After the divorce, the ex-wife became a creditor

Chapter 315 Jealousy changes you beyond recognition

Han Qian seemed to have not made breakfast for a long time. He got up in the warm bed early in the morning and looked at the dark sky outside the window. Without disturbing the sleeping girl, he gently got out of bed to prepare breakfast.

seven o 'clock.

Nuan Nuan came down from the second floor, yawned and said good morning to Han Qian. He sat at the dining table and was about to eat. The hand he just stretched out was knocked off by Han Qian.

"Go, wash your face."

Nuan Nuan grabbed the bowl and refused to let go, gritting his teeth and persisting.

"Go after eating."

"Then I won't pick up the car for you."

"I'm going to wash my face. You wait until I come back to eat."

The threat worked as expected, and I don't know what the wrong tendon of this girl was, and why she suddenly became interested in motorcycles. When Wen Nuan was washing her face, Han Qian took her phone and clicked on the button directly.

You guessed it right, looking at a group chat called "The Three Stooges", it was all filled with pictures of motorcycles.

One of them is a nursery rhyme, and her name is nursery rhyme. As for the other one, no need to guess, it must be Yu Shici.

The two girls just discussed that girls riding motorcycles are very sassy, ​​but Nuan Nuan thought that she was the sassy girl.


This word may never be associated with Wen Nuan in this life. Han Qian really wanted to tell these two girls to stop tempting Wen Wen. It can be said that she had no self-control at all. After breakfast, Wen Wen ran upstairs. Changed clothes.

Han Qian squinted at Nuan Nuan and said softly.

"If you want to freeze to death, you don't have to wear clothes to go out. It's already below zero!"

Wearing a brown leather jacket, black leather pants and a pair of boots in his hand, with his hair scattered behind his head, full of motorcycle style, Han Qian was determined not to allow him to go out like this, and it would not look good when he went to the company.

But how warm is it?

Only twenty-six years old.

She held on to the railing and refused to change her clothes. In the end, she sat on the stairs and cried loudly, accusing Han Qian of being too domineering and not allowing her, a young girl, to realize her dream and strangling the beauty she imagined in the cradle. .

Han Qian was too lazy to coax her. He went upstairs and took out a white down jacket from her closet and buttoned it on her head. Then he squatted in front of her and looked at the girl with tears in her eyes. Han Qian sighed. , put on her boots and said softly.

"Let's go, we're going to be late for work."

Hearing that there was no need to change clothes, Nuan Nuan smiled with a silly smile, gave the key to Han Qian, and said with a silly smile.

"You drive my car and I'll take a taxi to work."

"Don't be crazy. Qinghu's car is still in the garage. I'll send it to her by the way. I'll send it to you around noon. Stop making trouble! I won't buy it for you if you make trouble again."


Wen Nuan hugged Han Qian's neck and kissed him hard on the face.

In fact, Wen Wen could afford this motorcycle. She could even afford ten of them, but that would only satisfy her own needs and desires, and would not satisfy or make her happy. Remembering what she had told Han Qian last night, he would find someone to give it to her. Looking for this motorcycle makes my heart warm.

Who says straight men are bad?

It was other straight men, my ex-husband was the best.


Han Qian was a little confused after getting in the car. He still didn't know where Cai Qinghu lived. After calling, he found out that the eldest sister had been staying in the hotel. When he drove to the hotel, Cai Qinghu was already dressed and waiting downstairs.

Jiao Didi called her husband, and then when she heard Han Qian ask her to pick up Yu Shici, Secretary Xiao Cai turned around and left.

"I'm not feeling well, you can go alone."

Han Qian nodded stupidly and shouted to his slim back.

"Take some medicine and drink more hot water. Then I'll go and get busy."


Cai Qinghu stood there and screamed, turned around and trotted in front of Han Qian, slapped him on the back of the head and said angrily.

"You idiot! You bought Yu Shici a car and then asked me to pick him up? Is your brain broken? I called your husband, but you want me to pick up another woman? Ah!! Then you go what?"

"Well... I bought a motorcycle for Wen Nuan. I can't get both cars back by myself. How about we take a taxi?"

Han Qian scratched his head in embarrassment. Cai Qinghu tilted his head and looked at Han Qian and said softly.

"What did you buy me?"

Han Qian turned around and pointed into the distance and whispered.

"I'll buy you two fried dough sticks when I pass by the morning market."

Until they arrived at the 4S store, Cai Qinghu ignored Han Qian and didn't say a word. He actually ate two fried dough sticks. She was surprised when Han Qian called her so early in the morning. She thought she had something serious to do today. She, the secretary, followed and carefully changed into a set of professional attire and put on careful makeup.

Finally, are you here to show Yu Shici the car?

Cai Qinghu's accusation was unfair. In these days, she knew clearly about the contact between Han Qian and those girls. He and Wen Nuan only slept together and never kissed her. Yan Qingqing might have kissed her. It should be Those who pecked their lips, they all got more or less help from Han Qian, only my mother kissed her twice, and then they got nothing!


Very unfair!

The more she thought about it, the angrier she became. She turned around and bit Han Qian's shoulder. When she saw Han Qian looking at her like he was an idiot, Cai Qinghu let go and said angrily.

"What are you looking at me for?"

Han Qian said softly.

"Let me see if you can bite through such thick clothes."

After saying this, Han Qian regretted it. Cai Qinghu grabbed his ear and bit his face. Han Qian grimaced in pain. The two of them were having a quarrel in the back seat. The driver was a young man. He really didn't dare to look. , worried that he would not be able to help but kill this man.

Why don't you know how to cherish the fragrance and cherish the jade?

After getting off the taxi, Cai Qinghu seemed to be a different person. She straightened her appearance and walked into the 4S shop with her head held high. Those who knew the situation knew that she was Han Qian's secretary, and those who didn't knew thought that Han Qian was a driver. .

Taking out his ID card, the manager bent down and invited the two people into the guest reception room. The manager brought two glasses of water, not daring to use paper cups, and said softly.

"Director Qian has already told you that the car needs to be transferred in your name. If Han Qian wants to transfer it as a gift, he only needs to transfer it."

Han Qian chuckled softly.

"How did you know I was going to give it away?"

The manager chuckled.

"A man wouldn't choose a pink A7, would he? The car didn't come in this color when it left the factory, but Director Qian has said hello to the headquarters. I don't know exactly what happened. You just need to sign here, and the car will be You can just drive away.”

Pink A7?

Qian Ling really hoped that Han Qian could pick up a few girls. It didn't take half an hour. Cai Qinghu was sitting in the driver's cab. His face was not very good. Han Qian, who was sitting in the passenger seat, laughed.

"Are you still angry? Isn't it just a car?"

After starting the car, the car sped out in an instant, Cai Qinghu curled his lips and said.

"I only like sports cars, and classic cars because my grandfather likes them. As a souvenir, if you ever ask me to do this kind of thing in the future, we should go our separate ways as soon as possible. No! Yin and Yang will never be separated! No! I want to take you with me. "

Han Qian didn't dare to say a word, and then Cai Qinghu said angrily.

"Where to go!"

"The main entrance of Shuncheng Group."

"Shut up, I know."

Han Qian really wants to tell the children who have not grown up, don't provoke women, never! In order to get revenge, this bitch opened the window on such a cold day.

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