The Xia family trial site was filled with gusts of cold wind.

The so-called Xia family trial site was actually the mausoleum of the Xia family's patriarchs.

It was built on the back mountain of the Xia family, with the mountain as the mausoleum, and was specially used to bury and worship the patriarchs of the Xia family. The remains of the Xia family from all generations were sealed inside, and they could not be easily disturbed.

Only the head of the Xia family was qualified to enter.

Xia Changming walked leisurely in the dim corridor. The corridor was long and very wide, with majestic statues of the patriarchs of all generations standing on both sides.

According to Xia Changlin, as long as you go to the deepest part, you can get the inheritance of the Xia family.

So Xia Changming did not hesitate for a moment, and walked straight to the deepest part. His steps were not fast, but his figure was like a gust of wind.

Soon, Xia Changming stopped.

It was not that he had reached the deepest part, but that he found something strange.

Several monsters condensed by spirits drilled out from the cracks in the rocks in front of him, staring at him with bared teeth.

He said that it was too easy along the way. It turned out that they were all waiting for him here.

But if it was only this level, then there would be no challenge at all.

Xia Changming looked at them and seemed to be uninterested.

Most of these spirit beasts were in the Xiantian realm, and only a few of them had the strength of the Grandmaster realm.

No wonder Xia Changlin said that there was no difficulty and it was just a formality. It turned out that there was really no difficulty...

Before Xia Changming could make a move, a spirit beast in the form of a jackal rushed towards him, baring its teeth and claws, and came towards him.

The next moment, the jackal spirit beast was hanging in the air, struggling with its hands and feet.

Xia Changming pinched its neck with one hand, his expression was indifferent, and he exerted a little force in his hand. The spirit body of the jackal spirit beast suddenly dissipated and turned into a burst of spiritual energy and disappeared.

Seeing this, the other spirit beasts were not afraid, but swarmed towards Xia Changming.

After all, they were just some spirit beasts without intelligence.

Xia Changming's palm turned into a knife. When he raised his hand, his palm was as fast as lightning, and several spirit beasts that were coming were instantly killed. His palm slashed horizontally, and a sharp sword energy was as powerful as a bamboo, killing all the spirit beasts along the way!

It was much quieter now.

Xia Changming walked forward with his hands behind his back. Although he encountered many attacks from spirit beasts along the way, he cleared them out in a moment.

Not long after, Xia Changming saw a heavy steel door in front of him.

This should be the deepest door.

Just when Xia Changming thought the challenge was over and was about to go forward to open the door, a palm stretched out from the ground in front of the door. As his whole body drilled out from the ground, a more than ten-foot-tall armored general appeared in front of Xia Changming.

The peak of the extraordinary realm...

Like those spirit beasts, he was also a spirit body formed by the condensation of spiritual power.

Natural spirit bodies generally need a long time to settle before they can form, and the spirit bodies that can be formed are often very few.

It was incredible that there were so many spirit beasts and spirit generals in the Xia Family Cemetery.

The last time Xia Changlin entered, he must have fought with these spirits. It was impossible for such a large number of spirits to form again in less than a hundred years.

There was only one explanation.

Someone was creating these spirit beasts and spirit generals!

Being able to skillfully condense spiritual power into spirit beasts and spirit generals was not something that ordinary people could do.

Even Xia Changming himself could not do it at the moment.

Xia Changming became more and more curious about the Xia Family Cemetery. He strode forward and approached the gatekeeper spirit general. The gatekeeper spirit general raised his long knife and was about to chop down. Xia Changming put his two fingers together, like a sword, and his fingers quickly passed through his body.

The next second, the gatekeeper spirit general's body was split into two and dissipated in the air.

Xia Changming stood in front of the door and slowly pushed it open.

As the heavy sound of the door moving was heard, the scene inside also came into Xia Changming's eyes.

It was a ancestral hall as spacious as a palace. On both sides stood the statues of the heads of various generations. In the center stood a tall and lifelike statue.

Presumably that was the first head of the Xia family.

It should be the last step to get here, kneeling in front of the statue of the first head of the Xia family to accept the baptism of inheritance.

Xia Changming had just taken a step when the steel door behind him slammed shut with a bang.

It seemed that the trial had just officially begun.

Xia Changming stood still calmly.

The statues of the heads of various generations on both sides of the hall appeared from the statues as if their souls had left their bodies.

For a moment, dozens of spirits held weapons and stared at Xia Changming with burning eyes.

Dozens of spirits of the heads of the Xia family, each of them had the strength of the heavenly realm...

This was different from what was agreed at the beginning...

What a pitfall!

Xia Changming complained to someone in his heart.

Although this was still not difficult for him, it was nothing more than a little time-consuming.

But a new question arose in his mind.

How did his father Xia Changlin pass the trial?

Or was he the only one who had this special treatment?

Xia Changming didn't think much about it. His intuition told him that as long as he defeated all the spirits of the family masters in front of him, he would have the answer.

"The owners are really enthusiastic."

"Then I will not refuse your kind invitation."

Xia Changming's eyes flashed, and he directly summoned the Emperor Immortal Sword and held it in his hand. The sharp sword energy swept like a strong wind.

He didn't plan to waste too much time!

He would take his wife to visit the downtown area of the festival later!

Xia Changming, holding the Emperor Immortal Sword, jumped into the encirclement of dozens of spirits alone.

Turning around and slashing with a sword, several spirits were destroyed by a sword!

The remaining spirits did not hesitate and immediately rushed towards Xia Changming.

Xia Changming touched the ground with the tip of the sword, and with a wave of his arm, the blade left a deep and sharp sword mark on the ground. A sword energy several feet high cut off all the oncoming spirits!

These spiritual powers are not residual souls, but simply condensed spiritual powers, so Xia Changming did not hold back at all. With two fingers erected in front of him, he whispered:"Leave!"

The Emperor Immortal Sword flew out of his hand, and several Emperor Immortal Swords formed by sword energy separated from the main body!

Each sword was like a meteor chasing an arrow, accurately piercing and breaking through the spiritual body!

For a moment, the sword energy was overflowing, and the huge spiritual power gathered. The whole mountain was shaking and swaying. From time to time, sword lights broke through the body, and the sword light was sharp and scorching.

The disciples waiting outside the cemetery were stunned.

No, it seems that there was no such a big commotion when the previous patriarch entered...

Xia Changlin covered his face with horror, sweating profusely, shivering.

Σ(っ °Д °っ)

What is this brat doing in there!

Isn't it just dealing with a few Grandmaster-level spirit beasts?

Why is he trying to tear down the Xia Family Cemetery...

Su Yueli's expression was still calm.

But her heart was not as calm as it seemed on the outside.

Xia Changming was able to draw his sword in there, so the trial in the Xia Family Cemetery was not as simple as it was said.

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