""My lord, please watch your words, that's our prince!"

Li Shu was very dissatisfied with Cheng Yaojin calling Li Kuan a kid, because that was the prince they respected the most.

It was the prince who led them out of poverty in Lingnan. Now that he has left Lingnan, he feels even more that the prince is great.

In today's Tang Dynasty, no region can compare to Lingnan.

Even Chang'an City, he feels, is far inferior to Lingnan City.

All this is the credit of the prince.

Without the prince, Lingnan is still a barbaric land filled with miasma and rampant bandits.

The special forces who followed Li Shu to escort the goods this time also felt emotional. Is the capital of the Tang Dynasty so bad? The place they live in is not as good as the house allocated to them by the prince. They are even more grateful to the prince in their hearts.

So when they heard Cheng Yaojin's rude words, their eyes became unfriendly.

"Ha ha..."Yes, Your Highness, I, Old Cheng, just said I'm used to it!" Cheng Yaojin also felt the strange gaze and quickly changed his words.

In his heart, he was secretly complaining about how this kid Li Kuan won the hearts of the people. He felt that everyone in Lingnan was extremely loyal to Li Kuan.

Even his generals who had fought for many years were loyal to him. There were not many of them.

After hearing what Cheng Yaojin said, everyone retracted their hostile gazes and went about their own business. Li Shu took Cheng Yaojin to a carriage on the edge.

The carriage in Lingnan was a little different from other carriages, because it was a four-wheeled horse with more cargo. Li Shu just opened a small corner at the back.

"Sir, this is one of the things the prince asked me to bring to you. The prince said you will like it!"

Li Shu pointed to the twenty large jars and said,"He also said that this is a gift for the cooperation!"

"What is this?

Cheng Yaojin wondered. He touched the jar and it seemed a bit heavy. He wondered what it was.

He shook it and it seemed to be filled with liquid.

Could it be water?

Cheng Yaojin looked at Li Shu, who was introducing the item to him, with doubt in his eyes.

"This is wine, a good wine, I guarantee you will like it!"Li Shu said with a smile, the prince said this is a high-proof liquor, he has drunk it before, and it tastes really good

"Wine?" Cheng Yaojin felt bored when he heard this. He hadn't drunk anything in Chang'an for a long time. Besides, he had never heard of any good wine in Lingnan when he was in Lingnan.

Could it be that Li Kuan was perfunctory to him, thinking that he didn't know the good things in Lingnan ?

"This has been waiting for a long time. There is a food shortage in Lingnan, and His Royal Highness the King of Chu doesn't brew much!" Li Shu is a person who observes words and expressions, otherwise Li Kuan would not have sent him to Lingnan City.

While speaking, he opened the wax seal on the mouth of one of the jars and pulled out the cork.

In an instant!

A strong aroma of wine came out, refreshing.

Everyone present couldn't help but sniff, and Cheng Yaojin was no exception. His eyes drifted to the wine jar.

What a strong aroma of wine.

When he got closer, he saw a jar of clear wine inside:"This...is this wine?"

There was no distillation technology in the Tang Dynasty, and the wine was still turbid. Seeing such clear wine, the wine bug in the stomach was hooked.

""Bring me a bowl!"

Cheng Yaojin asked for a bowl from several people carelessly. He couldn't wait to have a taste.

Li Shu took a bamboo wooden spoon, took a small half spoonful and poured it into a teacup:"Master, this wine is quite strong, so you should drink less for the first time!"

"I have drunk all kinds of strong liquor, bring it to me!" Cheng Yaojin took a bamboo spoon and filled the teacup with it, and drank it in one gulp.


As soon as the wine entered his stomach, Cheng Yaojin's eyes widened and his face turned red instantly.

The burning strong liquor cut through his stomach, making his body warm instantly, but he was a little uncomfortable as it was his first time drinking strong liquor, and he almost couldn't breathe. After a long time!

Cheng Yaojin let out a comfortable breath, his face had turned slightly red.

He seemed a little tipsy

"Good wine, good wine, Old Cheng has never tasted such good wine!"Cheng Yaojin began to praise, and then carefully buckled the stopper of the wine jar.

This kind of good wine, Old Cheng will take it back and taste it slowly.

If my old brothers knew that I had this kind of good wine, I'm afraid they would be envious to death.

"There are also some things that His Royal Highness the King of Chu asked me to give you!"Li Shu was relieved to see that Cheng Yaojin was very satisfied. He took a few mirrors, a few jars of tea, a few jars of fine salt, white sugar, glass beads, and glass cups from other carriages, but the quantity was not much.

According to Li Kuan, with Cheng Yaojin's publicity, other royal nobles would also notice these things, which was equivalent to advertising... Cheng Yaojin was the spokesperson for their products.

"Not bad, not bad!" Cheng Yaojin narrowed his eyes as he looked at what Li Shu had taken down.

These were all good things in the capital, but... he didn't see what he wanted:"You didn't bring the oil, toilet paper, and soap?"

Oil can make delicious food, soap can wash the face, and toilet paper is not to mention.

After using toilet paper, he definitely didn't want to use toilet paper again.

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