After the divorce, the ex-wife became a creditor

Chapter 298 You are my second uncle

Li Jinhe stayed to talk to Li Jinhai about Han Qian. Wen Nuan seemed to have something to say. After struggling for a long time, he whispered to go home and wait for Han Qian. Yan Qingqing also followed Qian Ling. They all had something to say, including Liu Guangming. I wanted to talk to Han Qian, but the time and place were wrong.

After everyone left, Wen She nodded to Han Qian, and the two men walked to the opposite side of the road. Wen She went to the supermarket and bought a loaf of bread, squatted on the roadside, broke it open and handed half of it to Han Qian. Han Qian looked at the bread in his hand. Bread glanced at his father-in-law again and said softly.

"Dad, why don't you go have a bowl of noodles?"

Lao Wen shook his head, crushed the bread in his hand into a small piece, and said vaguely.

"After the matter was resolved, it was said that everything was okay for the time being and he was bailed out."

Han Qian lowered his head and took a bite of bread, then squatted beside Lao Wen and whispered softly.

"It's a heart attack."

"Tell me?"

"I asked Luo Shande and Wei Tiancheng to report me. Seeing if they could attract some people who wanted to target me, I reported myself."

"Aren't you afraid of falling in?"

"I'm afraid, but Cheng Jin can't let me go to jail. If Liu Guangming doesn't receive the news in advance, he will never come over when I'm down. I also said hello to Glory Qian Ling in advance, so this suspicion should be cleared as soon as possible. I feel more at ease. I'm afraid that someone will frame me in the future, which will cause more trouble. I didn't expect that Wen Nuan would call you two."

Wen She turned around and slapped Han Qian on the back of the head, speaking with a bit of dissatisfaction.

"What do you mean you didn't expect to call us? Your mother and I are the most worried if something happens to you. Whether it's Qian Ling or Liu Guangming, they just value your ability and say that you are a nanny at home for Xiao Nuan. Did your mother and I notice that your eyes were colored? Next time something like this happens, please message me in advance, um... What happened to Yan Qingqing and Cai Qinghu? "


Mentioning these two people, Han Qian's face became a little embarrassed and he lowered his head and whispered.

"The boss of the company has great trust in me and I can use my skills. The other one is Cheng Jin who arranged for me to be a secretary. He must be worried that I will use the land in Dongcheng to make money."

"Pay attention to your style. Your mother and I don't care about you two, and don't embarrass me. I don't count those who are divorced or not. If you call me dad, I will take care of you. You have to call me Uncle, I will beat you to death."

Han Qian scratched his head and did not dare to answer. The women around him were indeed a problem now, but everyone existed for a reason, and they were all for his own good.

Silly warmth.

The strong and trusting Yan Qingqing.

Cai Qinghu is confused and needs some guidance.


Han Qian lowered his head and sighed. Lao Wen glanced at Han Qian sideways, stretched out his hand and patted his shoulder.

"Don't do such a dangerous thing next time. I guessed something when Liu Guangming came. How could this guy who likes to add icing on the cake and never refuse to add insult to injury come here? Be careful when you cooperate with Liu Guangming. .”

"I see."

When Lao Wen stood up, Li Jinhe also crossed the road. Hearing that Lao Wen said that Han Qian planned it himself, Li Jinhe stepped forward and kicked Han Qian on the butt. Han Qian was unsteady on his feet and knelt down on the road. Han Qian He didn't even dare to let go of anything. These two mothers were the only ones who could deal with him like this.

"I'm so angry. Just walk back by yourself."

Li Jinhe took Lao Wen and left.

None of the cars were there, and Tu Xiao was picked up. Han Qian stood up, patted the dirt on his knees, walked across the road and came to Li Jinhai's side.

"Is there water?"

Li Jinhai raised his head and glanced at Han Qian, and nodded slightly. It was impossible for a director to be kicked out to guard the gate. Li Jinhai just used this method to express his dissatisfaction with the inspection team. No matter what, Han Qian was his My nephew and son-in-law were caught in handcuffs? Next time when I, Li Jinhai, go to arrest your relatives, will I put them in a prison car and parade them through the streets?

When Li Jinhai returned to the office, there was no expression on his face. He threw a bottle of water on the table to Han Qian. Han Qian reached out and took it, laughing softly.

"The matter of Guan Junbiao..."

"Fifteen days is the maximum grace period, don't think about it."

"Can't you do it for seven days?"

"No, I've already given you enough face without holding him criminally responsible. Are you having fun teasing the people at the Yamen Gate?"

"I enjoyed it. I just wanted to verify what the Yamenkou was thinking. Now I know that many people want to arrest me, but Cheng Jin, who I suspect the most, is the one who least wants me to go to jail."

"I hope you go to jail?"

"You are my second uncle."

"Gungun, I am a warm second uncle."

Han Qian put down the water bottle, sat on Li Jinhai's desk and grinned.

"Yes, yes, who cares about your second uncle? Do I have to call you second uncle? My uncle has a bad impression of me. He smiles on his face, but in his heart he looks down on me, my son-in-law. Aren’t you the second uncle who treats me as your nephew?”

Li Jinhai picked up the documents on the table and patted Han Qian. Seeing that the boy had no intention of getting up, he sighed helplessly.

"After all, I'm still the second-in-command. It sounds like I'm a big official and there are too many constraints. The three people in the inspection team didn't take me seriously at all. Otherwise, Cai Qinghu wouldn't have jumped over the rank to get the stun gun. What about your uncle? Just pretend he doesn't exist, don't let me go, ten days! At least."

"Okay, second uncle, I'm going to see Guan Junbiao."

"You don't have to look, I don't understand why you hook up with Tu Xiao. What kind of good guy is he? How can he not have a gun in his hand? It's just that I can't find it. I'm counting seventeen, eight, and twenty years ago. He's young, and he doesn't have lives in his hands? Why don't he learn well?"

Han Qian, who was about to stand up, sat down again, relaxed his body and sighed weakly.

"Second uncle, I have caused a huge trouble for myself. I need money very much. I can probably earn it in two or three years as a white-collar worker, but I don't want to waste so much time."

Li Jinhai raised his head and looked at Han Qian with a frown, and said in a deep voice.

"Big trouble? I still have some in hand. Can I call your uncle?"

Han Qian smiled and said with a chuckle.

"Borrow mine? Actually, I want to buy a GTR."

The next second Han Qian stood up and ran away. Li Jinhai grabbed the lamp on the table and threw it at Han Qian. The moment the door closed, the sound of the lamp breaking was heard in the room. Han Qian shrank in fright. Li Jinhai Looking at the broken lamp, he smiled.

In the entire Li family, no child is suitable to follow the two paths of him and the eldest son. However, if this kid Han Qian is caught early and sent to have a good education, his achievements will not be too low.

How can a guy who is so ruthless that he puts himself to death have no future?

The more I think about it, the angrier I feel. How did this child come to be born? Looking at my two sons, one rebelliously went abroad to be a son-in-law for a foreign woman, which was humiliating, and the other insisted on taking the exam to be an actor.

People are more infuriating than people.

Han Qian ran into the small building in a panic. As soon as he walked out of the main entrance of the building, the permanent secretary strangled his neck and forcibly dragged him into Cheng Jin's car. Han Qian sat in the car and looked sideways at Cheng Jin and said nervously.

"Old Cheng, what are you doing?"

"Catch the strong man!"

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