Chapter 201

Chapter 201: I’m Sorry

In the early morning of the next day, Duke Dylan got up very early and asked Allier, the butler, to prepare the carriage, and to bring the information on the conspiracy of the “Witch Sect”, and then he was ready to set off for the Sun Church.

At this time, the butler Allier also brought a message,

“My lord, there is news from the Queens district that Earl Dora has suddenly passed away due to illness,”

Suddenly died because of illness?

Duke Dylan felt awe-inspiring in his heart. It was clear that this was not the case. The reason why Earl Dora died was probably because “the hands of the witch sect, and this ancient sect is so fierce that he was caught off guard.

It seems that the information must be handed over to Bishop Dougwell as soon as possible, so that the church can respond.

On the surface, Duke Dylan is not too unusual, nodded faintly,

“Any other news?”

“The butler, Allier’s expression has also become slightly serious.” Recently, there have been many disasters in Berenclin. There have been fires, earthquakes, gas explosions, and building collapses. Every time, a lot of them have been caused. Among the deaths and injuries, many nobles have been affected. ”

Duke Dylan’s heart became even more heavy,

Originally, he thought that it was Count Dora who was exposed and was wiped out by the “Royal Sect” and the Witch Sect, but now it seems that it is not that simple.

With such a big handwriting, such a big battle, without distinction, it seems that this ancient sect is already unable to bear it and will bring disasters to the world.

I don’t know if I have been included in this cleanup list,

This thought came to mind, Duke Dylan felt a little uneasy in his heart, and he did not dare to delay. He immediately ordered the guards and arranged the carriage to go to the Sun Chapel.

On the road, Duke Dylan put the information away, and his heart became even heavier.

“I have been wandering in the Senate during this period of time, and finally convinced all the elders to believe in the conspiracy of the royal family, and have prepared a plan to impeach the three princes William Kraun, and the elders have temporarily moved to a safe place. , Even if the Milner District really suffers a disaster, the nobility will not suffer too much damage,

“I was thinking about waiting for the arrangement of the back of the Senate, and then going to the church to inform about this. I didn’t expect this ancient organization that cooperated with the Royal Family to act so fast, it has already taken the lead in its actions,” (cjbh)

“If the church does not prepare in advance, it is really possible that the big guy will be caught off guard.”

“No, the information must be delivered to Bishop Dougwell as soon as possible,

Thinking of this, Duke Dylan became more and more unbearable, and stuck his head out anxiously: “Let the team go faster. You must go to the Sun Temple within 20 minutes.

The coachman nodded,

But not long after the carriage walked out of Milner District, a big pillar on the roof of the street suddenly collapsed and slammed into the marching team of Duke Dylan, killing two or three guards in an instant.

This is not a game, and there is a raging fire, and under the violent wind, the surrounding area becomes a sea of ​​flames.

A full two-thirds of the guards were swept in by the fire,

Wailing, pain, screaming.

Looking around like a purgatory on earth,

at the same time,

A figure walked out of the sea of ​​fire, wearing a light black long dress with bright red lips, and looking at the fiery red picture in front of him, a distorted flush appeared on his face, “Ah, it is a scene that makes people cry so much. Ah, how beautiful, how dreamy, and how delightful.”

This woman is Greya the Witch Cultist,

She looked at the carriage that had been flooded by the raging fire, and the joy in her eyes became more intense.

“My Lord Duke, the great aristocrat who is about to enter the Senate and become the senator, one of the powers of the Eri Empire Law, what an untouchable great figure,”

“But why, you just have to investigate the’Black Swan Company, and you will not give up unless you check it.

“Let’s lose your life now,

Don’t worry, “You won’t be lonely, the city’s burning disaster on the same day” is completed. The Milk Industrial Zone will be destroyed first, and then you will be buried in Milner District. Hundreds of thousands of people will be buried for you. A grand funeral. ”

Griya stood in the sea of ​​fire, her expression was so evil, her figure was so distorted,

Then she planned to go away,

But at this moment, Griya was stunned, and a flash of astonishment flashed in his eyes, “I’m not dead, how is it possible?”

Then suddenly he laughed wildly, “Hahaha, funny, funny, obviously just an ordinary person, it is really interesting that I can escape the disaster that I spread, Lord Duke, let us play hide-and-seek together.”

At the same time, Duke Dylan was hiding in a corner, enduring the burning of the surrounding fire, panting heavily, holding an ancient badge in his hand.

The pattern on the badge is a sword and a lion interlaced, which is similar to the royal sword and rose at present, but it is completely different.

This badge was left by the father of Duke Dylan. The legend is a relic left by a prominent nobleman in the Third Age.

For example, just now,

Duke Dylan made the ruling that “A fire can not inflict harm on me, so he escaped from the terrifying sea of ​​fire.

However, the badge of this sword and lion’s interlaced is not infinitely usable.

I saw a faint crack appeared above,

Obviously, if you use it a few more times, the badge may be completely shattered…

“This woman is a member of the ancient sect, spreading disasters. Indeed, fires are also a type of disaster. It seems that my previous investigations really alarmed them.”

“Hey, she actually realized that I was not dead,

“What a tough guy,

Then Duke Dylan took out another pocket watch, and the second hand was ticking. This was also one of the relics left by Duke Dylan’s father, with incredible power.

Just as a last resort, Duke Dylan didn’t really want to use him, because the price of using this watch was that he would temporarily lose his sense of time.

“And it’s not necessarily, you can get rid of this difficult woman,

Seeing the witch Glea, who has been reluctant to leave for a long time, Duke Dylan has a solemn look in his eyes.

Suddenly he thought of Mr. Destiny’s previous promise. When in danger, he can chant his honorable name and bless himself.

Thinking of this, Duke Dylan no longer hesitated, and chanted in a low voice,

Entangling “the great snake of fate, the cycler of fate,

“The noble hand of roulette, master of the great temple,

“I follow your code,

“I pray for your enlightenment,

“I look forward to coming to your palace again,

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