Chapter 202

Chapter 202: The Secret

The people in the brave bar are all illusions created by Azatos using the language alchemy ability, which has a deep connection with his spirituality.

So when the Brave Bar was attacked, Azatos immediately noticed it,

He did not expect that “the Witch sect has the royal family “sects” so eagerly to make a strong counterattack, and the methods are so strong that they will not take care of being discovered by the church and carry out slaughter.

If it weren’t for Azatos to feel that the Brave Tavern still has useful value, the Azure Cultists are also under control, and may be used in the future, and help them to feign death to cover up this attack, otherwise these people will have to die.

And that night, there was a fire in the Yager detective office, which was quickly learned by Azatos, and he was even more shocked.

“The reaction of the Witch Sect is a bit too strong. It can be described as wanton and reckless. It doesn’t care about the deterrence of the church. This is not a very good phenomenon.

“Could it be that they plan to launch the “Secret Ceremony of the Skyfire Burning City Disaster in advance to complete the ceremony for the teacher to be promoted to the Knights of the Apocalypse?”

Maybe “I should also do some preparations.

Azatos thought secretly, and then came to the original temple, took out the insight that had been prepared, an inconspicuous stone, and a vessel,

Then Azatos transferred his consciousness to the secret puppet “Allier’s body, and used the ability of cost transfer-transfer”,

Then he cut open the puppet “Allier’s wrist, dripped blood into the vessel, then dipped the stone in it, and soon a weird and terrifying scene happened.

Suddenly an eye that outsiders can’t observe grows on the originally ordinary stone.

The pupils are in chaos,

It makes people shudder.

At the same time, Azatos also felt that the vision of Secret Puppet Allier had been polluted, and the color discrimination began to become blurred. Although it was very slight, it did exist.

Azatos was not surprised by this, because he knew that this was (the price of his thirteenth pair of eyes,

[‘S thirteenth pair of eyes: Objects soaked in the blood of the surgeon will grow a pair of eyes that cannot be observed. The surgeon can observe the field of vision of these eyes, and use these eyes as a medium to use the sequence ability (ability intensity) (It depends on how much spirituality is injected) The cost of the operation: each time these eyes are used, they will be affected by different levels of spiritual pollution)

The visual pollution impact is not great, and because Azatos transfers the price to the Secret Puppet Allier, it will not cause harm to himself, so Azatos does not care too much.

“When Duke Dylan sends the evidence of the “Witch Sect” to the hands of the church, those righteous believers and high-ranking bishops will inevitably attack the Royin factory on Cloyin Street in the Milk Industrial Zone to avoid ·The secret instrument for the disaster of the sky fire and the burning of the city has been completed.”

“In such a battle, the personality level will definitely far exceed Sequence Four.

“It doesn’t have much effect for me to intervene in it. On the contrary, I might fall into the quagmire. So I leave it to the church and hide myself in the dark. Obviously, it is the best choice.”

“But some necessary arrangements are still to be done.”

At least “we also need to know what will happen when the church launches a cleanup of the Roin factory, so that we can deal with it.

Thinking like this, Azatos snapped his fingers.


With a meow, the black cat jumped in front of Azatos, scratched the cat’s head with his paw, and blinked with amber eyes, as if asking, “Shit shovel officer, what do you want me to do.”

“If you look at me like this again, I’ll tie you up.” Azatos smiled very kindly.

The black cat’s fur all over immediately exploded, and he quickly changed to a great owner. May I ask you what you commanded, and licked it in Azatos’s palm.

Azatos nodded with satisfaction…

A cat in a mere paltry wants to rebel, so I can easily suppress it.

Then Azatos put the stone with eyes in front of the black cat, “Send this stone to the vicinity of Roin’s factory. It must be completed by tonight, remember.”

Seeing the stone, the black cat was obviously frightened. He always felt that this thing was very evil. He almost wrote the word “rejection” in his eyes, but his arms couldn’t twist his thighs. In the end, he was under the lust of the owner Azatos. The cat agreed aggrievedly.

The layout has been done,

Then Azatos planned to return to his home on Tulip Street, and when Jon and Alice came back, they would send the two of them to the church to avoid being affected by this disaster.

……………Please ask for flowers…

But at this moment,

Azatos suddenly heard the illusory prayers ringing in his ears, which made him startled, and then through (the ability to open the door, he quickly returned to the original temple, and saw the current situation of the nobleman through his true vision…

“Gleya is attacking Duke Dylan?”

“She doesn’t know how much repercussions it will be to kill a great nobleman who is about to enter the Senate?”

“The reaction of the Witch Sect is stronger than I thought. It seems that they really don’t intend to hide themselves, they are going to cause a huge disaster to Bellan Klin.

“Duke Dylan can’t have an accident,

“Otherwise, the information will not be in the hands of the church, and perhaps it will really be succeeded by the conspiracy of the “Witch Sect.”


“But how can I stop it!”

At this moment, Azatos suddenly saw the pen and white paper in the original temple, and then cast his eyes on the secret puppet, Scarlet Thief Dorno, and suddenly had an idea.

First Azatos took out a word and folded it in the shape of a small bird, proclaiming: “I will set your destiny for you, and you will fly by the wind, and guide Duke Dylan to a way to escape, so that he will not be allowed to escape. Disasters add to the body.

Azatos blessed the fate of the paper bird, which is the ability of [Destiny Coordinate].

[Destiny coordinates can impose a certain destiny on certain things, and let their destiny trajectory proceed according to the host’s expectation. Note: All the destiny specified by me will be realized.

Then Azatos threw the paper bird out of the “Primary Temple.”

It was not over yet, Azatos folded another shield and made a second announcement.

“You will defend Duke Dylan from the harm you will receive.”

Then Azatos picked up the quill again and proclaimed loudly: “You will be transformed into a spear, running through the eyes of the witch…

In a blink of an eye, a lot of things blessed by the (Fate Coordinates) appeared in front of him, and then regardless of whether it was effective or not, all passed (the ability to open the door, thrown into the fire-burning street near Duke Dylan,

Then Azatos used the [Spirit Thread] to manipulate the secret puppet Scarlet Thief Dorno, came to the light gate, and looked at the burning fire outside the door.

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