"Tell him to wait for me in the study!"

Li Kuan rubbed his swollen head and asked Xiao Cui to help him put on his clothes.

Gongshu Ziyu is now the number one inventor and manager of the military workshop. This crazy researcher came to see him because he must have new research results.

He told him the simple production methods of many modern things, but they still need to study the specific operations themselves.

But he came to see him so anxiously. Could it be that he has researched out the things he told him to do?

Thinking of this, he couldn't wait any longer.

When he walked to the study, Zhao Xin and Gongshu Ziyu were already waiting here.

""Your Highness!"

As soon as Li Kuan came in, both of them stood up and bowed to Li Kuan.

Gongshu Ziyu looked very rough, with unshaven beard and unwashed hair, which was very different from the well-mannered modern scientific researchers.

Although he was very sloppy, his eyes were particularly bright.

When Gongshu Ziyu looked at Li Kuan, his eyes were full of admiration. It was this man in front of them who gave them a new understanding of machinery and let their Gongshu family jump out of the original shackles.

Not to mention other things!

It won't be long before their Gongshu family will prosper again.

This is all given by the man in front of them.

""What have you researched here?" Sitting down, Li Kuan looked at Gongshu Ziyu and asked.

Gongshu Ziyu's face was full of excitement:"Your Majesty, the cannon is cast!"

"What? The cannon I asked you to make has been cast?"

Li Kuan looked at Gongshu Ziyu, his eyes lit up.

If the cannon is really developed, it will definitely be a milestone in future battles.

"The alloy cannon has been cast, living up to the prince's high expectations!" Gongshu Ziyu said seriously:"As expected, the alloy cannon is much better than the copper one!"

When he heard about the copper cannon, Li Kuan's eyes twitched.

Copper cannon? That's not a cannon, it's money.

"Didn't I tell you to research alloy-cast cannons? Why are there still copper cannons?" Li Kuan said. He had already explained the method of making alloys. Besides, he had sent people to find chromium, nickel, and tungsten in the past few years. Gong

Shujia also worked out the most suitable ratio this year....Why do you still want to forge copper cannons?

Don't you know that it's all money? If you have so much copper, you can make coins yourself and recruit more people to mine ore.

"The prince once said that copper can also be used to cast cannons, so let's try it and see the power of alloy cannons and copper cannons!"Gongshu Ziyu said it very seriously, which also represents his rigor in dealing with matters.

It is precisely because of this rigor that he can become the leader of the Gongshu family.

""How much copper did it take to make that copper cannon?" Li Kuan asked tentatively.

Gongshu Ziyu was very decisive:"Not much, the copper cannon consumed 6,000 kilograms of copper!"

"6000 jin, not much!!"Li Kuan's eyebrows jumped and he began to feel pain.

Fifteen Kaiyuan Tongbao coins equal one liang, and one jin equals ten liang {in ancient times, one jin equals 16 liang, and ten Kaiyuan Tongbao coins equal one liang, but in order to make it easier for everyone to understand, we will calculate it according to the current kilogram unit!

I hope you can support it!

} 6000 jin of copper, that's 3 tons.

If it is cast into copper coins, it will be 900,000 copper coins.

One guan is one thousand coins, which means 900 guan, 900 liang of silver.

This is all money!

Although it's not much, why don't you use the iron ore you have? Isn't that cheaper? You don't know how expensive firewood and rice are until you run the household.

I have to sell more than a dozen glass cups, or mirrors, and hundreds of glass beads.

"Don't waste too much in the future, just cast alloy cannons," Li Kuan added unhappily.

Although he knew that Gongshu Ziyu was a bit wasteful, he couldn't scold him for this matter. After all, science is about exploring and moving forward.

"Yes, Your Majesty!" Gongshu Ziyu nodded.

The alloy-cast cannon can be made much thinner than the bronze cannon, and is also lighter and has a longer range. In comparison, the bronze cannon is bulky and not suitable for long-range carrying.

"Good to know!"

Li Kuan nodded, but he asked again:"How is your research on our Chu King Cannon?" {Chu King Cannon, now all are front-loaded cannons, Chu King Cannon is a breech-loading cannon, this kind of ordinary cannon is just a transition, the most important one is the breech-loading cannon, which is what was called the Franky Cannon in the previous life! That can fire shells continuously!}

"Our military workshop is still in the development stage, but we already have a preliminary model, but the sealing and fixing effects are still a little bit worse, and it can't fly as far as a cannon!"Gongshujia Ziyu answered seriously

"Then you must improve it well and don't let me down!" Li Kuan nodded.

Anyway, they don't need artillery now, and now they are studying this for the cornerstone of the Tang Dynasty.

In the past few years, Gongshujia has also tried his best. It is good enough to improve steel.

""My king, should we take out a cannon to show them during this military parade?" Zhao Xin licked his lips with excitement in his eyes.

This morning, when the military workshop sent someone to invite the King of Chu to watch the test firing of the cannon, Li Kuan was sleeping, so he went to watch.

He had seen the power of the cannon, and it can be said that taking a person's head from a thousand meters away is as easy as taking something out of a bag.

Especially the shrapnel, which exploded several miles away and killed all the cattle within ten meters around.

"Then pull out one to show it off, just the bronze cannon, don’t bring out the alloy cannon!" Li Kuan rubbed his chin and continued:

"Before the parade, cover the cannon with a red cloth and give it a resounding name.....Just call him the King of Chu’s Red Cannon!"

"Good name!"

""Your Majesty, this is a great name!"

Zhao Xin and Gongshu Ziyu hurriedly complimented him, saying what they meant without blushing.

Following Li Kuan for a few years, their skins had thickened a lot.

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