At the border between humans and demons, in Tianyou City.

Thousands of houses are decorated with lanterns, lights are lingering, firecrackers are blasting, gongs and drums are roaring, and the most chaotic and turbulent city is filled with a festive and cheerful atmosphere.

Today is a very special day.

It is of great significance to both humans and demons!

The demon queen Su Yueli is getting married!

The one who is marrying the demon queen is Xia Changming, the eldest son of the Xia family of the Tianzhou Dynasty!

As we all know, the human and demon races have been feuding for thousands of years, and they have been fighting and fighting constantly, and they all regard each other as mortal enemies.

Today, however, the human and demon races have ushered in the first marriage of husband and wife, which is an unprecedented feat!

The human and demon races may live in harmony and end the grievances that have lasted for thousands of years!

How can this not make the border people who have suffered from wars for many years and are worried every day rejoice?

"It’s over, it’s over!"

"Finally, we no longer have to worry about the monsters invading."

"Lord Changming is mighty!"

"I wish Lord Changming and Lady Empress a happy marriage and a son soon!"

When the bridal sedan chair that Su Yueli was sitting on entered the city, the people on both sides of the road congratulated excitedly.

The sky was filled with flying petals and colorful fireworks bloomed in the night sky.

There were also a few children shaking rattles and happily following the bridal sedan chair, reciting the legendary stories told by the storyteller in the inn in their childish voices.

"After ten years of seclusion, the Sword Immortal arrives, holding his sword and shouting back millions of troops"

"He ascended to the Imperial Palace alone and captured the heart of the empress with one sword."

The speaker has no intention, but the listener has.

In the bridal sedan, Su Yueli, wearing a phoenix coronet and a bright red wedding dress, sat in it, her slender jade fingers clenched, her beautiful face gloomy and ashen.

The sound of children singing ballads outside the bridal sedan sounded so harsh in her ears.

Damn it!

I, the dignified empress of the demon clan, have fallen to the point of marrying a woman!

Three days have passed since Xia Changming attacked the palace of the demon clan alone.

After seeing Xia Changming's stunning sword that day, Su Yueli was shocked, but she did not surrender.

It's a pity that after she fought back, she was defeated by Xia Changming in three moves...

The victorious Xia Changming put away his sword and once again said that he would marry her, and said that if she didn't agree, he would slaughter all the demon clan!

Moreover, once she died, Even if Xia Changming didn't take action, the demon clan would inevitably have another internal strife, and then they would return to the land of the demon clan with bones everywhere and chaos.

There was no other way. In order to protect the demon clan from being slaughtered and not letting the demon clan fall into chaos, Su Yueli had to agree to marry Xia Changming with hatred.

Of course, she would never give up!

She is the empress of the demon clan!

After seeing Xia Changming's strength, Su Yueli knew that if Xia Changming didn't die, she would never have the opportunity to lead the demon clan army to seize the world.

So Xia Changming must be eliminated!

Just take advantage of this wedding night to eliminate her biggest threat in the future, and the demon clan will dominate the world in no time!

Su Yueli clenched a small jade bottle in her palm, and a charming smile appeared under her beautiful face.

Xia Changming, tonight is the day you die!


In a room in a mansion in Tianyou City, the faint candlelight swayed gently in the wind. Bright red paper-cuts covered every door and window in the room. There were red curtains and hangings, and beautiful mandarin duck pillows. Even the bedding and pillows were bright red. The ancient and fragrant room was filled with a light and elegant fragrance.

A girl with a red scarf on her head sat on the edge of the bed, her slender hands resting on her thighs, her figure graceful, her jade fingers soft and tender.

"With a"creak", the door of the room was pushed open.

Xia Changming, dressed in a groom's suit, walked slowly to Su Yueli's side and gently lifted her red veil.

In an instant, a beautiful face that looked like a banished immortal appeared in front of Xia Changming.

After a little makeup, the demon queen really became more and more evil...

It seems that marrying her is not a big loss...

Xia Changming thought in a daze.

When he learned that his master asked him to go down the mountain to resolve the grievances between the human and demon races, he did think of going straight to the demon palace and killing the demon queen. The demon army would be They would be defeated and flee.

But think about it, even if he killed the current demon queen, what would it matter?

It would only delay the demon invasion temporarily.

When the demons regroup and select a new emperor, the demon army will come back again.

Why not change the idea and marry the demon queen directly!

Conquer her!

Wouldn't it be natural for the human and demon races to make peace if they marry?

It's just that he has to make a sacrifice...

There is no other way. For the sake of the harmony between the human and demon races and the peace and tranquility of the world, he can only sacrifice himself!


After lifting the red headscarf, Su Yueli looked at Xia Changming with affection and said softly.

When Xia Changming heard it, his first reaction was not joy, but alertness!

Something was wrong, very wrong!

The woman who was still clamoring to cut him into pieces two days ago, changed her usual behavior today and called him husband in a delicate voice?

Hearing this, he got goose bumps all over his body!

Xia Changming would never believe that Su Yueli had thought it through and planned to marry him sincerely.

But it was okay, play with her and see what this girl was planning to do.

Su Yueli got up and walked to the table, poured a glass of wine for Xia Changming personally, then pinched her finger and dripped a drop of blood into it, holding the wine glass and twisting her body to walk in front of him.

"My dear, there is a tradition in our demon tribe that on the wedding night, the man must drink the first glass of wine offered by the woman."

"Blood melts in wine, representing the heart of wine (long). After my husband drinks it, it means that you and I will be blood-bound from now on and will never be separated."

Su Yueli handed the wine glass to Xia Changming and explained tenderly.

This is indeed a custom passed down by the demon clan since ancient times, but due to the various bad qualities of the demon clan, no demon clan has done this since then.

Tonight, Su Yueli did this not for Xia Changming, but simply to trick him into drinking this glass of wine.

She had already put the demon clan's deadly poison in the whole pot of wine!

This medicine is made of thousands of poisons in the demon clan.���It is refined, colorless and tasteless. Just one drop can cause a person's internal organs to corrode and rot!

There is no cure yet!

She poured a whole bottle into the wine pot!

As long as Xia Changming drinks a sip, he will die within five breaths!

Xia Changming took the wine glass and was about to drink it all, but he found that Su Yueli was looking at him with an extremely expectant look, with the words"drink quickly" written all over her eyes...

Xia Changming understood now.

No wonder the newlyweds are so attentive tonight, it turns out that they have poisoned...

Xia Changming remained calm on the surface, but the corners of his mouth curled up secretly. He raised the wine glass and poured it into his stomach, and even returned the empty wine glass to Su Yueli's hand.

Drink it!

He drank it!


Su Yueli couldn't hide her ecstasy in her heart, and a smile filled her cheeks.

She changed her appearance of a tender wife just now, and looked at Xia Changming proudly as if she was looking at a dead person.

Xia Changming, Xia Changming, even if you have a great cultivation, what can you do?

In the end, he still fell into my hands!

Su Yueli did not rush to act, but quietly waited for the demon poison to take effect.

As soon as Xia Changming died, she would send a signal to the sky, and arrange for the demon army ambushed around the city to move upon hearing the sound, and take down Tianyou City in one fell swoop!

Then she would lead the army in person and take down the Tianzhou Dynasty!

"Madam, you seem very happy?"

"Is there anything happy? Tell me about it, Bufan?"

Xia Changming looked at Su Yueli's face, her mouth almost stretched to the sky, and couldn't help but deliberately said jokingly.

"Humph, nothing, I just thought of something happy."

Su Yueli snorted coldly, put away her smile and said coldly to Xia Changming.

This attitude is really different from just now...

Xia Changming couldn't help but sigh in his heart.

The two sat on the edge of the bed in silence. After an unknown period of time, seeing that Xia Changming was safe and sound, Su Yueli's smug look on her pretty face gradually turned into doubt.


Why is he not dead yet?

Didn't the demon poison take effect?

Seeing this, Xia Changming smiled slightly, stood up, picked up the wine pot and poured two more glasses of wine, and walked to Su Yueli with two glasses of wine in both hands.

"My dear, I forgot to tell you that there is a tradition among newlyweds called the wedding of the cup of wine."

"The couple must cross their arms and drink the wine in their hands."

As he said this, Xia Changming handed one of the wine glasses to Su Yueli.

Su Yueli took the wine glass blankly, her small eyes filled with great doubts...

Meaning...she should drink this glass of wine?

This glass of wine that she had poisoned with a deadly demon poison?


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