Zhou An Ning quickly adjusted his posture while holding the sword.

Although he neglected the possibility that Langya was hiding his strength, it also made him more focused and serious.

Uncle Xia once told him that things change rapidly in battle, and until the end, everything is possible, so he should try his best to prepare for all the possibilities he can think of!

"Hehehe, little brat, now you’re scared after seeing how powerful I am, right?"

"This lord will cut you into eight pieces in a moment, eat you as a snack, and then poop out as feces!"

Langya licked the claws in his hand and smiled fiercely.

He had read a lot of books in this secret realm for more than a hundred years, but he could not read and could only browse picture books.

In the picture books he had seen, the monsters seemed to be interpreted in this way.

He had hid in the cave and directed and acted countless times. He had memorized it by heart and had been waiting for this moment for a long time!

There should be no problem with his acting skills!

Langya glanced at a bush in the distance.

It seemed to be asking Xia Changming for credit: Did this lord act like it?

Zhou An Ning frowned slightly.

The monster in front of him gave him a very strange feeling.

The strength was not very good, but he loved to talk very much, just like a chatterbox.

While Langya was looking at him, Zhou An Ning decisively seized the opportunity, stepped forward, and pointed the sword directly at his throat!

Langya put his hands together and grabbed the sword body firmly. The sword tip stayed less than a foot from his neck, but it was difficult to penetrate at all.

""I got you!"

Langya said with a grim smile.

Zhou An Ning was not panicked. With the strength of Langya's grip on the sword, he jumped sideways and kicked Langya in the head.

Langya dodged easily by leaning back 90 degrees, and grabbed the long sword and threw Zhou An Ning aside.

Zhou An Ning landed steadily, with the thin sword upright in front of him. The spiritual power of the sword gradually turned into dark purple, and the electric arc flashed and jumped, mixed with the sound of thunder!

Tiangong Wanlei Sword Technique!

Tiangong Wanlei Sword Technique is a secret science passed down by the Tianzhou Dynasty. It uses spiritual power to convert thunder power to the sword body.

It is said that to practice this sword technique, you need to hold the sword body and be baptized by the power of thunder before you can comprehend the mystery of the power of thunder. It is extremely difficult to practice.

I didn't expect Zhou An Ning to be so young. He has mastered it, and can use it freely and powerfully.

Langya also found that the inexplicable purple lightning on Zhou An Ning's sword was difficult to deal with, and stretched out his claws to stop it.

However, Zhou An Ning's Tiangong Wanlei Sword Technique had already been condensed!

The moment the sword blade clashed with Langya's claws, Langya instantly felt the numbness and electric shock in his hands.

Monsters are naturally afraid of the power of thunder and fire, and Langya subconsciously leaped back a step.

After discovering that the thunder power of Zhou An Ning's sword was indeed not simple, but because of the realm limit, the power was not great, Langya breathed a sigh of relief.

Really, it scared me...

It must be the sequelae left by the fight with the boss...

I'm always afraid that this will be a guy who pretends to be a pig and eats the tiger.…

"Langya, raise your strength to the peak of the Heavenly Spirit Realm."

Xia Changming's instructions came to his mind again.

Langya couldn't help but grin and quickly raised his spiritual power to the peak of the Heavenly Spirit Realm!

"Little brat, now you and I are in the same situation!"

"Let's fight again!"

Langya hooked his finger at Zhou An Ning.

Zhou An Ning's face was solemn. He didn't expect Langya to suddenly improve his realm again.

Now he is at the same peak of the Heavenly Spirit Realm as him!

What is his cultivation level?

Zhou An Ning was puzzled and didn't dare to hold back any more.

The sword body crackled with thunder, and the power of thunder raged violently!

The power of thunder pierced into Zhou An Ning's palm along the blade, and the sword body shook as if it couldn't bear it. Zhou An Ning bit her lips tightly and didn't let go until she was almost at her limit, then she shouted and slashed out the thunder sword energy!

"Tiangong Wanlei Sword Technique, the sword is like a thunder dragon!"

The violent thunder sword energy turned into a dazzling thunder dragon roaring and attacking Langya.

Langya sneered, inserted his hands into the mouth of the thunder dragon, and forcibly broke the thunder dragon up and down, tearing it into two halves!

After Zhou Anning performed this move, his whole body was already exhausted of spiritual power. He tiredly supported his chest and half-crouched on the ground.

When he saw that the thunder dragon sword energy that he was proud of was torn apart by Langya, the whole person could not help but stagnate.

How, how is it possible!

Even if he was in the post-natal realm, he would not dare to take this move!

Except for some burnt hair on Langya's body, there was not a single scar!

In fact, if it was an ordinary post-natal realm, he would have been swallowed by the thunder dragon long ago, but the opponent was Langya.

Even if he took it hard with the peak strength of the Tianling realm, there would be no damage at all.

The flesh of the monster beast is strong, and his flesh is one in a million!

After enduring the nourishment of spiritual power and fighting bloody battles with countless other monster beasts all day long, his flesh is much stronger than that of ordinary Tianren realm monster beasts!

""Little brat, is it my turn?"

Langya smiled brightly at Zhou An Ning who was lying on the ground.

Zhou An Ning was afraid that something was wrong, and a sense of crisis of approaching death swept through his body!

What should I do, I will die!

Zhou An Ning's brain turned rapidly, and he took out the recovery elixir and took it immediately.

The most urgent task is to recover the spiritual power as soon as possible. Only when the spiritual power is restored will there be other possibilities!

Langya will not let Zhou An Ning recover his spiritual power slowly. He jumped up and slashed down from above.

Zhou An Ning could only use the thin sword to block above his head and struggle to support

"What's the matter, little brat? Are you feeling down?"

""Hahaha, just wait to be eaten by me."

Langya laughed happily.

Zhou Anning was panting and exhausted, but he still held the rapier tightly.

Every attack of Langya almost took his life. If it weren't for his quick reaction, he would have died countless times.

The strange monster in front of him seemed to be of the same level as him, but he had rich combat experience and was particularly agile. No matter how skillfully he swung the sword, he would be easily avoided by him.

This made Zhou Anning very unwilling!

Except for that thunder dragon, he basically didn't touch him!

If Uncle Xia was here now, he would definitely be able to deal with him easily...

Zhou Anning couldn't help thinking in his heart, but he quickly put it behind his mind.

He can't always rely on Xia Changming!

Xia Changming let him go into the forest alone just to let him hone his experience, he can't give up yet!

"Ugly thing, you’re not that great!"

"Haven't you ever touched me?"

Zhou An Ning let out a breath and laughed back at Langya.

"Ugly, ugly?!"

Langya's face twitched with anger.

What he cared about most was that others laughed at his appearance!

For a moment, Langya was furious, stomped his feet suddenly, turned into a black shadow and rushed around Zhou An Ning, and then pounced on him unexpectedly!

Zhou An Ning hurriedly dodged sideways.

However, Langya's sharp claws still scratched his arm, leaving a long and thin cut on his clothes, and blood flowed!

So fast!

Countless times faster than before!

Zhou An Ning had almost no time to react, but he instinctively dodged in the life-and-death crisis.

Zhou An Ning covered the wound on his arm in pain, and didn't say a word. His eyes were fixed on Langya, but he found an extremely strange scene.

Langya covered his face with both hands, with a look of horror.Σ(っ °Д °っ)The whole person seemed to be frightened, trembling all over, turning his head to the jungle behind him from time to time, and explaining frantically:

"I didn't mean it!"

"This is accidental....!"

Seeing Langya about to cry, Zhou Anning was very confused.

Why was he not only unhappy about hurting him, but also so scared?

What was he afraid of?

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