In the forest, Zhou An Ning's petite figure jumped slowly between the trees. According to Xia Chang Ming's teachings in the past few days

, he always concealed his breath, leaving no trace, and looked around vigilantly.

After parting with Xia Chang Ming and resolutely entering the forest alone, he realized how safe he was when Xia Chang Ming was by his side.

At this moment, he felt powerless and panicked in his heart, always feeling that there would be monsters in the forest that would kill him at any time.

Even the slightest movement would make Zhou An Ning extremely vigilant.

He was a Tian Ling realm, and he would die if he encountered a monster above the Grandmaster realm.

What Zhou An Ning didn't know was that the lowest-level monster in this secret realm also had a cultivation level above the Grandmaster realm...

After walking for a stick of incense, an astonishing sword intent came from a place far away from him in front of him.

The sharp sword intent was even not inferior to Xia Chang Ming, whom he had seen before, and he was so scared that he quickly changed direction.

It is very likely that some powerful person is fighting, so he had better stay away from them.

If he is affected, he may die unclearly.

After changing direction and walking for a while, Zhou An Ning's mood gradually changed from nervousness to confusion.

It's so strange, how come he hasn't seen a single monster after walking for so long.

Usually when he was with Xia Changming, he would occasionally encounter some monsters that didn't know how to live or die and would take the initiative to approach him.

How come when he was alone, the monsters disappeared? At this time, not far away, a man and a monster were hiding in the bushes and secretly observing Zhou An Ning's every move.

"Boss, why are we hiding?"

Langya raised his head and asked Xia Changming who was pressing on him.

"Shut up."

Xia Changming said.

Langya closed his mouth obediently, not daring to say another word.

After being defeated by Xia Changming, Langya willingly surrendered to Xia Changming.

He thought that since he was at the peak of the Heavenly Man Realm, it was not such a shame to help a Heavenly Venerable Realm master.

More importantly, Xia Changming promised him that if he surrendered, he would refine a transformation pill for him after he went out!

That was what he longed for the most now.

If he could not completely transform, he could only keep this weird half-human, half-demon appearance.

So he reluctantly accepted Xia Changming as his boss for the time being.

After that, he followed here and secretly observed Zhou Anning.

A very weak human.

After a long while, Xia Changming said to Langya:

"I want you to attack him."

Langya smiled happily when he heard this, and immediately patted his chest and promised:

"No problem, Boss!"

"I can tear that little guy into pieces with just one bite!"

"He is not even enough to fill my teeth!"

Langya saw at a glance that Zhou Anning was only at the peak of the Heavenly Spirit Realm, and killing him was easier than killing a chicken.

It was just right for him to show off himself in front of Xia Changming.

After saying that, Langya was about to rush out excitedly.

But Xia Changming's cold words beside him made him freeze in his tracks.

"I asked you to attack him, but I didn't ask you to hurt him."

"If he loses a hair, I will break a bone in you!"

Every word of Xia Changming made Langya feel cold all over, and he couldn't help but tremble!

This made Langya very confused, and he stood there in a dilemma.

He was asked to attack that person, but he was not allowed to hurt him?

What does this mean?

Are all humans so strange?

"Then... should I attack him or not?"

Langya felt that his brain was not working for a while, so he could only ask Xia Changming.

Seeing how stupid he was, Xia Changming could only explain:

"I want you to lower your cultivation to the Heavenly Spirit Realm to attack him, so that he will feel a sense of crisis. Do you remember this?"

Langya was confused.

He still didn't understand why he had to lower his cultivation to attack that person.

And he had to make that person feel a sense of crisis of life and death. This was too difficult!

It was too troublesome!

How easy would it be to kill him with a slap?

Seeing Langya's confused look, Xia Changming didn't reply, and asked again unhappily:

"I asked you if you understood?"

"Understand Understand…!"

Langya was so frightened that he nodded and said

"Don't hurt him, just scare him, right?"

"I understand!"

Xia Changming thought about it carefully and realized that what he said was right. Then he said:

"Go ahead"

"Awooo! I’m here!

Xia Changming:"…"

Xia Changming suddenly felt that he didn't know whether it was right or wrong to accept this thing.…


Zhou An Ning was walking in the woods when he suddenly heard a wolf howl. The bushes in front of him also made a noise!

Something was rushing towards him!

A monster?!

Zhou An Ning drew the rapier from his waist and stared at the front with vigilance.

The target was obviously coming for him!

He was discovered!

The strange thing was that after the sound, there was suddenly no movement around...

Zhou An Ning kept looking around the forest with the rapier in hand. He had never maintained such a high level of concentration.

He knew that if he was distracted for a moment, he would probably die here! He could only pray in his heart that the monster was not too strong...

Suddenly, a figure rushed out from the woods on the left side of him, and five sharp claws attacked him head-on!

Zhou An Ning held the sword horizontally in front of his face and blocked the thrilling blow without any danger.

When he moved the rapier away from his eyes, a monster that looked like a wolf and a human, covered with black fur, appeared in front of him.

"Awoo! It's been a long time since I've eaten human flesh!"

""It's your bad luck today, little brat. I'm going to make fun of you!"

Langya opened his bloody mouth and roared at Zhou An Ning fiercely.

Zhou An Ning was shocked.

This monster could actually talk!

And its appearance was extremely strange. He had never seen it before. It was probably a powerful monster!

Zhou An Ning was timid and thought about how to get away.

Langya did not hesitate and rushed forward again, his ten fingers and claws flashing coldly!

Zhou An Ning tried to concentrate and skillfully waved his rapier to block every claw of Langya.

After a battle of swords and shadows, Zhou An Ning became more and more courageous, and gradually changed from passive defense to active Attack, confidence soared!

Through the fight, it was discovered that the werewolf in front of him was only at the early stage of the Heavenly Spirit Realm, not to be feared!

He can win!

Zhou An Ning's rapier attack was as swift as the wind, and a set of gorgeous court swordsmanship was performed to perfection, making Langya dodge in embarrassment.

Langya felt aggrieved!

He was a wolf king at the peak of the Heavenly Man Realm, but now he was so poor that he had to be bullied by a little devil in the Heavenly Spirit Realm as a sparring partner!

He didn't dare to really make a move, and if he used a little force, he might press Zhou An Ning to death...

It was aggrieved!

At this moment, Xia Changming's voice suddenly came to Langya's mind.

"Improve your strength to the middle stage of the Heavenly Spirit Realm."

In order to prevent Langya from disobeying and running away, Xia Changming left a spiritual sword intent in his spiritual sea of consciousness.

At this time, Xia Changming was transmitting a message to him from a distance through this spiritual sword intent.

With Xia Changming's permission, Langya instantly raised his spiritual power to the middle stage of the Heavenly Spirit Realm, and his claws slashed faster!

Zhou Anning was surprised and caught off guard. He could only block the sword in front of him and was forced to retreat several steps.

He hid his strength!

He is a demon beast in the middle stage of the Heavenly Spirit Realm!

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