They saw the wall built a few hundred meters away when they came.

It was too much of an eyesore.

But this was Lingnan City, and they wouldn't say anything unless Li Kuan said anything.

Now it seemed that Li Kuan had the wall built by him?

It looked like that.

While everyone was puzzled, Gongshu Ziyu had already waved at the wall, indicating that he was ready.

""Give me the command flag!"

Li Kuan reached out and took Zhao Xin's command flag, then said to the people behind him:"Everyone, watch carefully!" As soon as the words fell!

The command flag in Li Kuan's hand fell down and then fell down.

After receiving the signal, Gongshu Ziyu adjusted the muzzle of the cannon, took a torch and lit the powder wick on the muzzle.

Sparks spread.

Several people ran away quickly.

Li Kuan skillfully took out two earplugs from his arms and blocked his ears, but his eyes were fixed on the cannon.

He also wanted to see how the cannon developed by Gongshu Ziyu was?

But the others didn't understand, and they all gathered at the edge of the city wall to see the situation below. Cheng Yaojin and Li Shimin were no exception, and they leaned out to look.

Curious about what Li Kuan had researched.

I saw the spark above spread into the muzzle of the cannon, and finally disappeared directly into the muzzle.

Hey....That's it?

Everyone began to wonder, their necks stretched deeper. They didn't believe that His Royal Highness the King of Chu would tease them in such an occasion.

However, this didn't seem to be anything special.

Even Li Shimin and Cheng Yaojin were stunned.

What is this kid doing?


Just as everyone was wondering, there was a sudden earth-shaking sound, which shook the city three times.

"what's the situation?"

"The earth shook?"


Everyone started to panic, even Li Shimin couldn't help but fall backwards. Cheng Yaojin supported him from behind, and then he stabilized.

But there was still some disbelief in his eyes.

He was better than these people and observed more carefully. He seemed to see a burst of fireworks coming out of the big barrel, followed by a deafening sound.

The sound was like thunder.

After stabilizing his body, his eyes widened again.

He saw that several brick walls hundreds of meters away had collapsed, and there were ruins everywhere.

"How is this possible?"Li Shimin was completely stunned. How did the wall collapse?

Could it be... is it? He looked at the smoking cannons below again, and disbelief gradually emerged in his eyes.


Even the catapults did not have such great power. How could such a small iron barrel do it and exert such terrifying power?

He could not help but look at Li Kuan again. He saw that Li Kuan was still standing there calmly, looking at the cannons below, with no joy on his face.

As expected, Li Kuan already knew the result.

However, he did not expect that Li Kuan was very dissatisfied with the result. It took a total of more than ten walls to collapse five walls. The bronze cannon was indeed a little worse.

Gongshu Ziyu, this prodigal thing.

He originally planned to blast the remaining five into the sky, and this time he wanted Gongshu Ziyu to blast the wall!

While Li Kuan was thinking, Zhao Xin was also comforting everyone:"Don't worry, this is our secret weapon, the King of Chu's red cannon. The cannon produces a thunderous sound and can smash things several miles away!"

While explaining, he motioned for everyone to move towards the distant wall.

They could vaguely see that the five connected walls had collapsed. The sound of people sucking in air was heard again, with shock, fear, and dread.

"Could it be that His Royal Highness the King of Chu could control the power of heaven and earth? This kind of power is not something that humans possess!"

"very scary!"

"Is His Royal Highness the King of Chu a god?"

The voices of discussion rose and fell, but when they looked at Li Kuan, their eyes changed. They used to have admiration and even respect.

The invited chieftains' legs began to tremble. If the King of Chu used this weapon with a deafening sound against them, the consequences would be unimaginable.

After this, they would be headed by Lingnan and would not resist at all.

"Don’t think about it, this is our Lingnan’s sacred weapon, you don’t need to know its secrets!" Li Kuan took off his earplugs at this time, listened to the discussion of the crowd and said again:"However, I can let you see the power of this red cannon again!"

After saying that!

He raised the flag in his hand again.

Boom boom boom boom!

Gongshu Ziyu nodded, pointed the muzzle at the walls that had not been knocked down, and fired again.

After five consecutive shots, dust and fog filled the opposite side.

A breeze blew past, blowing away the dust and smoke.

What came into view was a mess, with all fifteen brick walls collapsed and broken bricks scattered all over the ground.

Everyone on the wall looked extremely ugly. This kind of Lingnan weapon was the first time they had seen it. If a person was hit by a cannon, there would probably be nothing left.

Sure enough, those who were designated as Lingnan weapons by the King of Chu were not simple.

Li Shimin's face was already a little bitter. He also saw the working principle of this cannon, which was to stuff an unknown powder into the cannon and then add an iron ball.

However, he still couldn't figure out how the iron ball was blown away.

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