Qian's coat, and couldn't help but wonder.

"Where's Han Qian?"

He was unhappy when he mentioned Han Qian and Cai Qinghu, and then he was even more unhappy when he thought of this guy buying a car for Nuan Nuan and Yu Shici. He said coldly that he didn't know, and then Nuan Nuan continued to ask.

"Hmm... Where's the car?"

"It's downstairs."

"Qinghu, can you ride a motorcycle? I...I can't."

This sentence instantly made Cai Qinghu's self-confidence explode. There were not many things she was proficient in in her life, and there were even fewer things she was proficient in than Han Qian. But when it came to understanding cars, even ten Han Qians couldn't match her Cai Qinghu's knowledge.

At the main entrance of the company, Wen Wen was dressed in motorcycle style and wearing a helmet as she rode on the car. Unfortunately, the car didn't move. She immediately took a photo and sent it to Nursery Rhyme, and kept taking pictures of the car.

Everyone in Changxiang Company is looking at their Iceberg CEO. Is the sun rising in the west today? Why are you so girly?

Twenty minutes later, Cai Qinghu couldn't help it anymore, stepped forward, put the helmet on Nuan Nuan's head, and said softly.

"Start the ignition, put the gear in, and apply the accelerator."

Wen Nuan didn't do a single step. He got out of the car, took off his helmet and handed it to Cai Qinghu, speaking in a low voice.

"Qinghu, you can ride around for a while and let me see. I don't know how to ride a motorcycle."

Cai Qinghu tilted his head and looked at Wen Nuan, frowning.

"You don't know how to ride a motorcycle. Why did Han Qian buy you this?"

Seeing the look of happiness in Wen Wen's eyes, Cai Qinghu immediately declined Wen Wen's proposal.

"Go to Han Qian, he won't let me touch the motorcycle."

While talking, Han Qian and Yu Shici walked out of the company's main entrance side by side. Yu Shici looked excited with the car key in his hand. He was even more delighted when he saw the pink A7. He trotted to the car, opened the door, started the car and disappeared. , Han Qian breathed a sigh of relief when he saw this.

Just like it, and then shouted to Nuan Nuan.

"If you don't know how to ride, just leave it there and watch!"

After saying that, he looked at Cai Qinghu and said coldly.

"As long as I'm here from now on, don't even think about touching any motorcycles! Any!"

"Leave me alone?"

"Then you can try it by touching it?"

Han Qian was really angry. It wasn't that he didn't want Cai Qinghu to touch the motorcycle she bought for Nuan Nuan. If he didn't want to, he wouldn't let her ride it back. It was because the girl was so aggressive on the bike that she was literally dancing on a tightrope.

Cai Qinghu really didn't dare to touch the motorcycle. She also knew that the way she played with the car was unacceptable to Han Qian. Thinking of the way he got off the car and hurried over, she also knew that he was worried along the way. Cai Qinghu snorted coldly and held his head high. After walking upstairs, Wen Nuan was left looking at Han Qian with confused eyes, wondering.

"Did you two quarrel? Husband, you didn't bring Cai Qinghu to accompany you to pick up the A7 and motorcycle, did you?"

Han Qian nodded lightly, Nuannuan closed his eyes and slapped his forehead, saying weakly.

"It's just you... you're such a bear and a girl likes you? Why are you blind at such a young age? Even if you and Cai Qinghu are in a cooperative relationship, you can't be said to be taking her to buy gifts for the other two girls. , but without her share, well... this is fine, as long as I'm not stupid, I'll give up on you."

Before Han Qian could speak, Yan Qingqing's cold voice came from behind.

"You spent three hundred thousand just to buy her such a gadget? Han Qian, you'd better give me an explanation. Nuan Nuan, shut up! This is a matter between me and my staff! Can you ride it?"

Not to be outdone, Nuan Nuan said angrily.

"You can?"

Yan Qingqing walked down the steps, took the key from Nuan Nuan's hand, and rode a motorcycle around the small square. Nuan Nuan's eyes were full of envy, and she took her mobile phone to text Nursery Rhymes.

"If you don't have class in the afternoon, come over and practice driving with me."

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