
"I didn’t expect that there was such a strong person hidden among the human race!"

In the palace of the demon clan, on the throne in the center of the dark and gloomy hall sat a beautiful girl.

The girl had a graceful figure, wearing a bright maple fire fur coat, revealing smooth shoulders on both sides, and her straight and slender thighs were exposed, showing her exquisite curves.

Compared with the girl's graceful figure, her delicate face was even more amazing.

A piece of silver-white beautiful hair fell to her waist like a bright moon and stars, her fair and delicate skin was as soft as the first snow, her eyes were bright and her teeth were white, and her delicate face was so beautiful that it could topple a country.

On the top of the girl's head was a pair of fluffy white fox ears, and the fluffy and dense ear protection hair was clearly visible. Behind her body were several drooping tails.

All this seemed to indicate that the girl's identity was not human, and the black wood and gold silk throne she sat on was enough to show her extraordinary status!

That's right, she was the new female emperor of the demon clan, Su Yueli!

She rose quietly in the land of the demon clan, and in just a few decades, she had conquered the demon clan with bloody means.

The other demon kings of the demon clan completed the unification of the demon in the demon.

Just as soon as she boarded the demon emperor, she decided to war to the people and lead the demon.

The power of the monster was close to the world!

With a pretty face, she squeezed the battle report in her hand.

"Is it true that there is no one available in my demon clan?"

"Who can take the head of that human for me and boost the morale of my demon race!"

Su Yueli asked in a deep voice, looking at the demon generals who were surrendering on both sides of the hall.

She didn't believe that there was no one in the huge demon race who could compete with that human?

However, the facts proved that she shouldn't have expected it. There was a dead silence in the hall. The generals of various races knelt on the ground and trembled, with their heads drooping and they wanted to bury them in the ground. No one made a sound.

"A bunch of trash!"

"A small human scared you like this, you are unworthy of the title of the brave generals of my demon clan!"

Looking at the brave and warlike generals of the demon clan who dared not even fart at this time, Su Yueli was immediately furious.

These guys were usually arrogant and domineering, but now they were asked to fight, and they were as timid as if they were asked to die!

She was so angry!

Could it be that she needed to lead the army in person?

Just as Su Yueli was thinking about whether to kill the human in person, the door of the imperial palace was suddenly pushed open, and a figure walked in swaggeringly.

He was nearly eight feet tall, with a strong back and waist, a ferocious face, and iron claws with cold light on his hands.

Seeing the person coming, Su Yueli frowned slightly, opened her red lips and asked:

"Wang Hu, what are you doing here?"

Su Yueli was very familiar with the person who came. He was Wang Hu, the chief of the tiger demon clan, whose strength was second only to hers.

Although she had conquered all the demon clans and unified the demon clans, there were still demon clans that secretly disobeyed her.

The tiger demon clan was one of them, and it was also the most powerful one.

For the stability of the demon clan, Su Yueli had always turned a blind eye to Wang Hu and promised him many benefits. Wang Hu was also afraid of her strength and did not dare to act rashly. He suddenly came to the imperial palace today. Could it be that he wanted to use the defeat of the demon clan as an excuse to attack her?

Su Yueli narrowed her eyes and thought.

Before Su Yueli could speak, Wang Hu took the lead in bowing to her.

"Meet Her Majesty!"

"Wang Hu, aren't you leading the tiger demon army to guard the rear? What are you doing here?"

Su Yueli asked again.

She had something important to discuss now, so she didn't have time to bother with Wang Hu, and she didn't want to waste even a second on him.

Wang Hu grinned slightly, revealing his fangs, with a sinister look on his face.

"Of course I'm here to help the Empress."

"I heard that my demon tribe was driven back a hundred miles by a human youth, and now we have retreated back to the demon tribe territory."

"If this gets out, wouldn't it make people laugh at me, saying that the demon queen is incompetent?"

Su Yueli could naturally hear the undisguised sarcasm in Wang Hu's words, and her expression was slightly displeased.

"Humph, so you are planning to share my worries?"

""It is my duty as a subordinate to share the worries of the Empress."

Wang Hu replied in a pretentious manner.

Su Yueli also knew that Wang Hu would never be so kind as to take the initiative to help her. He just wanted to negotiate some conditions with her.

The two of them knew each other well, so there was no need to pretend too much.

Su Yueli asked directly:

"Tell me, what do you want?"

Wang Hu heard this, as if his evil plan had succeeded, his sinister smile became even more intense, and he looked at Su Yueli greedily:

"I want the Empress!"

As soon as these words came out, the whole hall was shocked!

All the monsters looked at Wang Hu in amazement.

What a great rebellion!

Su Yueli's face immediately turned cold, and a monstrous pressure swept down, pressing the monsters in the hall to gasp for breath and tremble uncontrollably.

What an amazing pressure!

The Empress may have entered the realm of Heavenly Venerate!

(PS: The realms in this book are divided into the realm of body refining, the realm of martial spirit, the realm of heavenly spirit, the realm of acquired realm, the realm of innate, the realm of master, the realm of extraordinary, the realm of heaven and man, the realm of Heavenly Venerate, the realm of supernatural power, the realm of immortality, and the realm of immortals (Immortal Venerable))

The monsters admired and feared Su Yueli. She has entered the realm of Heavenly Venerate at a young age. Looking at the whole world, I am afraid that no one can match the talent of the Empress!

Facing the murderous pressure, Wang Hu was also shocked in his heart, but on the surface he still pretended to be calm and said:

"Your Majesty, my tiger demon clan is the most powerful among all the demon clans, and our entire clan can be used by you!"

"As long as you agree to marry me, the tiger demon clan will definitely support you with all its strength, help you crush the human race and seize the world!"

"Why don't you think about it carefully?"

Su Yueli heard this and temporarily withdrew her aura, her expression fell into thought.

She didn't like Wang Hu, not at all, and she would even choose to kill him if she had the chance.

But she couldn't do this.

Once she killed Wang Hu, the tiger demon clan would inevitably rebel, and other demon kings would respond.

The unification of the demon clan, which was finally achieved, would end the long-term demon clan civil strife and start again.

This was something she didn't want to see.

If she temporarily committed to marrying Wang Hu and gained the support of the tiger demon clan, her rule would be more consolidated and stable. She could also use him to kill the human race strongman for her and conquer the human race's territory.

In any case, standing in the future of the demon clan, she should decisively agree, and then find a chance to deal with Wang Hu.

But... looking at Wang Hu's sinister and cunning face, Su Yueli couldn't make a decision.

Just as Su Yueli was hesitating, the door of the imperial palace hall was pushed open again, and a panicked guard stumbled and knelt down under her, panting and saying in panic:

"Woman, Her Majesty, no, something bad has happened!"

"There is a young human being, he, he is coming to kill us!"

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