After the divorce, the ex-wife became a creditor

Chapter 297 Say important things three times

Han Qian was left in the interrogation room. Accompanying him was Cheng Jin. Han Qian closed his eyes and said softly.

"The person who reported me should be the person named Ma from the Land Bureau, right? He is cooperating with some other people. The businessman who reported me must be from the Huitian Group."

Cheng Jin shook his head and sighed softly.

"I don't know, they didn't involve me in this."

"Lao Cheng, please call Luo Shande and tell him that I need someone who was present to testify for me."


Cai Qinghu came back. When she returned to the city bureau, she saw Wen Nuan and Yan Qingqing. She frowned and walked upstairs without saying a word, and found two colleagues from the inspection team. Cai Qinghu waved and slammed the door, roaring at them. .

"Your thoughts should be on Feng Lun and Cui Li, not troubles with Han Qian and Tu Xiao! The car is in the suburbs thirty miles away. I asked the local people and they saw it two days ago. When Feng Lun and Cui Li were wandering there, why could Han Qian guess Feng Lun's location? You were indeed arresting Han Qian for several reports. Don't you know that there are many incriminating evidences of officials at the city's Yamen Gate? Is it in the hands of Han Qian? They want to use our hands to get rid of Han Qian! In addition! The female star who was at the party at that time was my friend. She personally told me that Tu Xiao threatened everyone present, and He rescued her with two fake guns!”

Cai Qinghu was trembling with anger, took a deep breath and spoke again.

"Do you think Han Qian is easy to mess with? Do you think it will be okay if you catch him without guilt and let him go? Now there are Wen She from Changxiang Group, Qian Ling from Glory Group, Liu Guangming from Shuncheng Group, and Wei from Huitian Group. Tiancheng is outside. If you arrest the wrong person, do you know what will happen to us? And you still don’t agree to let Li Jinhai be interrogated? From now on, we will be in trouble in the city. Tell me, have you found anything on Han Qian? If there is doubt or conclusive evidence proving his guilt, he will not go to jail today, and you two will wait to be transferred."

Qiao Hongbin said helplessly with his eyes closed.

"There are many doubts and insufficient evidence. We need witnesses."

"Then let the witnesses in your mouth come over to accuse Han Qian."

"I called him, but he's either hospitalized or out of town. No one can come over. The person who reported Tu Xiao can't be found now. We've been fooled."

"It's not that you have been fooled, but that you are in urgent need of meritorious service and want to conclude this matter quickly. Stop worrying about Han Qian and Tu Xiao. Do you have to wait for a call from Chief Li?"

Qiao Hongbin was stunned for a moment, and then spoke with a sense of luck.

"Didn't Nuan Nuan divorce Han Qian?"

Cai Qinghu really didn't want to talk to these two idiots anymore, so he closed his eyes and said softly.

"Now Wen Nuan wants to remarry. Wen Shu and Li Jinhe are trying to bring them back together. If Wen Nuan calls Chief Li and the chief investigates and determines that Han Qian is not guilty of any suspicion or crime, you two will resist this responsibility. In addition, Let me tell you, Han Qian and Tu Xiao are not Feng Lun’s two partners. Feng Lun’s partner is another! Feng Zhida was responsible for bringing the gun into the city. Feng Lun and Feng Zhida had it before. Why did Feng Zhida die as a matchmaker? Because this person is still here and he forced Feng Zhida to commit suicide. Are you pig-minded?"

"But Han Qian and Tu Xiao are too suspicious."

"Ah!!! Han Qian is Li Jinhai's nephew and son-in-law. He was brought into the party by Li Jinhai. Everyone saw it! The only person present that night dared to resist Feng Lun. Don't forget that Han Qian shot Feng Lun twice. Gun, he was almost beaten to death by a toad in the hotel. The little girl who was violated also said that it was Han Qian who saved him! In addition, if Han Qian hadn't smashed the camera with a gun, the matter would have been even bigger! "

"Why does Han Qian know how to use a gun?"


Cai Qinghu looked at Qiao Hongbin with three question marks on her head. She didn't even bother to explain, so she closed her eyes and took a deep breath.

"I don't care who you have been in contact with recently. Your personal grudges have been brought into this case. I will ask the superiors to transfer you. I will find a big fish in Han Qian's mouth soon! That night I met Feng Lun. Feng Lun was using Han Qian! He asked Han Qian to deal with things that he had not been able to deal with, and threatened Han Qian with Han Qian's father-in-law and mother-in-law. In addition! After Han Qian was discharged from the hospital, he encountered another An assassination! Feng Lun has never left the city, don't you have any brains?"

Cai Qinghu's face turned the color of pig liver with anger, and another prosecutor who had been silent until now spoke.

"I just said, don't arrest Han Qian until there is conclusive evidence. Now there is a way. It is best for Han Qian to name a guilty person. After that, we will discuss with Han Qian how to resolve this matter. If nothing else, outside I was panicking when I looked at those four people, not to mention Miss Wen’s uncle. To be honest, even if I have a daughter, I want to marry Han Qian. I also suspect that he was arrested on purpose. Everyone who reported him has Maybe he found it."

After hearing this, Cai Qinghu covered his head and squatted on the ground, sighing helplessly.

"Don't play with Han Qian's brains, don't play with his brains, don't play with his brains! The entire government office is in his calculations. Now everyone knows that he is in charge of the land in Dongcheng, but you found it on his bank card Huge deal? Which developers has he been in contact with? Not only not, but he is also using the land to seek benefits for the established sanitation workers. If these sanitation workers suddenly go on strike, will you two go sweep the streets? Han Qian's head is bigger than a computer It’s easy to use, don’t be too clever, two gentlemen, I’m begging you, little girl, you can’t convict him.”

Qiao Hongbin's face turned green and white, and he gritted his teeth.

"Why? As long as there are witnesses!"

Cai Qinghu closed his eyes and took a deep breath.

"Witnesses? Those witnesses at the Yamen Gate? The younger one dared not correct Han Qian, but the older one dared to say that he was guilty in front of Han Qian? Before he could speak, Han Qian told all his charges. Xiao just grabbed Tu Xiao, why are you grabbing this hornet's nest? It's fine now. I offended Li Jinhai and also offended Cheng Jin. The reason why Feng Lun chose Han Qian is very simple, because this man is not afraid of death, his brain is easy to use, and his background is relatively good. Qiang, I don’t want to talk to you anymore, you two have narrowed the road! It is not our task to arrest Feng Lun, our task is to investigate those officials at the Yamen Gate who have accepted bribes!"

When Cai Qinghu walked out with the two idiots, Luo Shande had already arrived at the city bureau and was chatting quietly with Cheng Jin outside the interrogation room door. Cheng Jin raised his head and glanced at Cai Qinghu and sighed.

Finally I know why this young girl is made the team leader. It seems that the above intention is to let Cheng Jin handle this matter by himself. These three idiots are just here to show off. At the same time, Cheng Jin is also thinking about another thing. What are these two people doing? Where did you receive the report?

Luo Shande glanced at Cai Qinghu and said softly.

"It was Han Qian who shot and killed Feng Lun in the hotel that night, and he knocked down a gangster in front of Feng Lun. I don't know why you suspect Han Qian is a suspect. Anyone who is not blind should know that he is the same as Feng Lun. It was Feng Zhida who had a relationship, not Han Qian and Tu Xiao. I heard a saying that Tu Xiao brought a lot of people that night and wanted to go in and fight Feng Lun. He is not a person who talks big words. In addition, there are , I asked many people, but they didn’t know anything about reporting Han Qian. I asked 80% of the people present, Mayor Cheng, I have something else to do, I’ll leave first.”

Luo Shande's words made Cai Qinghu's face look even uglier. He took a deep breath than this. It might be a scene planned by these two idiots. They thought that Han Qian was young, and scaring him might reveal his flaws. How could a lunatic be afraid? ?

Of course, we can't blame them, this is the result Feng Lun wants, because Han Qian is useless.

At the same time, Cai Qinghu suspected that the person who reported Han Qian might be Feng Lun.

He took a deep breath and pushed open the door of the interrogation room, narrowed his eyes and shouted softly.

"Boss~ I'm here to pick you up."

"Go away, I won't leave until I bring the witnesses today."


"It's no use."

"Ms. sir, don't be angry. We are also doing things impartially. Is what you told me about it true? If so, I will arrest you."

"Don't be so mean, you ask Lao Cheng, don't ask me."

"Okay, sir, I will go with Mayor Cheng to arrest people."

Cai Qinghu took small steps to find Cheng Jin. Qiao Hongbin walked up and removed Han Qian's handcuffs with an embarrassed expression. After removing the handcuffs, Han Qian stood up and moved his wrists, then punched Qiao Hongbin in the face and said angrily.

"I don't know who you have been in contact with, whether it's Lin Zongheng, Li Dahai or Wei Tiancheng. For the sake of Qinghu, I won't argue with you this time. It's a fact that Guan Junbiao attacked the police, seven days or fifteen days? No matter, tell me! Who reported me."

Qiao Hongbin covered her face and gritted her teeth.

"can not say."

"Huh? You think I can't guess it? Qinghu went to catch him. This is a big fish. Don't let it go. Investigate the crime yourself. I'm telling you one thing. Don't be stupid and check your bank card. Remember to check it. Are the refrigerators in their homes, the walls under the beds and behind the closets empty?”

Qiao Hongbin raised his head and frowned.

"Did Feng Lun tell you?"

Han Qian shook his head gently.

"No, the land in Dongcheng is no longer under his jurisdiction. There are rumors outside that I am the one who makes the decision. This will cost him a lot of money. Since he reported me, the only thing I make him feel uncomfortable is that I block his way of making money. Do you need me to elaborate further? In addition, I heard from my ex-wife that the man named Ma is very lecherous. In his position, he wants to have a say in the land in Dongcheng. Hehe! How much you can find out depends on your ability. Besides! I I have nothing to do with Feng Lun. I came from a rural area and am now a white-collar worker in a company. I earn four thousand yuan a month. Because of Feng Lun, I was hospitalized and I didn’t get my salary for more than two months! Which one of you can give it to me? Reimbursement?"

Qiao Hongbin is gone.

Han Qian and Tu Xiao walked down the steps side by side. They did not find any contraband in Tu Xiao's company, but Guan Dagou was really going to stay there for a few days.

When he went downstairs and saw Wen Nuan and Yan Qingqing, Han Qian smiled, and the two women also laughed. When he walked out of the city bureau building and looked at the sky, Han Qian was fascinated. Ma Houcai was definitely not the only one who reported him.

Walking to the door of the city bureau, Han Qian shouted to Li Jinhe.

"Mom~ why are you here?"

Li Jinhe glanced at Han Qian and snorted coldly. Han Qian scratched his head and smiled, trotted to Qian Ling's side, took Aunt Qian's hand and started acting coquettishly. He didn't mean anything, he was just hungry. Qian Ling smiled and touched Han Qian. Qian's head.

Liu Guangming smiled at Han Qian.

"I'm relieved that Brother Han is fine. Since I want to have dinner with my elders, I won't bother you. I'll find a roadside stall later."

Han Qian chuckled.

"Okay, brother! I'm sorry to bother you, Director Wei, but I still have to make a trip for this."

Wei Tiancheng nodded lightly and said softly.

"Well~ be my son-in-law."

Li Jinhe's expression changed instantly when he said these words, and he pointed at Wei Tiancheng angrily and said angrily.

"Wei Tiancheng, are you shameless?"

"Sister He, please don't be impulsive. Just kidding, just kidding."

After saying this, Wei Tiancheng patted Han Qian on the shoulder and said softly.

"It's okay. I asked. It was Ma Houcai who reported you. His secret doesn't seem to be in your hands. It may be because of the incident in Dongcheng."

Han Qian nodded slightly.

"It's true that he doesn't have any clues in my hands, but that doesn't mean he's clean. I can get some clues from the affairs of those who do. Do you have time to sit down and talk?"


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