While Zhou An Ning has not yet fully accepted the inheritance of the immortal fate, Cai Ji wants to try to sleep with Xia Changming and give her the immortal fate here.

Cai Ji is very confident about her appearance and figure.

As long as she is willing, there is no man who has not fallen at her feet!

Even if it is Old Xu who is half dead, she can make him stand up straight!

""Master Xia, how is it?"

Cai Ji walked around Xia Changming, twisting her waist, and then returned to Xia Changming, staring at him with seductive eyes.

When she was about to lean her plump and proud figure against Xia Changming, she missed and stumbled to the ground.

Xia Changming turned aside, looked at Cai Ji and said jokingly:

"Miss Cai, if I remember correctly, you are still engaged to Wang Tian, the eldest son of the Wang family, right?"

"If you do this, your brother Wang will probably be unhappy, right?"

Anyway, I have nothing to do, so I'll just play with the Cai family!

Cai Ji smiled, and continued to twist her coquettish waist as she approached Xia Changming, laughing sweetly:

"Hehehe~ My daughter is indeed engaged to Wang Tian"

"But so what?"

"As long as I don’t say it and you don’t say it, who will know?"

"What do you think, Master Xia?"

As she spoke, Cai Ji deliberately lowered her body, with a large area of snow-white breasts hanging down, charming and bottomless, extremely tempting.

It was said that Xia Changming was only 26 years old, in the prime of his youth.

She didn't believe that she couldn't take him down!

When Cai Ji was about to lean on her again, Xia Changming decisively dodged again.

If she was touched, the lethality would be great!

Don't get me wrong, he was referring to the strong fragrance of rouge on Cai Ji's body.

If she accidentally got it, it would be bad to tell his mother... The girl was easily jealous.

After failing the second time, Cai Ji was very puzzled.

Did Xia Changming really have no feelings for her?

Was he impotent?

Or was the demon queen really so obsessed with him that he could not tolerate other women?

Cai Ji couldn't help but guess.

Cai Ji, who had never failed before, was defeated twice in a row by Xia Changming.

This made Cai Ji more determined to seduce Xia Changming!

She didn't believe she would lose to the demon queen!

"Master Xia, why do you reject me?"

""Wouldn't it be wonderful if you and I went to Wushan together and made love?"

Cai Ji said with a face full of resentment.

If it were anyone else, they would have agreed immediately.

Unfortunately, Cai Ji was indeed very big and knew how to seduce people, but she happened to be the type Xia Changming disliked the most.

Xia Changming took the initiative to approach Cai Ji and said to her with a smile

"You said you would agree to anything I ask, right?"

Seeing Xia Changming approaching her, Cai Ji was overjoyed and said softly:


"As long as the Xia family master is willing, you can play with her and twist her.~"

"Very good!"

Xia Changming laughed happily.

Cai Ji sneered in her heart.

She thought Xia Changming was such a gentleman, but he couldn't resist her temptation after all.

It just so happened that she had learned a technique from the ancestor a few days ago to absorb the male's Yang Yuan, replenish her own spiritual power, and improve her cultivation.

It was just right to try it on Xia Changming!

With Xia Changming's cultivation in the realm of the Supreme Being, the Yang Yuan essence must be very delicious and precious!

The Yang Yuan of the Heavenly Venerable Realm, this is a rare opportunity!

She wants to squeeze Xia Changming out without leaving a drop!

Eat it up!

"Then I'm going to make my request."

"You can do anything, right?"

Xia Changming approached her and said seductively.

Cai Ji pretended to blush and said timidly:

"Brother Xia, isn't it bad to just stay here?"

"Otherwise, let's go into the cave."

"Ji'er, you can do whatever you want~"

Even the extremely dissolute Cai Ji felt a little shy in the face of dozens of people watching behind him.

Xia Changming smiled slightly and said firmly:

"No, right here!"

"I want everyone to see it!"

Cai Ji's eyes widened in shock. She had never expected Xia Changming to be so direct.

He actually wanted to do that with her in front of everyone! He was completely different from when he just rejected her.

After a brief hesitation, Cai Ji smiled charmingly.

Since Xia Changming was not afraid, then she, Cai Ji, was even less afraid!

At worst, she could just kill them all later!

Just as Cai Ji was about to undress and take off her skirt, Xia Changming suddenly said:

"Why are you taking off your clothes?"

"I don't remember asking you to take off your clothes."


Cai Ji was stunned by the reprimand.

Does he still like to keep his clothes on?

Okay, it's all the same!

"I didn't know Brother Xia liked this, so I'll just follow Brother Xia~"

Cai Ji moved closer to Xia Changming again and lifted her skirt.

This is too bold!

The people behind were eager to see it, and they wanted to replace Xia Changming.

Langya was also squatting on the side watching quietly, with a curious look on his face.

Why does this woman always lean on the boss!

She wears less clothes than the hair on his body!

But the white meat seems to be quite delicious...

Just as Cai Ji was waiting for Xia Changming to take a step forward, a heavy book was suddenly stuffed into her arms.

Before she could come to her senses, Xia Changming pushed her away with a look of disgust.

Cai Ji was puzzled, lowered her head to look at the book in her arms, and whispered the title of the book.

"How to Become an Excellent Lady: One Hundred and Eight Articles on Etiquette for Women…"

"This is what I want you to do."

Xia Changming then slowly explained:

"Didn't you promise me you would do anything?"

"I want you to read this book word for word in front of everyone and memorize it by heart."

"Compared to the Immortal Fate, I think you may need this more."

Touching the heavy book with thousands of pages in her hand, Cai Ji looked bewildered. Later, she realized that she was fooled by Xia Changming!

Xia Changming had no intention of giving her the inheritance of the Immortal Fate from the beginning!

Not only did he tease and humiliate her in front of everyone, but he also delayed for a long time!

""Xia Changming!!!"

Cai Ji shouted angrily.

With a force in his hand, he destroyed the book of etiquette for women.

Xia Changming looked at the falling pieces of paper with some regret.

He originally planned to buy this book for his wife.

She really didn't appreciate it at all.

"Xia Changming, do you really want to offend my Cai family?!"

"Don't regret it!"

Cai Ji said sternly with a gloomy face.

Xia Changming said with disdain:


"Do you think I don’t know that your Cai family and Wang family have already taken action in secret?"

"As it happens, I didn't plan to let the Cai family go!"

Cai Ji and the people behind him were all shocked.

They thought Xia Changming didn't know about the Cai and Wang families' plan to"clear" the secret realm, but it turned out that he knew it a long time ago!

Everyone in the Cai family looked at Cai Ji, waiting for her instructions.

Cai Ji looked at the cave reluctantly. The support called by the soul insects had not arrived yet. They alone could not compete with Xia Changming.

After a while of entanglement, Cai Ji reluctantly snorted:


Xia Changming smiled, his eyes narrowed.

You offended me, and you still want to leave?

"Now that you are here, stay!"

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