Everyone suddenly felt a bone-chilling murderous intent, their minds seemed to have fallen into an endless abyss, and their scalps felt numb as if a sword was hanging over their heads, ready to fall!


Cai Yan shouted loudly.

Everyone used their own means of escape to disperse in all directions.


Xia Changming said coldly

""Okay! Boss!"

Langya received the order and stepped into the air happily.

The petite and illusory black shadow split in the air, and its body suddenly expanded, turning into three identical ghost wolfs and killing everyone.

This is the ghost wolf's magic of splitting and transforming. Each ghost wolf retains a part of his consciousness and strength.

Langya's strength at the peak of the heavenly realm is divided into three, and each has the strength of the early heavenly realm!

Except for Cai Yan and Cai Li, two elders in the early heavenly realm who can resist, the rest were quickly hunted down one by one, and miserable cries rang out.


"It was the Shadow Wolf! The Shadow Wolf in the early stage of the Heavenly Man Realm!"

"Don't run away! Fight this beast!���"We can't outrun it! Listen to me..."

A casual cultivator tried to call on everyone to join him in fighting Langya, but before he could finish his words, Langya twisted his head off.

""Puh, puh, a mouthful of hair!"

Langya spit out the head in his mouth in disgust.

Barbecue is still delicious!

On the other side, Xia Changming was not idle either. He condensed dozens of spirit swords in the void and shuttled in different directions, attacking the people who had already fled far away.

The people who only wanted to escape did not even have time to turn around to defend themselves. The spirit swords had already pierced their bodies and fell from the sky.

The rest of the people, including Cai Ji, Cai Yan and Cai Li, were forced to huddle together by the three Langya.

In an instant, dozens of people were reduced by more than half, and Xia Changming had not really made a move yet. The group of casual cultivators were finally timid, their eyes were full of fear, and they trembled and begged for mercy:

"Master Xia! Spare my life!"

"It has nothing to do with us that the Cai family has offended you!"

"That's right, we are just passing by here!"

They just rely on the Cai family and want to climb up the big tree of the Cai family.

The monthly salary is only more than a thousand spirit stones, there is no need to die for the Cai family.

Langya looked back at Xia Changming very tactfully and asked for his opinion.

Xia Changming slowly walked forward with his hands behind his back, looked at the rest of the people and said:

"Are you just passing by here?"

"That’s right!"

Everyone nodded like chicks pecking at rice.

Cai Ji was so angry that he immediately cursed without caring about his image:

"You are a bunch of heartless bastards!"

"How much benefit have you taken from the Cai family and me!"

"Now you want to distance yourself from him. When I tell the ancestor, none of you can escape!"

The scattered cultivators lowered their heads in silence. They were indeed afraid of the ancestor of the Cai family, but they ignored Cai Ji. It was a matter of life and death, so why should they care about so many things? It was not certain whether they could walk out of Xia Changming alive.

Xia Changming watched the Cai family fighting with interest, and smiled evilly:

"Since you have not worked for the Cai family, prove it to me!"

The group of casual cultivators looked at each other, not understanding what Xia Changming meant for a moment.

Suddenly, a scream came from behind, and a disciple of the Cai family was pierced through the chest by a sharp sword. He looked at the burly man behind him in disbelief.

Everyone was shocked, and then they seemed to understand something, looking at each other with cold eyes!

"You, what are you doing!"

All the Cai family disciples trembled, looking warily at the scattered cultivators around them. Their companions who had been chatting and laughing all the way here, actually killed them without hesitation!

"Kill one for one, exchange the life of a Tsai family member for your lives"

"You can go now."

At this time, Xia Changming, who was sitting leisurely on Langya's back, said leisurely.

He pointed his finger at the strong man who had just started the fight and announced that he would spare his life.

The strong man's face lit up, and he clasped his fists in gratitude and said:

"Thank you, Master Xia!"

After saying that, the strong man left without hesitation and disappeared from everyone's sight.

The others were shocked to see that Xia Changming really let him go.

What Xia Changming said just now echoed in everyone's mind like the whisper of a devil.

At this moment, there were only 8 disciples of the Cai family except Cai Ji, Cai Yan and Cai Li, and there were still more than a dozen of them!

Too many wolves and little meat!

"If a man does not work for himself, he will be punished by heaven and earth!"

Without any hesitation, a group of casual cultivators quickly attacked and killed the Cai family disciples!


Cai Yan and Cai Li jumped up and had to protect Cai Ji while killing the rebellious cultivators.

For a moment, the scene was extremely chaotic.

Several people were vying to kill a disciple of the Cai family. Some cultivators relied on their higher cultivation level and chose to get rid of other cultivators first. The cultivators recruited by the Cai family were basically not good people, and some were notorious. The rebellion now was their own fault.

It was a rare good show for him.

"Boss, are you really going to let that guy go?"

"How about I chase him and kill him?"

Langya, who was sitting on him like a bench, asked Xia Changming.

What he was talking about was naturally the first strong man Xia Changming let go.

With his intelligence, he couldn't think of why Xia Changming let that man go.

As long as Xia Changming gave the order, he could still chase him and kill that man.

Xia Changming shook his head and smiled:

"No need, he won't survive."

After killing the Cai family, the strong man would definitely not dare to return to the Cai family. He might not be able to walk out of the secret realm alive alone.

If the Cai family knew that all the Cai family members died here and he was still alive, they would definitely not let him go.

So there was no need to chase him.

Langya didn't understand, but since Xia Changming had spoken, he had no choice but to give up.

At this moment, the battle had come to an end.

Except for Cai Yan, Cai Li and���Except for Ji and the other three, the rest died!

As expected, with Cai Yan and Cai Li, two Heaven Realm cultivators joining forces, none of these casual cultivators could survive.


Xia Changming clapped his hands and praised

""Xia Changming, don't be so complacent!"

Cai Li was so angry that he was shaking all over, pointing at Xia Changming and shouting

"I will fight you!"

""Brother, let's go together!"

Knowing that he could not escape the disaster today, Cai Li immediately decided to fight to the death. Countless evil spirits gushed out from his sleeves, surging like a tide.

"The fierce soul eater!"

"Boss, I'll do it, I'll do it!"

Langya's eyes sparkled, and he excitedly flew in front of countless evil spirits, opened his bloody mouth and swallowed all of them in one gulp!

He even burped loudly after he was done.

It doesn't taste good! But it's very nutritious!

Cai Li was shocked. The thousands of evil spirits he had raised for a long time were eaten in one bite!

He was furious and immediately threw out the Cai family's unique skill, the Soul Binding Lock!

""Beast! Take your soul!"

With a clear sound, a flash of silver sword energy slashed across, and Cai Li’s right arm that had swung out the soul-binding lock was immediately chopped off!

This was just a casual sword strike by Xia Changming!


"Elder Cai Yan! What are you doing? Come on!"

Cai Ji was anxious and yelled at Cai Yan.

Cai Yan ignored Cai Ji, looked calm, looked at Xia Changming and asked:

"I wonder if what Patriarch Xia said just now still counts?"

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