""Greetings, Duke Lu!"

When Li Shu heard Cheng Yaojin introduce himself, he immediately bowed.

He didn't expect that when he came to Duke Lu's mansion, Duke Lu would personally come out to greet him.

This made him a little moved in his surprise, but only slightly moved. Before coming here, he had been drinking with Chu Wang Li Kuan. At that time, Chu Wang was drunk and almost swore brotherhood with him. If he hadn't tried hard to stay sober, he would have declined in the end after being scared out of his wits.

Thinking about it now, I still feel scared.

"Didn't Li Kuan ask you to bring something to the Duke?" Cheng Yaojin looked at him and asked.

"Brought it, but...Duke Lu, be careful with your words. Cheng Yijin should have told you about our contract. Don't reveal the news of the King of Chu!" Li Shu nodded, but still reminded him.

He knew that since Cheng Yijin asked to cooperate with Duke Lu's mansion, Cheng Yaojin should know some things about Li Kuan. However, because the prince asked him not to affect Lingnan as much as possible, he still reminded Cheng Yaojin.

"Haha... I won't say anything more. Since the contract is in place, my duke will never break his promise!" Cheng Yaojin agreed, but he secretly muttered in his heart: Chu Wang Li Kuan's confidentiality is really good, and his subordinates are also loyal.

However...He never thought that he and his cheap emperor father stayed in Lingnan for several days.

Whether he said it or not, the emperor knew it. Li Kuan probably didn't expect that the person he personally entertained was actually his father.

"Walk....Come with me to the house!" Cheng Yaojin took Li Shu's hand and walked into the mansion.

""Lord Lu, we are here to ask for help. Our team was stopped at the city gate. I hope you can lend me the token so that I can lead my team into the city!" Li Shu looked at Cheng Yaojin with some anxiety in his eyes.

It was getting late, and he was afraid that if he went back too late, the goods he brought would be forcibly searched by the soldiers.

"What, those bastards are stopping you from coming in?"

Cheng Yaojin got furious:"Did you tell me my name?"

""We did, but they asked us to show the token of Duke Lu, and we don't have it!" Li Shu answered seriously.


Cheng Yaojin raised his eyebrows and shouted to the house behind:"Bring my chestnut horse!"

After a while, a young man came over leading a horse. He looked almost the same as Cheng Yaojin, a replica of Cheng Yaojin. With a look of wanting to fight, he looked at Cheng Yaojin and said,"Dad, if there is anything, let me go with you."

""Get out of the way, you have nothing to do here!" Cheng Yaojin took the reins of the horse, jumped on the horse and rode towards the city gate. Li

Shu also came on horseback, and quickly untied the horse tied at the gate and followed.

"The city gate has been open for an hour, and your people haven't arrived yet?"The soldier guarding the city gate began to get a little arrogant when he saw that Li Shu hadn't brought anyone yet.

He had been calculating all night, and the caravan that could be guarded by a hundred people was definitely a fat sheep!

A big fat sheep!

"Wait a little longer, our people will be here soon!"This time, the person who came up to talk was a middle-aged man. Facing the guard's difficulties, he just smiled and responded.

He knew that he couldn't be impatient now, so he could only wait.

"Okay, I'll give you a quarter of an hour. If you still don't have anyone, I'm sorry, we can only follow the rules and search for goods. It's not clear if something is damaged!" The guard had a smug look on his face.

He didn't believe that these people would not pay.

"Let me see who wants to search my goods!"At this moment, a loud shout interrupted the conversation between the two people. The loud shout scared the guard so much that he staggered.

He was very familiar with this voice, the big devil, Cheng Yaojin.

In Chang'an City, the big devil was the most protective and unreasonable. He didn't expect that this caravan really invited Cheng Yaojin.

"Duke Lu, why are you here?" The guard tried to force a smile on his face, with a compliment on his face.

"My goods are all being swallowed by you, how can I not come?"Cheng Yaojin sneered, how could he not know the doorway to inspecting goods in this period? If it is really a person without power who is pulling good goods, these people dare to swallow it, even if it is not the case, they will ask for a general

"No...it's all a misunderstanding!" The guard quickly explained:"I didn't expect this was your cargo. The key is that they don't have your token. If they pretend to be your men and enter Chang'an City and do something out of line, it will probably damage your reputation!"

These petty officials are also very good at dealing with people, and they won't leave any loopholes when they speak.

"Humph, you are Hou Junji's men, right?" Cheng Yaojin raised his eyebrows, and had no intention of getting entangled with these people:"I'll let you go this time, but remember clearly in the future, these people are protected by my Lu Guogong Mansion, and I don't want this to happen again!"

"yes...Yes..., I've made a clear note of it!"

"Come on, follow me into the city!"

Cheng Yaojin waved his hand and led everyone into the city.

"Although this mansion is a little small, you can still stay here if you squeeze in!" Cheng Yaojin took these people to a large courtyard, which was also his house in Chang'an City. There were dozens of houses and a large courtyard, which was just enough to park dozens of carriages.

Li Shu was very satisfied with Cheng Yaojin's arrangement:

"Thank you, Master Cheng!"

This is the most suitable place for them to settle down.

"Now that everything is settled, let me see what gift that little brat Li Kuan brought me."

There was some impatience in his voice.

Cheng Yaojin had long wanted to see what was inside.

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