"Your Highness, the Red Cannon has just been developed, there are not many shrapnel shells, and there are not many ordinary shells!"

Gongshu Ziyu looked at Li Kuan who was in high spirits and reminded him.

The shells he was preparing were also made in small quantities for the purpose of testing the cannon.

"It's okay, just give me nine, six live rounds and three shrapnel rounds!" Li Kuan didn't think so. His purpose was just to hear the explosion.

If possible, he could also frighten the Tusi leader.

"Nine, I have a problem!!"

Gongshu Ziyu breathed a sigh of relief. Fortunately, his prince did not ask for more than a dozen cannons, but for a hundred cannons.

This thing!

With the strength of their military workshop, it takes two days to cast a cannon. If they work harder, it will take 15 days to cast 10 cannons.

"Go and prepare, and don't make any mistakes on the day of the military parade!" Li Kuan signaled that he could leave.

But when Gongshu Ziyu was about to leave, he stopped Gongshu Ziyu and said,"How is the secret weapon I asked you to make for me?"


Gongshu Ziyu's eyes flashed with doubt, but then he thought of something and said quickly:"That thing is too delicate. According to the prince's drawings, every part needs to be polished by me personally, and the finished product will take some time!"

"That thing is very important, you have to pay more attention to it!"Li Kuan nodded.

"I will!" Gongshu Ziyu nodded.

After Gongshu Ziyu left, Zhao Xin asked with some doubt:"Prince, what are you talking about?"

He was really confused. The prince was not so mysterious before.

"Secret!" Li Kuan said leisurely


Zhao Xin was speechless.

"Lingnan will have a military parade tomorrow!"

Li Shimin half leaned on the sofa, looking out the window, not knowing what he was thinking.

Over the past few days, he has become more and more accustomed to the lifestyle in Lingnan. When the weather is hot, he takes a cold shower. There are ice cubes with sugar and ice outside the inn.

Now Li Shimin feels what it means to enjoy.

His good son knows how to enjoy himself. With such a good living environment, he doesn't even think about me.

It would be nice to send a craftsman back to build a house like this for me.

After staying here for a few days, he really doesn't want to go back to Chang'an City.

"The soldiers of Lingnan should only be those few generals who can take them out!" Cheng Yaojin was eating ice cubes carelessly, thinking about this problem.

If every soldier in Lingnan's army was really like the general who entered the city, Lingnan would be too powerful. After thinking for a while, Cheng Yaojin went on to say:"However, the elite soldiers of Lingnan will participate in the military parade tomorrow, and those old and weak ones will not be there!"

"I heard that Li Kuan invited people from the Chamber of Commerce to watch the military parade this time? Why didn't he invite us?"Li Shimin has always been upset about this matter.

"this...I heard that the people of the Chamber of Commerce were received by the chief of Lingnan. We were received by His Royal Highness the King of Chu himself. He probably thought we were gone!" Cheng Yaojin began to make excuses for Li Kuan.

Yes, they were going to leave after signing the contract.

But they didn't expect to meet a scammer, which delayed them for several days. He also changed a lot of his schedule.

Now Liu Renyuan has gone to visit various places in Lingnan and has not returned yet.


Yes , maybe I forgot it!" Li Shimin also comforted himself....

At this moment, there was a knock on the door.

"Are you two guests in there?" The waiter's voice sounded outside, with a respectful tone.

""Is there anything wrong?"

Li Shimin asked with a frown. During the few days he was here, the waiter would not disturb them unless there was something important.

The waiter's respectful voice sounded;"Someone from Lingnan Prefecture is looking for you!"

"People from Lingnan Prefecture?" Li Shimin was puzzled. What was going on? Except for the time when he was caught in a fraud case and the police came to explain the case, no other people from Lingnan Prefecture came to find them.


Why did they come to find him again?

The police clearly said that the pregnant woman was dead.

However, Li Shimin still said,"Let him in!"

After a while, a man who looked like a police officer came in, holding two red cardboard objects in his hands, but they were not clear.

"I wonder what the messenger wants to do here?" Cheng Yaojin asked the messenger to sit down and spoke first.

They are businessmen now, and they should be more humble when facing officials. These are things that Li Shimin, as an emperor, cannot do.

"Are you the businessmen Li Ermin and Cheng Yijin?" The officer asked without further ado, taking a sip of tea and looking at the two men.

"Yes, it's the two of us!" Cheng Yaojin nodded and took out his fish talisman to show it.

"That's right, our Chief Liu asked me to deliver two invitations to you two!" The messenger wasted no time and handed two pieces of hard red paper to Cheng Yaojin:"Tomorrow there will be a military parade in Lingnan. You are also members of the Chamber of Commerce. I hope you can attend!"

This morning, when Liu Ming was flipping through the Chamber of Commerce contract, the Prince of Chu's Mansion sent two more contracts, which were from Li Shimin and Cheng Yaojin. There were also the results of the investigation into Li Shimin and Cheng Yaojin, as well as where they lived during this period and their behavioral trajectories.

In fact, for everyone from the Chamber of Commerce who came to Lingnan, someone was secretly monitoring them for a period of time. Based on their behavior over the past few days, there were special people who scored these businessmen.

Li Shimin and Cheng Yaojin scored 7 points, which was average.

Since they were all members of the Chamber of Commerce and their scores were not bad, Liu Ming sent someone to deliver two invitations.

"Invitation?"Li Shimin and the other man were surprised and looked at each other, but they both took it.

"Tomorrow's meeting will start at 9:00 pm. I hope you two will be on time!"

After the officer finished his instructions, he left without staying for too long.

When he left, Cheng Yaojin gave the officer one or two taels of silver.

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