Tianzhou Dynasty, Tiandu

Changsheng Xia Family. Towering pavilions stand in rows, and the palaces are magnificent. The vast Xia family ancestral land is endless, so large that you can't see the end.

Changsheng Xia Family is one of the four great families of the Tianzhou Dynasty. It has been passed down for a hundred years, with a profound foundation and an arrogant position of power.

Even among the four great families, the strength of Changsheng Xia Family is an existence that other families cannot shake.

Xia Changming and Su Yueli returned from the sky and landed in the Xia family.

This is the first time Su Yueli has set foot in the human mainland. Her curious eyes look around from time to time, and she is particularly sighing in her heart.

She once thought of leading hundreds of thousands of demon troops and marching into Tiandu of the Tianzhou Dynasty in a mighty manner while the human race kneeled down in submission.

She also thought about breaking into the Tianzhou Imperial Palace alone and standing on the top of the palace where thousands of people worship.

But she never thought of following her"husband" home as a wife...

It's really unpredictable....

"Let's go, lady."

"Let's go and pay our respects to our parents."

Xia Changming took Su Yueli's soft jade hand and walked towards the main hall of the Xia family.

Su Yueli frowned slightly.���After trying to free his hand from Xia Changming's grasp to no avail, he could only let him lead him away.

Soon, several figures came running towards him.

""Who are you? How dare you trespass into the Xia family's ancestral land!" the leading young man shouted

"Xia Ming, it's me."

Xia Changming replied with a slight smile.

He recognized the man from a distance. It was Xia Ming who had been with him as a guard since childhood.

When the man named Xia Ming saw Xia Changming, he first opened his mouth in surprise, and then immediately led everyone to kneel on one knee, put their fists on the ground, and shouted happily and respectfully:

"Little Lord?!"

"you are back!"

"Welcome home, young master!"

"Okay, I'm going to take my wife to see my parents first."

"You don't have to worry about me."

Xia Changming waved his hand and walked past Xia Ming and his group, holding Su Yueli 's hand.

Mother, madam?

Could it be that the rumors on the front line were true, and the young master really married the demon queen?

That girl was the demon queen?

Xia Ming knelt on the ground, looking at Su Yueli beside Xia Changming in astonishment.

At this time, in order not to attract attention, Su Yueli had already tucked up the ears on the top of her head and the tail behind her. She looked like a beautiful girl who was as beautiful as a banished fairy. He is worthy of being the young master!

He did something that ordinary people could not achieve in one go!

""Welcome young lady home!"

Xia Ming shouted respectfully to Su Yueli again.

When Su Yueli, who was walking in front, heard this, a black line suddenly appeared on her face.

Soon, the news of Xia Changming's return to the Xia family spread throughout the Xia family clan.

Countless disciples of the clan came to admire the legendary sword fairy inheritance young master.

"Is he the young master?"

"Of course, apart from the young master, who else could have such a handsome appearance?"

"Who is the woman next to the young master? She is so beautiful!"

"She must be the legendary demon queen."

"I heard that the young master rushed to the demon clan’s palace as soon as he came out of seclusion and conquered the demon clan’s empress with one sword!"

"That's our future young lady!"

Su Yueli heard the chattering around her word for word, and her pretty face became even uglier.

This bunch of ants!

After she finishes with Xia Changming, it will be their turn next!

Unknowingly, they came to the door of the main hall of the Xia family. Xia Changming stopped, turned around, stretched out his fingers and pulled a smile on Su Yueli's face.

"We are about to meet our parents, my lady, you can't have such a stern face."

"Come on, smile."

Looking at Su Yueli's smile that was uglier than crying, Xia Changming couldn't help but burst out laughing.

Su Yueli was angry and reached out to slap Xia Changming's hand away.

After taking a deep breath, she immediately restored her usual demeanor and momentum of the empress.

Xia Changming pushed open the door of the main hall and walked in with Su Yueli.

A man and a woman were sitting in the front of the vast and magnificent main hall.

The man had a slender figure and extraordinary bearing, and he was firmly sitting on the position of the head of the family.

He was Xia Changming's father, the current head of the Xia family, Xia Changlin.

The woman had a gentle temperament and a gentle face.

Needless to say, she was Xia Changming's biological mother, Chu Qingwan, the little princess of the Chu Dynasty.

As soon as she saw Xia Changming, Chu Qingwan couldn't wait to walk from her seat to him, stretched out her hand and gently stroked his cheek, with tenderness in her eyes.

"Ming Er, you are finally back"

"Let mom see it quickly, oh my, you’ve become so thin!"

"You used to be plump and white."…"

Xia Changming wondered if every mother who hadn't seen her children for a long time would think that they must have lost weight? He ate spiritual fruits, drank heavenly spring water, and soaked in the holy water of Tianchi every day on the fairy mountain. How could he lose weight?

However, looking at Chu Qingwan's longing expression, Xia Changming couldn't say anything to refute. Thousands of words turned into one sentence:

"Dad, Mom, I'm back"

"I'm glad you're back."

Xia Changlin also walked to Xia Changming with his hands behind his back and said.

He glanced at Su Yueli, who was standing behind him with a proud and awe-inspiring demeanor.

Although he had already guessed the other party's identity, Xia Changlin still asked:

"Ming Er, this is…?"

Chu Qingwan also followed her gaze and saw Su Yueli, with doubt in her eyes.

Xia Changming smiled slightly, pulled Su Yueli from behind him to the front, and solemnly introduced her:

""Father and mother, this is the current female emperor of the demon clan, Su Yueli. She is my wife and your future daughter-in-law."

Hiss~ As expected.

Just as the rumors said, she is really the female emperor of the demon clan...

Xia Changlin looked at Xia Changming with doubt and meaning.

He had heard the rumors from the front line a long time ago. He never thought that after Xia Changming came out of seclusion, the first thing he did was not to return home, but to travel thousands of miles to the demon clan palace to marry the female emperor of the demon clan... and then held a simple wedding in Tianyou City on the border.

But within a few days, he brought the female emperor of the demon clan back as his daughter-in-law...

This... was quite sudden.

He is worthy of being Xia Changlin's son!

Chu Qingwan did not have as many concerns as Xia Changlin. When she heard that it was the future daughter-in-law, she happily walked to Su Yueli and took her hand to look her up and down.

"Good, good, good, you are as beautiful as a fairy, and you are a perfect match for my Ming'er."

""Here, this is the heirloom pendant that has been passed down from generation to generation in my Xia family. Mother will help you put it on."

As she said that, Chu Qingwan took off the jade pendant hanging in front of her body and put it on Su Yueli.

Su Yueli took a step back and wanted to refuse.

She could see that the jade pendant was extraordinary. It had the effect of absorbing spirits and nourishing the body, and it contained an ancient formation that could resist mental invasion. It was at least a magic weapon!

She had never thought of admitting that she was the daughter-in-law of the Xia family. How could she accept this jade pendant?

But she couldn't resist Chu Qingwan's enthusiasm, and the jade pendant was still worn on Su Yueli's chest.

Su Yueli turned her head to look at Xia Changming, and saw that he was smiling and didn't say anything, so she just wore it.

""My dear, you haven't greeted our parents yet."

Xia Changming smiled at Su Yueli.

Su Yueli glared at Xia Changming fiercely, and it was really hard to speak.

If she said it, wouldn't it be a disguised admission that she was the daughter-in-law of the Xia family?!

But she had just accepted Chu Qingwan's jade pendant, and Chu Qingwan was looking at her expectantly...

Damn it, I felt that I was being plotted against by that guy again!

Seeing that Su Yueli was hesitant to speak, Xia Changming moved closer to her and whispered in her ear:

"Madam, you don't want anything to happen to the demon race, do you?"

Su Yueli glanced at him with a murderous gaze.���Xia Changming, but he ignored her.

Su Yueli had no choice but to bow to Xia Changlin and Chu Qingwan and read:

"Dad, Mom, Yueli greets you here."

""Okay, come on, come on, mom will take you to visit the Xia family."

Chu Qingwan smiled happily, took Su Yueli's hand and walked out.

Su Yueli turned her head and looked at Xia Changming for help.

Xia Changming smiled back and waved to her.

Just like that, he watched Su Yueli being taken away by Chu Qingwan.

Xia Changlin saw all of this from beginning to end.

It seems that the relationship between my son and the demon queen seems to be unusual...

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