"Now slowly walking over are our Lingnan special forces!"

With the previous shock, everyone looked at the second team that was coming over.

But this time they were a little disappointed.

These soldiers were dressed much simpler than before, in army green clothes, their long hair was shaved very short, and their faces were resolute.

These people also carried a small backpack behind them, and there were several small weapons on their waists, which were similar to daggers.

These people walked like dragons and tigers.

It's just that their clothes were too thin, just like ordinary soldiers.

Zhao Xin looked at the contemptuous expressions of the crowd, but he continued lightly:"Special forces are the most scarce type of soldiers in our Lingnan, a total of 1,300 people! But each of them is the elite of the elite, and they usually perform special tasks!"

"Their army green clothes were specially made by our textile workshop. Five sets were distributed to each person, and under their clothes there was a set of inner armor made of fine chains to protect their bodies from swords and knives!"

Zhao Xin looked at these people with envy in his eyes!

Even he didn't have that kind of soft armor, but the prince had said that he would get him one this month.


Everyone gasped again. Inner armor, although this kind of craftsmanship can also be produced in the Tang Dynasty, there are not many. The royal family Li Shimin seems to have one. But here in Lingnan, there are 1,300 sets.


Li Shimin's expression began to change unpredictably. No one knew what he was thinking in his mind, but he would glance at Li Kuan from time to time.

""Your Highness, the King of Chu!"

Everyone saluted again, and Li Kuan said a few words according to the procedure, and everyone turned around and left.

Then several teams came:

"This is our cavalry....."

"This is my team..."


Team after team passed by the city wall, and the people watching were excited.

But when the seventh team appeared, what caught our eyes was a team of soldiers with long crossbows on their backs. They also had baskets carrying crossbows, and on them were piles of arrows.

"This is our crossbow team, you can call it the crossbow arrow team. Our prince modified the Zhuge crossbow, which can fire twelve crossbow arrows in a row, and the speed is much faster than the bow and arrow, with a range of fifty to one hundred steps!!"

Zhao Xin talked freely, but unfortunately the number of people in this team was not large, only 1,200 people.

Then several more teams passed by, a total of one team.

But these ten teams changed the perception of the people on the wall about the Lingnan army....No...This changed the perception of the Tang army.

"It's really a full-system combat-ready army!"

Li Shimin was also disappointed. He was a little jealous of this combat system and army.

After returning, he would also form a few such teams.

"Why is there another team behind us?"

Just when everyone thought it was over, another team came from behind. There were not many people in this team, just a few people, pushing a car that seemed to be covered with red cloth.

I don't know what's going on?

What's going on?

"Everyone, this is our last team and also the secret weapon of Lingnan!"Zhao Xin said it mysteriously, which instantly aroused everyone's interest.

What is it?

Everyone looked over.

With curiosity and doubt.

Li Shimin was also puzzled. What could make Li Kuan so mysterious? He also brought out curiosity.

As he got closer, he could see these people clearly.

However, these people did not seem to be soldiers. Some of them had untidy beards, like a drunkard.

There was no way this was a newly researched thing, and the soldiers did not understand it yet.

""Your Highness, the Prince of Chu!" The man did not kneel like a soldier, but bowed with his fists clasped.

"Ziyu, let the important person behind me see our Lingnan's magical artifact!" Li Kuan laughed and indicated that he was showing it. Gongshu

Ziyu nodded and slowly pulled down the red cloth.

At this time, the sound of war drums gradually stopped, and everyone held their breath and looked at the things below.

The red cloth was untied!

There was actually a cart pushing a large metal barrel underneath, but the metal barrel seemed to be made of pure copper.

It looked extremely heavy.

However, when everyone saw this thing, they were stunned.

What is His Royal Highness the King of Chu doing? Making a bronze barrel? If you have this thing, you might as well cast a big tripod!

This thing looks like nothing, and no one recognizes it.

Gongshu Ziyu naturally did not feel the strange eyes of the people on the city wall. He personally went to fill the gun holes with ammunition and iron balls

"look...What is that unshaven man talking about? Did he get into that hole? What did he pour in there? Did he poke it with a stick?"

These people looked at Gongshu Ziyu's actions, puzzled.

Everyone looked at Li Kuan, as if staring at his answer.

Even Li Shimin frowned, wondering what Li Kuan was up to this time.

Li Kuan smiled slightly and pointed to the dozens of newly built thick brick walls in the open space in front of them:"Everyone, do you see the brick wall a mile away from us?"

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