
With a flash of sword light, the last spirit was also killed by Xia Changming.

At this point, dozens of heavenly spirits had been killed by him.

The hall returned to peace again.

Xia Changming held the Emperor Immortal Sword in his hand, with a majestic aura, and did not show any fatigue after a big battle.

"You've been watching there for so long, aren't you going to come out?"

Xia Changming's eyes condensed, and the sharp edge was directed at the statue of the first generation of the family head standing in the center.

As early as when fighting with those spirits, Xia Changming noticed the weak spiritual power fluctuations there, as if controlling these spirits.

The fact was just as he expected.

There was a silence behind the statue, and then a shadowy figure walked out slowly.

It was a residual soul with consciousness.

He was dressed in black clothes and had long hair, and he was elegant.

At first glance, he looked a bit like the statue of the first generation of the family head, but he didn't seem to be the same.

"I didn't expect you to find this out. You are indeed my favorite person."

The man praised as he came out, looking at Xia Changming from head to toe. The more he looked, the more satisfied he became. He nodded and praised him repeatedly.

"The momentum is as strong as a rainbow and the pride is awe-inspiring, great!"

"Such a handsome and extraordinary appearance, worthy of being a man of my Xia family, great!"

"Wow, and such a well-proportioned and strong figure, great!"

Xia Changming:"…"

Xia Changming was silent for a while, then politely bowed and asked:

"May I ask if our ancestor is the first Patriarch of the Xia Family, Xia Feng?"

Unexpectedly, the man smiled and shook his head, pointing to another statue that looked more like him standing to the left of the statue of the first Patriarch and answered:

"I am Xia Lan, the second-generation patriarch of the Xia family."

Xia Lan, the second-generation patriarch of the Xia family, is Xia Feng's younger brother! If Xia Feng is the ancestor who founded the Xia family, then Xia Lan is the one who carried forward the Xia family and continued the ancestor of the Xia family.

Although a little surprised, Xia Changming still greeted him respectfully.

"Met Xia Lan's ancestors"

""Yeah, not bad!" Xia Lan stared at Xia Changming with a faint smile on her face and said


"At such a young age, he has the strength of a Heavenly Venerate!"

"After hundreds of years, our Xia family finally has another peerless genius!"

Xia Lan changed the subject, and a look of disgust and resentment appeared on his face. He pointed at the statues of the previous family heads at the end and cursed:

"What a bunch of rotten fish and shrimps those were before!"

"With that kind of ability, he is not qualified to be the head of the Xia family, and each generation is worse than the previous one. It makes me so angry!"

"If we release even a single spirit of the Heavenly Realm, I'm afraid they will be buried right here in this cemetery!"

Xia Lan became angrier and angrier as she spoke, wishing she could teach these descendants a lesson herself.

Xia Changming stood silently to the side, not saying a word.

When she had almost calmed down, Xia Lan turned her head and looked at Xia Changming again:

"By the way, I remember that the last time the Xia Family Cemetery was opened was more than 60 years ago. How come it was opened again so soon?"

"Could it be that the previous head of the family is dead?"

At this point, Xia Lan's eyes condensed slightly, and a huge murderous intent emerged from his body.

He subconsciously thought that the Xia family might have encountered a catastrophic disaster, and the previous head of the family had unfortunately died in battle.

In this regard, Xia Changming could only explain awkwardly:

"No, my father is still alive.…"

"The Xia family is also safe and sound."

Upon hearing that the Xia family was fine, the cold murderous intent suddenly dissipated in an instant, and Xia Lan said casually as if nothing had happened:

"Really? That's good."

"That must be because he failed to manage the Xia family properly, and was stripped of his position as the head of the family by the Elders Council."

"It's really useless. I planted the spiritual source in his body last time to help him enter the heavenly realm."

Xia Lan looked disappointed.

He roughly guessed that Xia Changming must be the new head of the family selected in the clan competition held by the Xia family.

The Xia family had not selected a new head of the family in this way for a long time.

"Alas, the Xia family has fallen to this point…"

Xia Lan sighed and shook her head.

Xia Changming was speechless.

The clan competition had indeed begun, but the facts were not like that.

But in order to prevent the ancestor from knowing that the elders would collude with each other and worry about their own insecurities, Xia Changming chose not to explain too much.

Let his father silently bear the blame.…

"Fortunately, after hundreds of years of waiting, I finally got a worthy successor."

Xia Lan stopped in front of Xia Changming, pointed at him and asked:

"What's your name, kid?"

"I am Xia Changming, the 48th successor of the Xia family.

Xia Changming bowed and answered solemnly.

"If summer shines forever, it will illuminate our Xia family for thousands of generations!"

"Good name, I like it!"

"Just now I saw that your sword body is elegant and your sword skills are exquisite, which is not like the inheritance of my Xia family. But who is your master?"

Xia Lan asked curiously.

Since Xia Changming entered the cemetery, he has been hiding in the dark and observing.

Seeing him surrounded by sword energy and turning his palm into a blade, he was shocked.

That's when he wanted to test it. Later, there were the gatekeeper spirits and the spirits of the successive family heads that he had painstakingly preserved for hundreds of years.

But he didn't expect that in less than an incense stick of time, all the spirits were killed by him.

From his exquisite swordsmanship and the fairy sword, Xia Lan seemed to see a figure that made him feel extremely familiar and awakened fear in his heart...

It shouldn't be her...

Xia Changming did not hide it. It was already known that he inherited the sword fairy's legacy, so he said:

"The master is nameless, but is known as the peerless swordsman."

"Peerless Sword Immortal, Wumingzi?!"

Xia Lan was terrified when she heard this, and her face turned pale with fear.

After she calmed down, she asked Xia Changming in a pleading tone:

""Can I see your natal flying sword?"

Xia Changming paused, and summoned the Emperor Sword again and handed it to Xia Lan.

Xia Lan held it carefully in her palm and looked at it carefully.

It was really the flying sword she once carried, the Emperor Sword!

She was still alive! She also gave her flying sword to someone else!

No wonder this kid is so powerful, it turns out he is her apprentice...

Everything suddenly made sense.

Xia Lan pondered for a long time, and silently handed the Emperor Sword back to Xia Changming.

Xia Changming took the sword and asked puzzledly:

""Does the ancestor know my master?"

From Xia Lan's expression and tone, Xia Changming could tell that Xia Lan must have known his master.

Xia Lan was the second-generation head of the family nearly a thousand years ago. So, his master had been alive for more than a thousand years!

He had guessed that his master should have lived for at least hundreds of years, but he didn't expect that he was still conservative.

"I guess we know each other..."

Xia Lan didn't explain much. After being surprised, her face turned happy.

"The fact that you were chosen by her and received the sword fairy's inheritance is enough to prove your extraordinaryness."

"After hundreds of years, I finally got you!"

"With your talent and strength plus her sword fairy heritage, you will surely be able to restore the Xia family's thousand-year glory!"

Xia Lan could not hide her excitement, her expression was excited, and her words were high-spirited.

"Boy, as Xia Lan, the second-generation head of the Xia family, I will give you the true inheritance of the Xia family!"

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