""Were these three poems written by Kuan'er?"

In Ganlu Palace, Li Shimin looked at the three poems copied down in his hand and couldn't believe it.

These three poems, no matter which one, can be compared to the masterpieces of the ages.

He didn't expect his son to be so talented. He had suffered so much in Lingnan these years.

Especially the last poem,"The great roc rises with the wind one day, soaring up to 90,000 miles" is such an ambitious ambition. It seems that his son's ambition is not small.

From Cheng Yaojin's statement that Li Kuan's shipbuilding has begun to develop towards the sea, it can be seen that Li Kuan's ambition is great, and his goal has already looked to the sea and the overseas continent.

It is true that a tiger father will have a dog son, and his son is also a dragon and phoenix among men.

"Yes, His Royal Highness the King of Chu painted this in the Misty Rain Tower!" Liu Renyuan nodded and answered, with some doubt in his eyes. Could it be that the King of Chu's literary talent really occupied the top twelve places?"Moreover, the King of Chu also painted a picture, which was rated as a masterpiece by Xiao Yu who was present!"


Li Shimin raised his eyebrows when he heard this, and frowned and asked:"Where is the painting?"

���Renyuan:"His Royal Highness the King of Chu gave a prostitute as a gift?"

Huh? Li Shimin frowned?

Liu Renyuan did not dare to hide it and told him everything that happened this morning.

"Kuan'er is really wronged, everyone is targeting him!"Li Shimin's words showed some pity for Li Kuan. Li Kuan has endured too much in these years.

He suffered a lot.

The more he thought about it, the more guilty he felt.

How did Li Kuan live in Lingnan these years, and he brought Lingnan to a height that even the Tang Dynasty could not reach.

It was incredible.

Next, he wanted to make up for what Li Kuan had lost before.

"Wang Bao issued an order to award the land on the other side of the West Mountain to the King of Chu!"The other side of the West Mountain is the royal fertile land. Unfortunately, there is no coal mine on that side, but the grain production is good.

Li Shimin took this opportunity to give this piece of land to Li Kuan. A few days ago, Li Kuan asked him for it... No, he wanted to buy that piece of land.

Wang Bao agreed and left Ganlu Hall.

Imperial College!

"The poem"The great roc rises with the wind one day, soaring up to 90,000 miles" was really written by the King of Chu? Impossible!"

The scholar of the Imperial College was shocked when he read Li Kuan's poem.

Li Kuan could write such a majestic poem?

Is it true?

Why did he not believe it?

When he saw the first poem, he thought Li Kuan was plagiarizing or ghostwriting.

Otherwise, he could not have written such a poem.

"The plum blossom is three points less white than the snow, but the snow is one point less fragrant than the plum blossom. Was this poem also written by the King of Chu?"These two lines of this poem alone show the characteristics of plum blossom and snow.

It is like the finishing touch of a work. When writing about plum blossoms in the future, you can't avoid comparing it with this poem.

"Also, I don't know who is playing the flute in the sky, blowing down the white flowers all over the world."This poem is so magnificent, is it really written by him?

The Confucian scholars couldn't help but admire these three poems, but no one believed that this poem was written by Li Kuan.

How could the King of Chu, who was immersed in strange and lewd techniques, write such a poem?

"This is true. The King of Chu wrote snow first, then plum, and then the ideal proposed by Li Gang. Each time, it was written by the King of Chu himself!"

Someone who knew the inside story began to explain:"These adults could not have colluded with the King of Chu, and the King of Chu could not have predicted the questions in advance!"

In the words, some admiration for Li Kuan was also brought out.

This time, Li Kuan was completely convinced by some scholars.

"The King of Chu is not only good at poetry, but also at painting!" Another scholar added:"You don't know, Xiao Gong saw that the King of Chu was unique in poetry, so he changed the fourth question to painting. Guess what?"

Many people held their breath and looked at this scholar, waiting for his reply. (To read the exciting novel, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

"Although the King of Chu took over the time limit to paint, the painting was as real as a real person. Even Lord Xiao felt that it was a masterpiece!"The Confucian scholar seemed to have seen the painting as well, and he was chattering away.

"Where is the painting?" Someone asked curiously. They also wanted to see what the realistic painting looked like.

"I heard that it was given to the courtesan of Mingyue Tower, Liu Xianxian!"

"Gave it to the prostitute?" Someone was puzzled.

"The King of Chu was painting Liu Xianxian. He had already exceeded the time limit, so he naturally gave the painting to Liu Xianxian!"The scholar explained again:"I heard that the King of Chu also gave Liu Xianxian two lines of poetry."

"What poem?"

"have no idea!"

""Kong Jijiu is here!" Just as everyone was chatting together, someone shouted.

Suddenly, the scholars dispersed.

"Read with me,"The great roc rises with the wind one day, soaring up to 90,000 miles!" Zhou Li was teaching the children to read poetry.

This was the quatrain that his teacher had written that morning, so he naturally had to pass it on.

"When the great roc rises with the wind, it soars up to ninety thousand miles." The children below also read along:

"Even if the wind dies down, it can still stir up the water in the ocean."

"People always see me as different, and sneer at my big words."

"Xuanfu is still able to fear the younger generation, and a man should not look down on the young."

The sound of reading aloud could be heard from the classroom.

"This is a famous quatrain written by your master. Do you know what it means?" Zhou Li looked at the new child and continued to ask.

The children shook their heads.

"When the great roc rises with the wind, it soars up to ninety thousand miles. This means that we new scholars are just dormant in the sea, and one day we will rise and fly to the sky! But now some scholars who don’t understand us are laughing at us, but we must move forward with all our strength. Your master, the King of Chu, is now listening to those pedantic Confucian scholars......."

Zhou Li told the students about their master's heroic deeds and ideas.

Li Kuan's disciples listened to Zhou Li's story with solemn expressions on their faces.

"I want to see Miss Liu Xianxian!" A middle-aged man said to the madam anxiously.

His eyes were red.

This man was Yan Liben. He heard that the King of Chu had painted a famous painting, so he hurried over. In his life, he was most obsessed with painting.

"Xianxian? Sorry, sir, Xianxian is a little tired today and is resting...."The madam smiled and refused.

Yan Liben took out a certain amount of gold from his bosom and threw it to the madam:"I don't want to disturb Miss Xianxian, I just want to take a look at the painting made by the King of Chu!"

The madam took the gold and her face was almost smiling. This was nearly a hundred strings of cash:"Sir, please come upstairs, isn't it just a painting? I'll ask Xianxian to take out the painting!"

After that, she led Yan Liben upstairs:

"Slim...come out faster..."

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