Xia Changming found it funny to see Su Yueli's fearless look.

She was so nervous, but she pretended to be indifferent.

My wife is unexpectedly cute.

Xia Changming smiled slightly, climbed onto the bed, put his hands on both sides of Su Yueli's head, leaned over her cheek and said softly:

""My dear, I am going to change your clothes for you~"

Su Yueli closed her eyes tightly and said nothing. A blush appeared on her pretty face, perhaps due to the influence of spiritual energy.

She could clearly feel Xia Changming gently taking off her wedding dress and removing the hairpin that tied her hair.

Her soft and shiny silver hair was scattered on her shoulders, and only her inner lining was left on her body. A lovely body was drooling in front of her.

Xia Changming stretched out his arms and gently embraced her slender waist, gently holding her in his arms.

Just when Su Yueli was ready for everything, Xia Changming did not take any further action.

Su Yueli opened her eyes curiously, and saw Xia Changming with his eyes closed, holding her waist, and about to fall asleep.

"You, you are going to sleep now?"

Su Yueli asked in surprise.

She was ready to sacrifice herself, but this human was going to sleep?

Facing Su Yueli's questioning, Xia Changming opened his eyes, looked at her and said:

"Why, lady, you seem a little disappointed?"

"Hoo! Nonsense!"

""I didn't!"

Su Yueli retorted.

She was afraid that Xia Changming really thought that she was expecting something to happen with him.

Of course, Xia Changming knew that he just wanted to take the opportunity to tease her.

Unexpectedly, this little girl reacted so strongly.

"You still have some injuries on your body, so you shouldn't do any strenuous exercise."

"Besides, there is a saying among the human race that a forced melon is not sweet."

Xia Changming moved closer to Su Yueli and whispered in her ear:

"One day, your husband will make you willing"

"Humph, dream on!"

Su Yueli replied coldly.

She was the queen of the demon clan, how could she succumb to a human and be willing to be a wife!

If she had the chance, she would definitely take his life!

Xia Changming did not argue with Su Yueli anymore and smiled indulgently.

This made Su Yueli even more annoyed.

What does this guy mean!(╬▔Dish▔)╯

How dare you look down on her!

Su Yueli snorted coldly, turned her back and stopped looking at Xia Changming.

After the battle with Xia Changming three days ago, coupled with the persecution of the demon poison in her body, she unconsciously felt a little tired.

The poisoning plan failed, but she always felt as if she had forgotten something... but she just couldn't remember it...

Xia Changming looked at Su Yueli's tired and sleepy appearance, extinguished the only candle in the room with a flick of his fingers, and then hugged the beauty and covered them with the quilt.

The room fell into silence, the bright moon sprinkled on the courtyard, and a delicate cry came from the dark and silent room again.

"Take your hands away from me! Don't touch me!"


Outside Tianyou City

, dozens of miles away from the city gate, in a dark forest, tens of thousands of elite armored demons were staring at Tianyou City with burning eyes, holding their sharp weapons tightly in their hands.

"Sir, it is already Yin hour."

""Why hasn't the Empress given the signal to attack yet?"

A captain approached the demon general in the lead and asked in confusion.

Their tens of thousands of troops had been squatting in the bushes for nearly three hours without moving.

The lights in the city were almost all turned off, but they still couldn't wait for the Empress' signal. The demon general in the lead was also confused, but he couldn't tell his subordinates"I don't know", right? After a long silence, the demon general finally explained:

"The Empress is extremely intelligent, and her plan is bound to be foolproof!"

"All we need to do is wait here for the guidance of the Empress, and follow her to crush the human race!"


In the early morning, the warm sun shone into the house through the screen window.

Su Yueli got up from the bed in a daze, with disheveled hair and sleepy eyes, looking around the house blankly.

After decades, she slept well last night.

But she had a nightmare...

In the dream, she was forced to marry a human boy under the tyranny of the human...

When she opened her eyes and looked around the house, she remembered.

It turned out that this was not a dream...

She really married a human boy.…


The wooden door of the room was pushed open, and Xia Changming walked into the room with food in his hand. Seeing Su Yueli wake up, he greeted her:

"You finally woke up, it's almost noon"

"Are all you demons able to sleep this well?"

"It's noon?!"

Su Yueli was shocked.

She usually stayed up all night, but today she slept until dawn.

Was she really too tired last night?

"Now that you are awake, come and have breakfast."

Xia Changming said.

Su Yueli dragged herself out of bed, her flowing silver hair swaying behind her.

Sitting in front of the dressing table, Su Yueli looked at herself in the bronze mirror, but she was still hesitant to start dressing up.

""What's wrong?"

Xia Changming couldn't help but ask.

Su Yueli's pretty face showed a trace of embarrassment, and she was shy, as if she had something difficult to say.

""Could it be that... Madam, you can't do your own makeup?"

Xia Changming guessed in surprise.

As if someone knew the secret, Su Yueli stopped pretending and raised her proud head calmly and said:

"So what!"

"I am the empress of the demon clan and I have personal maids serving me every day. Why should I waste time on dressing up?"


Xia Changming listened to Su Yueli's explanation and said with disgust.

Su Yueli's pretty face flushed with anger.

She really wanted to slap this hateful human to death!

""What about your personal maid?"

Xia Changming asked again.

Su Yueli was speechless for a moment.

She had planned to launch an assassination last night and had never thought of staying overnight.

So she didn't bring her personal maid with her at all.

Oh, speaking of assassination, she seemed to have forgotten something?

Xia Changming knew from Su Yueli's expression that the personal maid must not have come with her. He sighed and walked behind her.

"What are you going to do again?" Su Yueli asked cautiously

"Sit still and let your husband comb your hair."

Xia Changming held Su Yueli down, stroked her silver hair with his palm, and took care of it for her skillfully.

Su Yueli sat quietly in front of the mirror and let Xia Changming stroke her hair.

Although she didn't like others touching her hair, there was no other way at the moment.

After a while, Su Yueli, wearing a silk fairy skirt and a bun on her head, once again regained her beautiful and graceful figure in front of the bronze mirror.

I didn't expect that this human's technique was not bad...

Su Yueli praised reluctantly in her heart.

She was also very satisfied with the clothes Xia Changming changed for her.

Sitting at the table, Su Yueli looked at the table full of various foods and picked up her chopsticks without any hesitation.

She was not afraid that the food would be fishy.

Because if Xia Changming really wanted to harm her, she would have died long ago.

In addition, she knew that Xia Changming married her to stop the war between the human and demon races, so she was sure that Xia Changming would not kill her.

Xia Changming still looked at Su Yueli eating with an unchanging smile on his face, and then suddenly spoke as if he remembered something:

"By the way, my lady, we have to leave here after eating."

"Leave here? Where to go?"

Su Yueli stopped the chopsticks in her hand and asked in confusion.

Xia Changming smiled and said:

"Of course I went home"

"Tianzhou Dynasty, Tiandu!"

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